Zucchini jam with dried apricots. Zucchini Jam: Recipe

26.04.2019 Salads

Zucchini jam with lemon and dried apricots is a bright sunny dessert that resembles apricot jam to taste. Do not worry, lemon is needed only one, and dried apricots will need only 200 grams per pound of zucchini, so you can save (this widespread vegetable is much cheaper than apricots).

I put sugar in such a billet less than in any fruit dessert: the zucchini does not contain acid, so you can not worry that the ferment will ferment. To obtain the desired consistency, I add pectin or any other thickener (for example, a mixture of “Confiture”, which is available in many stores). To give the jam an unforgettable aroma, I put a pinch of nutmeg on each half-liter jar of delicacy.

If you roll the jam for the winter, you need to take care of the banks with suitable lids, screw or tin, turnkey. In general, it can be cooked as a “duty” dessert for tea, cooled, closed with a nylon cover and put in the refrigerator. By tasting this yummy will be ready in 3 days.


  From this amount of products, one jar of 0.5 liter volume is obtained.

Cooking time: 60 minutes

Recipe of cooking zucchini jam with lemon and dried apricots

Rinse dried apricots well, put in a bowl. Fill with 100 ml of hot water. Leave for half an hour.

Rinse young squash and cut into cubes with a side of 1 cm. If you purchased
  ripe fruit, they must be peeled and remove the seeds.

Wash the lemon thoroughly with hot water to remove the unhealthy wax coating - it is applied to the peel during storage. Divide the fruit lengthwise into 4 parts, and then cut each quarter into thin slices (together with the skin).

The liquid in which dried apricots were soaked, drain into the pan. Put on a small fire (preferably on a divider), pour 150 g of sugar and heat until it is completely dissolved. It should make a clear syrup.

Squeeze dried apricots well with hands from liquid, cut into strips or cubes.

Dip zucchini cubes, lemon and dried apricots into a pan with syrup.

Stir well and cook at low boil for 1 hour. As a result, zucchini should be soft and transparent. Foam, which will appear on the surface of the dessert, remove the spoon.

In a small container, connect 1 tsp. sugar and pectin.

Pour the sugar-pectin mixture and a pinch of nutmeg into the jam. Stir well. Cook on low heat for a couple more minutes.

Prepare the container for storage: wash with hot water and soda, rinse thoroughly, and scald with boiling water.

  Pour the hot jam into a jar and close the capron lid. Or hermetically seal the cork, as mentioned above.

Apricots in this recipe can be replaced by apricots - it is desirable to choose fruits that are not too cloying, with a slight sourness. So the taste of jam will become brighter and more original. The proportions will change a little: instead of 200 g of dried berries, I take 300-350 g of fresh berries, cut them into quarters, remove bones, but do not throw them out, but break them up - remove the kernels and put them with the prepared fruit in a saucepan.

This option is relevant for housewives who grow their own apricots at the dacha, although it is worthy to actually cook decent food without dried apricots or its “substitutes”.

  If you like to pleasantly surprise your family, friends and acquaintances with your culinary masterpieces, then in your list of the best recipes must be jam from zucchini with dried apricots. This is a very tasty, sweet, delicate and aromatic delicacy, which tastes like pineapples. This preparation will be enjoyed by everyone without exception - the unusual taste of jam distinguishes it from traditional preparations, thanks to which the hostesses create new recipes for baking, sauces and drinks.

How to cook this yummy?

It will take three kilograms of zucchini, half a kilogram of dried apricots, three kg of granulated sugar and one lemon.

Carefully wash the zucchini, peel and get rid of the seeds. Cut into pieces. We wash the dried apricots and pour boiling water over it, then we dry it. Now it is necessary to chop the dried apricots and zucchini with a blender - we should get a homogeneous mass, send it to the dishes, in which we will cook our jam.

We pour the sugar over there and heat it all to the boil. Then we continue to boil the jam for another thirty minutes, turning the heat down to a minimum - do not forget to stir this delicious food.

Pour boiling water lemon and dry, then remove the zest, using the help of a fine grater. Squeeze lemon juice and add zucchini to the jam together with the zest - then cook for another fifteen minutes until the delicacy is ready. That's all - jam is ready. Eat with pleasure.

Dried apricots and lemon jam

It turns out very tasty and fragrant jam. For its preparation it is necessary to prepare a kilogram of zucchini - clean them and get rid of the seeds. You will also need two hundred grams of dried apricots, juice and zest of half a lemon, as well as a kilogram of granulated sugar.

Wash zucchini and dried apricots. Soak the dried fruit in boiling water for a while, then drain the liquid and twist the dried apricots with zucchini through a meat grinder. Add to the mixture the zest and lemon juice - mix everything with sugar. We cook zucchini jam with dried apricots on a small fire - the jam should boil slightly. Remove the foam until it thickens - it will take about half an hour, maybe even fifty minutes.

Now it remains to pour this vodkaotischu sterilized jars, close and turn on the lid. After fifteen minutes, we return the banks to their normal position. From such a quantity of ingredients, two half-liter jars and another vase of fragrant and very tasty jam are obtained.

With walnuts

This combination gives a unique flavor and deep flavor jam. To prepare you need three kilograms of young squash, eight hundred grams of dried apricots, half a kilogram of walnuts, three kilograms of sugar.

We wash the washed squash through a meat grinder, mix the pulp with sugar - juice should stand out. Then we wash the dried apricots and soak them in boiling water for a while - the dried fruit should swell. Twist the dried apricots in a meat grinder, and the rest of the cut into strips. Peel and chop nuts. Mix all the ingredients and set to boil over medium heat for ten to fifteen minutes.

To this recipe, you can add an orange or tangerine, lemon and pineapple. So, fantasize, experiment, surprise and delight your loved ones with culinary art, the ability to cook perfectly.

By the way, let's talk about the benefits of zucchini and dried apricots - after all, these are the main components of jam, the recipes of which you learned.

Dried apricots

This dried fruit is nothing like dried apricot without pits. The main value is that during drying, most of the trace elements are preserved. In dried apricots many minerals, including potassium and magnesium, as well as calcium and phosphorus, iron.

It is recommended to eat this dried fruit with anemia, impaired vision, heart disease. In addition, it is an excellent general tonic. Dried apricots helps to eliminate vascular occlusion, softens solid tumors. This is an excellent anti-aging agent, well strengthens hair.


This vegetable contains various nutrients that contribute to human health. It activates cellular metabolism, improves the bowels, strengthens the liver and helps in detoxifying the body.

By consuming zucchini, you improve brain function and increase concentration. In addition, zucchini strengthens the heart.

Tatyana, www.site

Video "Zucchini jam with dried apricots and lemon"

Do not know where to put a huge harvest of zucchini? There is a great way to recycle a decent portion of this vegetable for a delicious jam in the form of jam. Moreover, there are many ways to cook an unusual dessert. In this article you will find the best selection of a wide variety of recipes for the preparation of squash jam. So, let's begin…

Variety of squash does not matter, but bright yellow vegetables will look a bit more profitable in the final dish. For harvesting, you can use as freshly harvested fruits, as well as those that have been stored for several months. This allows you to engage in canning in time free from garden worries.

Preparation of zucchini consists in their washing, peeling and removal of ripened seeds. To release the peeled zucchini from the seeds, they are cut lengthwise into two halves. Armed with a tablespoon, the seeds are removed along with the inner fibers.

Ways to jam

With lemon

1.5 kilograms of cleaned zucchini grind on a medium size grater. Facilitate the procedure will help a meat grinder or food processor. Cutting immediately gives a large amount of juice, but it’s best to let it brew for about 30 minutes. To speed up the process of juice formation, add 700 grams of granulated sugar to the zucchini, and mix the contents of the bowl. While the zucchini is making juice, grate the zest from the lemon with a grater. Then, using a sharp knife, citrus is freed from the white part of the skin. The fragrant pulp is cut into thin cubes or also punched with a blender. Fruits and vegetables combine and mix well. Put the mass on the fire and boil it on the minimum heat for 25 minutes. When the jam thickens, the fire is turned off, and the hot mass is poured into cans that have undergone sterilization and drying.

Marina Lomaka in her video invites you to familiarize yourself with the option of cooking squash jam with mint and lemon

Easy way with oranges

On 1 kilogram of peeled zucchini take 500 grams of sugar and 1 large and, preferably, sweet orange. Zucchini cut into medium pieces that can freely pass into the meat receiver of your meat grinder. The orange is washed, peeled and coarsely cut, removing as much as possible all the seeds. Through the finest grate of the meat grinder, the prepared products are passed through and sugar is added to them. Before putting the pelvis with the future jam on the fire, the fruit and vegetable mass is given a little “rest”. This time is necessary to extract a sufficient amount of juice. Cook the jam on low heat for 20 minutes, constantly controlling the foaming. After the jam stops foaming profusely, and the mass thickens, remove the bowl from the fire.

Squash jam with apples

The number of zucchini, apples and sugar for this recipe is taken in equal proportions. Vegetables are weighed and grated. 50% of the measured amount of sugar is added to the slices so that the squash begins to give juice. In the meantime, they begin to process apples. They are cleaned and cut into small random cubes or plates.

Fruit sliced ​​add to zucchini, add the remains of granulated sugar, and put the mass on the fire. The jam is boiled for 20 minutes, continuously mixing the contents of the pan with a wooden spatula. When the apples become completely transparent, and the squash boils soft and turns into a thick mass, the fire is turned off.

Lemon and dried apricots jam

This recipe is worthy of special attention, as the squash dessert turns out very tasty.

Dried apricots, 200 grams, thoroughly washed with warm water, lay in a small bowl, and pour boiling water. To make the dried fruit better, the container is covered with a lid. In this form, dried apricots should soak for an hour.

Peel the lemon with a grater and remove the juice from the pulp. In order to save food, lemon can be used completely, grinding it together with other products.

1 kg of zucchini, freed from seeds and skins, is passed through a meat grinder. Do the same with dried apricots and lemon. Fruit and vegetable mass is mixed with 800 grams of sugar and put on the stove. Cooking jam takes from 30 to 50 minutes time. It depends on how thick you want the original product to be.

You can find out the details of this recipe from the video from the channel “Isn't it time for us to eat? I think it's time! ”

How to store and use squash jam

Zucchini jam is just a wonderful dessert dish. Use it as an additive to pancakes or pancakes, as a sweet filling for baking, as well as just a bit of sugar on tea. The shelf life of cans with squash jam is 1.5 - 2 years, provided that the product is rolled into a sterile container.


By the way, we have canning jars, seamers and other canning goods for sale!

Ingredients Required:

Young zucchini - three kilograms;
  - dried apricots - five hundred grams;
  - sugar - three kilograms;
  - Lemon is one medium sized fruit.

Step by step method of preparation.

Step one. First we need to prepare zucchini. As in the case of cooking squash caviar, each fruit must be well washed in running water and dried.

Step three. Prepare dried apricots. To do this, place it in a small deep container and fill it with boiling water for one or two minutes. Then remove the dried fruit from the water and dry.

Step Four. Now grind zucchini and dried apricots using a conventional meat grinder or food processor until smooth.

Step five. Then place the resulting mass of zucchini with dried apricots in a large enamel basin, and pour it with granulated sugar.

Step Six. Transfer the pelvis to the fire and slowly, necessarily stirring with a wooden spoon, so that the raw material does not burn and spoil the taste and aroma of the future billet, bring everything to a boil.

Step Seven. After the jam boils, reduce the heat and boil it for another thirty to thirty-five minutes.

Step Eight. Lemon well rinse in running water and obdadim boiling water. After that, we rub it on a fine grater together with zest and squeeze lemon juice straight into the jam, mix and boil everything together for another twelve or fifteen minutes until ready.

Step nine. Ready-made jam hot pour in jars and cork tightly. It is not necessary to turn over the cans with the billet and wrap them in a warm one; simply leave them to cool at room temperature.

Step ten. Cooled jam of zucchini with dried apricots and lemon, transfer to storage in a cold, dry and dark place, or put in the refrigerator.

In the season of seizures, skillful housewives will cook stocks from any ingredient; vegetable and fruit delicacies are increasingly combined in unusual delicacies.

Perfect for lovers of tasty and sweet billet, zucchini jam with dried apricots, this culinary masterpiece conquers from the first acquaintance. Juicy and light fruits are very well combined with dried fruits, and become not only tasty, but also useful.

Zucchini is a good option for cooking jam, it turns out to be tender and fragrant and in order to get a thick consistency you do not need to cook for a long time. Products for cooking must be fresh: zucchini is better to use young and choose small fruits.

Also, the traditional component for jam from zucchini is citrus fruit, it is highly dependent on the taste of the billet.

The selection of dried apricots should be given special attention and buy a natural product: it is better to buy dark berries, dried in the shade or apricot (you can steam it before cooking and remove the bones).

Zucchini jam with dried apricots


  •   - 1.2 kg + -
  •   - 900 g + -
  •   - 300 g + -
  • Grapefruit - 400 g + -
  •   - 100 g + -
  •   - 1 glass + -

How to make jam from zucchini

  1. First of all, prepare the syrup: pour water and lemon juice into a small saucepan. Put on the fire, add 1.5 cups of sugar, bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, then remove from heat.
  2. Zucchini well washed and cleaned, cut each fruit lengthwise and remove the seeds and core. Cut the zucchini into small cubes and place in a container for cooking, pour syrup and mix. Leave zucchini with syrup for 5-10 minutes, and stir a few more times.
  3. Cut dried apricots with a knife into long thin strips (if dried apricots are not very hard, you do not need to soak them, just wash them in hot water). Wash the grapefruit and add to boiled water, cut into small slices and remove the seeds, or you can grind the grapefruit in a blender.
  4. Now put a saucepan with zucchini on medium heat, add the rest of the sugar, dried apricots and cook for 25 minutes after boiling. Stir the jam periodically and remove the resulting froth. When cooking any jam, use wooden paddles for mixing.
  5. After, reduce the heat to low, add the crushed grapefruit, and cook for another 40 minutes. You can make jam longer if you want to get a very thick texture.
  6. Prepare a pre-jars and lids for zucchini and dried apricots jam. Boil the lids for a few minutes in water, and wash the jars well, sterilize if desired (in general, the jam container is well-washed, the amount of sugar allows the product to be stored well even without sterilization).
  7. Arrange the jam in jars, roll up and cool at room temperature. After send the billet to a cool place to store.

Gorgeous zucchini jam with dried apricots and grapefruit will decorate your winter tea party. Also, zucchini jam can be used to prepare your favorite dishes.

How to use squash jam in cooking

  • Squash delicacy is perfect for baking, as it holds its shape well. You can make delicious bagels and buns, and shortbread dough with jam from zucchini will be the number one dish for a festive tea party.
  • The fragrant and sunny jugs in jars are simply made for cooking jelly. Try to cook the kissel with it, and you will not drag children away from the ears from fragrant and sweet drink. Offer cookies or buns to the jelly, and a hearty snack is guaranteed.
  • For lovers of experiments, zucchini jam with dried apricots can be the basis for the preparation of sauces for meat. Heat the pan and add 200 g of jam, add a pinch of ground ginger, and a handful of sliced ​​capers. Stew the sauce for 5 minutes and add 1 teaspoon of balsamic vinegar, stir and remove from heat. After cooling down, serve the zucchini jam sauce with dried apricots for poultry, lamb or beef meat.

Zucchini jam with dried apricots is very easy to prepare and use in different versions to your taste. Such a blank must be present among the stocks and delight you with its taste and aroma!