Step-by-step recipe for dough on kefir without yeast for pizza. Pizza dough on kefir: options for "quick" dough

26.04.2019 The drinks

At the word "pizza", it seems, every inhabitant of our planet swallows. It seems that the dish is eerily simple, but it is loved by mad love by both adults and kids.

Be prepared to write the recipe without yeast, with yeast on the dough, with yeast and with margarine. All recipes are simple and consist of only a few ingredients. Another thing is the filling. It may consist of one component - for example, cheese (several types). But it may consist of ten, or even fifteen items.

We will not cook pizza with a filling, just a dough. But, nevertheless, we will advise you how to cover this tasty beauty in an original way.

In the classic versions you can take ham, cheese and pineapple. Or cheese, tomatoes and basil. Often covered with cheese, mozzarella and pepperoni (the popular Pepperoni pizza). But to stand out from this list, we offer you: brie cheese, pear and honey; pesto sauce, boiled chicken and spinach; minced meat, tomato sauce and parmesan; hummus, tomatoes, tofu and sorrel; cream cheese, red onion, red fish and mustard.

Fillings can come up with the sea, but also the whole ocean. Here you need to work well fantasy. Cooks often combine seemingly completely incompatible ingredients. In the end, however, still get masterpieces that are gaining popularity around the world.

We offer you to plunge into our tips to accurately remember them and be sure to put into practice:

  1. Do not cook a lot of sauce, since on a medium-sized pizza thaws just take no more than three tablespoons;
  2. The consistency of the sauce should be like a cream, not like sour cream. If the sauce is thin, the dough will be sodden and baked for a long time, and the filling at this time will already be “prepared”;
  3. It is better to decorate pizza with greens just before serving, as fresh sheets are likely to wither in a hot cupboard;
  4. If the dough is prepared with yeast, it needs to provide all the conditions for fast, active and proper growth: warmth, good mood and no drafts / wind;
  5. When buying yeast, we strongly recommend taking only those with whom you are already familiar. It often happens that new brands make a poor-quality product, which is impossible to work with;
  6. Of course, yeasts that are packaged can show their activity over the years. But still the expiration date for someone is specified, right? Yeast storage period - 30 days;
  7. The better the flour, the more lush the dough will be after baking. Ideal - premium flour;
  8. Do not use cold kefir with yeast. Its temperature will slow down the yeast. Remember that they love warmth;
  9. It is recommended to use all products of the same temperature. To do this, just first you need to get everything out of the fridge. Exception - if the recipe states that a particular product needs to be heated or, conversely, used cold;
  10. If in the house there was no kefir, it can be replaced with sour milk.

Knowing all the secrets of a good, correct and tasty pizza, consider that you have all the trumps. You can proceed to the recipes themselves.

Yeast-free pizza dough on kefir

Time for preparing

calorie per 100 grams

  Kefir perfectly raises the dough, fully replacing the yeast. Moreover, the soda helps him work even more actively. The recipe can not fail!

How to cook:

Tip: add flour parts, as the dough can take less flour than indicated in the recipe or, conversely, more.

Yeast dough for pizza on kefir

This recipe is a double boom! As you know, kefir well raises the dough, and if you combine it with yeast ... Just imagine what a lush, soft and fragrant dough will be under a juicy filling.

What is the time - 1 hour and 15 minutes.

What is caloric - 322 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Heat kefir to a warm state and pour it into a bowl;
  2. Add sugar and salt, mix so that the crystals are completely dissolved;
  3. Next, pour in the oil, mix again;
  4. Pour the yeast and dilute them well, so that not a single whole grain remains;
  5. And last but not least, add flour through a sieve;
  6. Add it in parts, each time kneading the dough with your hands;
  7. When you get a smooth, elastic dough that does not stick to your hands, put it in a bowl, cover and not touch for an hour;
  8. At the expiration of the time mass can roll out and decorate your favorite stuffing.

Tip: kefir to pick only to a warm state, as in hot kefir yeast will die.

Pizza dough recipe for kefir and yeast (sponge method)

When the dough is cooked on the dough, there is always confidence that it will rise. As a result, the pastries will turn out delicious, lush and fragrant.

What time is 1 hour and 25 minutes.

What is caloric - 218 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Heat the water so that it is warm but not hot;
  2. Pour water into a bowl, add sugar and with a whisk dissolve all the crystals;
  3. When the sugar is completely dissolved, add the yeast and dissolve it in the same way;
  4. Leave a lot of rest for fifteen minutes to rise opara;
  5. When the mass rose cap, pour kefir;
  6. Mass again thoroughly whisk;
  7. Add flour one spoon, passing it through a sieve;
  8. Bring the dough to the consistency of thick cream;
  9. Continuing to add flour through a sieve, knead the dough by hand;
  10. When it starts to move away from the walls and stops sticking to the hands, add oil;
  11. When the dough has completely absorbed the butter, cover it and leave to rest for one hour;
  12. At the end of time, knead the dough and roll.

Tip: To prevent the pizza from sticking to the baking sheet, wrap it with parchment paper.

Creamy dough for pizza on kefir and margarine

Thanks to margarine, the dough will give a creamy aroma, and after baking, it will be able to completely drive you crazy with its flavor.

What time is 25 minutes.

What is caloric - 294 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Margarine cut into cubes and pour them into a small saucepan;
  2. Send the skillet to the stove and bring the margarine to a liquid state;
  3. After that, wait until the temperature of the product reaches room temperature;
  4. Next, combine the margarine with kefir and mix well;
  5. Beat the eggs, add salt and now beat the mass, punching tight yolks with a whisk;
  6. Now, right above the mass, extinguish the soda with vinegar and let it drip to the other ingredients;
  7. In parts add flour, passing it through a sieve;
  8. Knead a smooth, elastic dough that does not stick to the hands and walls of the bowl;
  9. Roll out the dough into the reservoir, cover it with pre-prepared stuffing and bake until done.

Tip: before sending the pizza to be baked, you can smear the edges with olive oil so that they do not dry.

If you like experiments, you will like the advice about sauces. Remember that the base can be lubricated not only with ketchup or ketchup with mayonnaise. You can apply hummus, cream cheese, and pesto, or at least classic Italian pizza sauce based on tomatoes, parmesan and basil.

If you burn one round pizza and one square (about the same size), you can make the following of them: cut the round in half and arrange the halves on both sides of the square. The result will be a heart that can be served to the festive table.

Make a tasty and juicy pizza right now, no matter what time of day is outside your window. If morning is fine, what could be better than such a breakfast? If lunch - your family will be only happy to have a hearty and juicy pizza. If the evening - then this is the best dinner that you can think of. Pour another glass of soda to each and you will be a real American family. If it is already night, then ... Let it not stop you.

About how pizza came to our kitchen, let's talk next time.

Today there is a topic that is more extensive and serious - making pizza dough on kefir. This kind of test is a quick variation.

Probably, italian pizza maker would be surprised at such a pizza  - on kefir, or would consider a dish - not a pizza, or would be outraged by such blasphemy over professional and culinary pride - Italian open pie. They do not cook pizza dough on kefir - only with yeast!

Pizza dough on kefir - general technological principles

This article focuses on the pizza dough on kefir. But in order to make the best and most correct dough, rewrite the recipe a little and go to the kitchen. Each oven bakes the same, but the cakes are always different. If you understand some of the subtleties, then you can not look for a recipe, and not worry about what was put in the dough a lot, and what - a little.

"The dough must be able to feel and know what it breathes"- our grandmothers said, and they were right.

So, about kefir and how he behaves in pizza dough on kefir.

Kefir  - a relatively new product. In any case, in the form in which it appeared relatively recently. A fresh, fermented milk product has an undoubted benefit for participating in digestion, since it, even if artificially, is enriched with lactic acid bacteria. But already at a temperature of 70 ° C, the undisputed bacteria that are present in kefir die.

If the baking temperature of the dough with the most benign mode reaches two times higher than the most critical temperature for the life of lactic acid and bifidobacteria, then what is the use of kefir as a fermented milk ingredient for the dough?

It is absolutely possible to say that lacto-and bifidobacteria, changing their structure, take part in the fermentation of dough, forming gas bubbles, which, when baked, under the influence of temperature, expand and make the dough more airy.

Dairy products - everything, without exception, are the best natural habitat for this type of bacteria. Consequently, they are present in milk, and in sour cream, and in yogurt - in any dairy products. Their participation in fermentation is similar to the action of yeast - “work colleagues”. In addition, you should not run for kefir, if the house has sour cream or sour milk  - from these products the dough will rise no worse.

But there is a difference between these two groups of microorganisms. Lactic acid bacteria, unlike yeast will not start without alkaline environment, and yeast in order to revive them, you need carbohydrates contained in sugar, flour and other components of the dough.

Lactic fermentation stops when a certain concentration of lactic acid is accumulated in the mass, and begins to play the role of a preservative. It is in the growth and accumulation phase that dairy microorganisms make the dough loose, but after their colony grows to a critical point, the process begins opposite to fermentation.

If you miss this moment, making the pizza dough on kefir, then you can start its fermentation only with the help of alcohol-forming yeast. Otherwise, the lush dough will not count.

For baking dairy products, as a fermentation method in the dough, it is beneficial because they don’t eat more sugar, so the sweet dough will remain sweet. Alcohol-forming "colleagues" of lactic acid bacteria eat up the sugar so much that as a result, the dough may even smell like acid and alcohol, create an unpleasant taste in the finished baking.

But these two types of microorganisms, getting into the same environment, absolutely do not interfere with each other. Milk-borne bacteria “do not pay attention” to the alcohol emitted by the yeast, do not “take away” their sugar - the main food. Yeast neighborhood fermented milk bacteria also indifferent.

But the presence of those and other microorganisms helps the dough to ascend faster and better.

You shouldn't count on the special pomp of pizza dough on kefir, without adding yeast. Many housewives often baked pancakes and know this recipe by heart. Recall that the pancake dough is liquid. And therefore it quickly rises and is baked, and products from it turn out juicy and soft. From this it follows that the flour in the dough for kefir should be added very moderately, if, of course, the plans do not worth baking crispy cakes.

Hence the conclusion: pizza dough on kefir without the use of yeast should not be too steep. Add flour to it so much that it is convenient to work with it - to make a round cake with it. Exception - if you are preparing a puff pastry, on kefir, chopped.

About flour.

Never rush to pour all the flour specified in the recipe into the dough. Need to add it in parts, to make sure that the dough will turn out the right consistency. Flour has a different moisture content, which depends on the type of grain from which it is made, and on the conditions of its storage. If the recipe says that you need one glass of flour, then in each case it may need more or less.

The consistency of the dough depends on its gluten content. Therefore, to avoid annoying misunderstandings, use flour of the highest grade.

Recipe 1. Pizza dough on kefir, yeast-free

Composition of products:

Eggs 3 pcs.

Kefir of any fat content 150 ml

Fine salt

Refined oil 50 ml

Soda, food ¼ tsp.

Flour, wheat 250 - 300 g

Dough preparation:

Beat the cooled eggs with a mixer, like for sponge dough, in a large bowl. Scrambled eggs will add extra pomp to the kefir pizza dough. Add a thin stream of vegetable oil, without stopping the intensive beating. Turn off the mixer, pour in kefir, continuing to stir the dough with a whisk. Add salt, and then begin to sift the flour directly into the dough, in small pieces, constantly working with a whisk, but not so intensively, trying not to destroy the bubbles that have formed. The consistency of the dough should be loose and homogeneous, but not liquid, so that you can work with it with your hands - the dough, like for dumplings, is only very soft. Add soda at the very end of mixing. Roll the resulting dough into a bowl, place in a bowl and tightly wrap it with a film to “rest”. In the meantime, reheat the oven and can make pizza toppings. Sprinkle the surface with flour, divide the dough into 2-3 servings, and roll them into a ball. There is no need to roll out the dough on the table. Liberally grease the forms, and mash the dough portions directly into them with your hand. Leaving the outer part of the circle thicker. Cook the dough immediately, as it is not to be stored.

Recipe 2. Pizza dough on kefir and yeast

This dough - yeast, straight, is also very fast in cooking. As already mentioned, the yeast and lactic acid bacteria in such a dough will work simultaneously without interfering with each other, and therefore the dough will work very quickly. The main thing that kefir was warm enough - not from the refrigerator.


Yeast, dry ½ tsp

Kefir (any) 120 ml

Sugar (to start the yeast) 5-7 g

Flour 200-240 g (including - on the subfield)

Dough preparation:

Put sugar, salt and yeast into warm kefir. Add no more than 1/3 of the total flour, stir the liquid with a whisk, and let it stand for a while until bubbles appear. Pour out the rest of the sifted flour and knead the dough. The finished dough should lag behind the dishes and hands. Then transfer it to the surface for cutting, sprinkled with flour, and begin to form a circle for the pizza.

Recipe 3. Pizza dough on kefir - pizza in a pan, from the batter

Kneading batter, like pancakes, pizza can be cooked very quickly in a conventional frying pan.


50 ml of kefir

Butter, melted 30-40 g

Flour 140-150 g

Refined oil (for frying)

Dough preparation method:

Beat the eggs in the foam, add salt to them. It is more convenient, of course, to use kitchen appliances, a blender or a stationary mixer. Beating does not need to stop, but only to slow down and continue adding melted or softened butter, then kefir and sifted flour. In the end, add the soda, mix the finished dough, but with a spatula or spoon and hold the dough to make the soda, and start baking the cakes in a pre-heated pan. It is necessary, warming up the pan well and butter in it, switch the stove so that when baking the medium heat is kept, pour dough into the heated pan, distribute it over the entire surface, not more than 1 cm thick, and cover it with the lid so that the dough is baked at the bottom and on top a little brewed steam. After the dough, you can lay out the sauce and pizza toppings and continue to bake in a sealed container until the top layer of cheese is melted.

Recipe 4. Pizza dough on kefir and yeast (sponge method)

List of ingredients:

indicated in recipe 2. But the amount of yeast and sugar must be doubled.

Dough preparation:

Prepare the brew in advance, preferably overnight, tightly wrap the dishes with food film (air should not get into the prepared brew), and put the container with the dough in a cool place: if the freezer chamber is at the bottom of the refrigerator, put the dough on the top shelf . So Opara can stand up to 12 hours, without the risk of spoil. When you are ready to cook the pizza, warm the dough at 20-25 ° C for an hour, and knead the dough as usual.

Recipe 5. Pizza dough on kefir and margarine

If you prefer pizza on a thin, crispy, puff basis, then this recipe is what you need.

In fact, it is a puff pastry, as for the Napoleon cake, and the consistency of the pizza dough will be the same. The difference is the filling. Kefir, if desired, replace the sour cream or yogurt. If you prefer a real, creamy taste, use butter, at least 72.5% fat.


Margarine, cream (top grade) 75-100 g

Kefir 50 - 70 ml

Soda or ammonium 3-4 g

Flour 200-300 g

Dough preparation method:

Pour the sifted flour on a cutting board and start chopping the cubes of prepared, cold margarine right in the flour, until you get fine crumbs from flour and fat. Collect it with a slide, make a recess inside, salt it, add soda and pour in cold kefir. The dough is fat, so to make it you need to use cold foods, and work with it very quickly. After kefir is mixed, and the dough is glued into a homogeneous, plastic mass, divide it into portions, roll each piece into a ball and put it in the cold. Such dough can be prepared for the future and stored portions separately in the freezer, taking them as needed.

Each portion is rolled into a circle on the surface, sprinkled with flour, and immediately baked, adding sauce and filling.

Recipe 6. Kefir Pizza Dough, Vegetarian

List of ingredients:

Flour 300-350 g

Ammonium 5-7 g

Kefir (1%) 150 ml

Dough preparation method:

Sift wheat flour and add salt and ammonium to it. Pour kefir into a large bowl (it should be heated to room temperature), whisk it with a whisk and, adding the flour mixture in small portions, knead the stiff dough. Knock the dough on the table and put it back in the bowl. Seal with film so that the dough remains free of air. Soak it in this form, near heat, for at least an hour. Then cut the semi-finished product into portions, and papyyvaya work surface roll out the pizza dough on kefir. The layers should be no more than 1 cm thick. Roll the edges of the cakes 3 cm inwards, then put the dough into the mold, seam down and cook the pizza.

Recipe 7. Pizza dough on kefir, with a fat, homemade cottage cheese, for a sweet filling

If you add less sugar, you can make a pizza with any savory filling from the same dough.

Composition of products:

Cottage cheese, fat (15%) 250 g

Sugar 50-70 g

Kefir 120 ml

A mixture of soda and ammonium 10 g

Creamy margarine (or butter) 125 g

Egg 2 pcs.

Semolina 150 g

Flour 200-250 g


Combine, first separately, the wet and dry ingredients of the dough. Pre-flour flour. Curd cheese, eggs and kefir thoroughly with a mixer in a lush and homogeneous mixture, add melted fat. After starting to pour the dry mixture, stirring the dough with a whisk, and then - manually. Let the dough stand so that the semolina absorbs moisture. It should make a thick, but very soft dough. It should be thick enough to be comfortable working with him. If flour is not enough, then mix it right on the table. Each portion needs to be rolled in flour, and the product is formed in the prepared form. Immediately spread on the surface of the filling, making a depression in the cake, closer to the center.

    The kefir test should be allowed to insist so that it becomes plastic and pliable, and fermented milk bacteria have time to interact with an alkaline medium (soda, ammonium, baking powder). To prevent the gas bubbles emitted from escaping, cover the container with the dough with a film so that it does not vanish and begin working with it when it is slightly limp. Sprinkle flour over the countertop.

    Flour poured into the liquid basis of the dough, and not vice versa, so that the dough turned out smooth, without lumps.

    If you are cooking dough on kefir, then there is no need to use an additional oxidizing agent contained in baking powder for the dough, and citric acid or vinegar. Kefir is an acidic enough medium to start a reaction. Adding acid can accelerate this reaction so that the dough does not have time to rise.

    When adding soda, try to respect the measure. Its excess will give the dough a dark color and unpleasant taste. It is better to replace it with ammonium or mix with it in equal parts.

Pizza is one of the most popular dishes in the world.

What is a pizza? This is a thin tortilla with a filling that is baked at 180 degrees. There are various recipes for making pizza dough, but most cooks prefer yeast-free dough on kefir.

Before cooking pizza and stuffing it with products, you need to make a foundation. So what do you need?


  • kefir - 250 grams;
  • eggs - 2 pcs .;
  • salt - an incomplete teaspoon;
  • soda - ¼ tsp;
  • flour - 2 cups;
  • butter - about two tablespoons.

Cooking method:

  1. We take a bowl, there we lay eggs and salt. All whisk.
  2. Kefir should be poured into a separate container, add slaked soda to it. A reaction will occur and bubbles will start to appear.
  3. Next, mix the eggs with kefir, add flour and butter. Again, mix everything thoroughly.
  4. The dough will be liquid, more like sour cream. If you are going to bake in the pan, then this is the best option. If you bake in the oven, you can add more flour. Then the dough will be dense.
  5. From the dense dough two pizzas can turn out, if thinly rolled. Here you have to take into account your tastes: whether you like the thick pizza more or thin.

How to cook on this basis?

Passed to the most important thing - pizza filling. It has been said more than once that it can be the most diverse. Very often, pizza uses sausage, but there is an interesting recipe with chicken fillet.


  • chicken fillet - 1 piece;
  • red onions (can be replaced with ordinary white) - 1 piece;
  • bulgarian pepper - 2-3 pcs .;
  • mozzarella cheese (or any other) - 200 grams;
  • red tomatoes - 2 pcs .;
  • one pack of rocket.

Cooking method:

First of all, put the dough on a baking sheet and grease it with tomato sauce. Here you can also use spices, but at the request of the hostess.

All products are laid out in layers. First layerthis is finely chopped chicken.

Second layerbow. Cut it into rings or chop it finely.

Third layerbell pepper.

And the very last layer - these are tomatoes. It is best to cut them into half rings.

Final step  - add grated cheese.

Pizza is baked at a temperature of 180 degrees for 30-35 minutes. It all depends on the power of your oven. Before serving, do not forget to decorate with rocket.

If you prefer to cook pizza in a pan, then the dough should be   liquid. And in the filling of this option will be used fewer products. For example, in the place of two tomatoes, one will suffice.


Most nutritionists say that yeast is not a safe product, and besides, it is high-calorie. Therefore, a recipe for yeast-free yeast dough appeared.

Why choose kefir? The basis on it turns out thin, air and gentle. And the filling can be any: seafood, cheese or even vegetable.

Homemade pizza is especially tasty. It is also a budget dish that allows you to use the remaining pieces of sausage, ham, cheese, vegetables and other products. Fans of hearty pastries on a thick basis should choose the pizza dough on kefir.  It is elementary and quickly prepared.

The classic recipe for pizza dough on kefir

It is from this recipe that it is worth starting the study of kefir dough for the Italian dish under discussion. Of the products will be used: 370 ml of low-fat yogurt, 2.5 tbsp. white flour, 2 medium eggs, 1/3 of a small spoonful of salt and a similar amount of baking soda, apple or grape vinegar.

  1. Eggs are well whipped with a whisk or special nozzle blender. Next to the liquid mass is added salt and sugar.
  2. After beating, kefir at room temperature flows into the container with the rest of the products.
  3. In a separate cup of vinegar soda is extinguished, which is added to the other ingredients.
  4. Flour is sifted twice and put into the dough. The mass is kneaded until uniform.

The resulting amount of dough is enough for a wide pan of standard size.

Non-yeast cooking option

A very popular among housewives is a yeast-free pizza dough recipe. The basis is also kefir (180 ml), and, in addition, there will be used: 3 chicken eggs, 270 g of high-quality flour, 60 ml of refined oil, a pinch of soda and fine salt.

  1. Eggs are cooled thoroughly, after which they are whipped with a mixer or blender until frothy (as for a biscuit). This will give the test a special pomp and tenderness.
  2. Vegetable oil is poured into the egg mass in a thin stream. Beating continues.
  3. Kefir is poured into the mixture with the mixer turned off.
  4. Next, add salt to the ingredients and start pouring flour. First, the components are lightly beaten with a whisk, then kneading continues with the hands.
  5. Soda is added last.
  6. The resulting soft but dense, yeast-free dough for pizza is sprinkled with flour, rolled into a bowl and wrapped with a film for “rest” for half an hour.

You can not store the finished mass even in the freezer, so you need to start baking pizza as soon as possible.

Yeast dough for pizza on kefir

This variant of the test, though yeast-like, but straight, is therefore no less fast. Yeast and lactic acid bacteria from kefir will begin to work in parallel, accelerating the rise of mass. For its mixing it is used: 130 ml of any kefir, half a teaspoon of dry yeast, 1 tsp. sugar, pinch of salt, 220 g of flour.

  1. Kefir is slightly heated in a water bath. Yeast, salt, and sugar are added to the warm milk product.
  2. First, 1/3 of the whole flour is poured into the mass, and the ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
  3. When bubbles begin to appear on the surface of the base, you can add the remaining flour to it.
  4. The mass should turn out to be elastic and at the same time it is easy to fall behind the dishes and fingers. It is better to knead it with your hands.

No need to wait until the dough rises, you can immediately roll it on a baking sheet or in the form.

Sparking method of cooking

This is a longer recipe for pizza dough. But the result is a very delicate, appetizing base. For its preparation is used: 160 ml of kefir, 1 tsp. dry yeast, 3 tsp sugar, 230 g of flour, a pinch of salt.

  1. From kefir, yeast, sugar and 50 g of flour prepared opara. To do this, pour the rest of the ingredients into the warm milk product and mix thoroughly. Dishes with a bubbly mixture tightly wrapped with cling film to prevent air from penetrating into it, and left overnight on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
  2. In the morning, the mass warms up to about 20 degrees in a water bath, after which the remaining flour and salt is poured into it. The dough is first kneaded with a spoon or spatula, then with the hands.
  3. The thick elastic mass is covered with a film and left in a warm place for about half an hour.
  4. Then you can roll out the dough under the pizza filling.

Opara can stand in a cool place for about 12 hours without the risk of deterioration.

With the addition of margarine

This recipe will definitely appeal to those who love pizza on a thin and crispy basis. Such dough is often prepared in famous pizzerias. In addition to fatty kefir (90 ml), 90 g of creamy margarine, 3 g of ammonium (or common baking soda) will be used, 1 tbsp. flour.

  1. Flour well sifted at least 2 times on the work surface and laid out a hill.
  2. Top cold margarine is chopped with a sharp knife.
  3. Hand flour and dairy product fray in crumb.
  4. The mass is again collected on the table as a slide, inside which you need to make a small depression, add soda, salt and cold kefir.
  5. Knead the dough without yeast for pizza quickly and intensively.
  6. The result should be a homogeneous plastic mass.

If necessary, the ball of dough can be divided into several parts and separately freeze them for long-term storage.

Dough without eggs

The recipe without eggs is perfect for vegetarian and lean pizza. It remains only to choose the appropriate filling for the dough. For this variant it is used: 350 g of white flour of the highest grade, 160 ml of low-fat kefir, 1 tsp. soda, pinch of salt.

  1. Wheat flour is sifted carefully, and then mixed with soda and salt.
  2. Kefir after the refrigerator is slightly heated and whipped with a whisk.
  3. Then flour is poured into the dairy product in minimal portions.
  4. Knead the dough, which is laid out on the table and knocked out with his hands.
  5. The resulting mass is packed in plastic wrap so that air does not penetrate. The dough is kept warm for at least an hour.
  6. It remains to divide the mass into 3-4 parts and roll each of them into a cake no more than 1 cm thick.

The edges of the blanks are turned inwards by 2-3 cm, and you can spread the selected filling on your base to your taste.

The fastest cooking recipe

This option will be a salvation for those who want to cook homemade pizza, but does not have time to mess around with the foundation. Even the beginning hostess will easily understand the recipe. Need to use: 2 tbsp. flour, 1 tbsp. kefir, egg, 6 g of baking powder, 4 tbsp. l olive oil, a pinch of salt.

  1. The egg is well shaken with a fork. But it should not turn into a thick foam.
  2. Kefir slowly pours into the egg, oil and salt is added. The ingredients are mixed until a homogeneous mass.
  3. Separately, the flour is sifted with baking powder. Further, it is poured into portions in an egg-kefir mixture.
  4. The consistency of the dough should be like a very thick homemade sour cream.
  5. The baking sheet is covered with parchment, lightly sprinkled with flour, and dough is poured on top of it. You can evenly distribute it in shape with wet fingers.

It remains to smear the base with a sauce of tomato paste and spices, and then generously sprinkle with filling.

Pizza batter on kefir

If you decide to cook the batter for baking, then you can cook a pizza right in the pan. According to the recipe, 70 ml of kefir, 2 chicken eggs, 60 g of butter, 140 g of wheat flour, a pinch of soda and salt will be used. How the pizza batter is made is described below.

  1. Eggs are whipped with a mixer. When the mass turns into foam, you can add salt.
  2. To the eggs a thin stream pours kefir and melted butter. In this process does not stop.
  3. Next, kefir and sifted flour are added to the components, after which the mixer is turned off.
  4. Lastly, soda is sent to the dough and the products are well mixed with a spoon.
  5. The mass must stand for at least 15 minutes in order for the baking soda to start “working”.

The base for pizza is baked in hot oil in a frying pan. Its thickness should be no more than 1 cm. The dishes are necessarily covered with a lid so that the “cake” does not remain dry on top. The filling is laid out on the ready basis, after which the pizza is baked in the oven.

With the addition of butter

This is a very gentle soft dough version that is suitable for medium-sized pizza with any filling. Of the products used: 1 tbsp. kefir, 320 g of flour, 70 g of butter, 1 tsp. soda, sugar and salt, vinegar, 2 chicken eggs.

  1. Kefir is poured into a deep bowl at room temperature, into which the eggs are driven in with a whisk. After adding salt and sugar mass is thoroughly mixed.
  2. Slaked vinegar soda is added to the total capacity.
  3. Next, knead dough kneaded with the addition of flour in small portions. The consistency of the mass should resemble sour cream medium fat.

The finished dough is poured in a small layer on a baking tray covered with oiled parchment. Immediately, small pieces of the filling are sent from above (large slices immediately sink to the bottom).

With mayonnaise and sour cream

This pizza dough is quickly baked in the oven and gets an appetizing golden crust. For its preparation is taken: 40 g sour cream and mayonnaise, an egg, 1 tsp. sugar and salt, 1 tbsp. kefir any fat content, 1.5 tbsp. flour.

  1. The egg is whipped with salt until low foam appears.
  2. Sugar is poured into the salted egg mixture, mayonnaise and sour cream are also added.
  3. All ingredients are mixed, after which sifted flour is gradually poured into the base.
  4. Mass, it turns out, the consistency for kefir pancakes.
  5. The dough should be infused for 20 minutes under a cotton towel.

Pizza can be baked in a round shape or on a baking sheet.

Pizza is an incredibly tasty dish that many people love. Of course, you can easily order pizza at home, but much tastier it turns out cooked with your own hands.

Unfortunately, many housewives do not like to work with the dough, because not everyone knows how to deal with yeast, but you can easily use simple yeast-free pizza dough recipes on kefir. Thanks to the interaction of soda and kefir, the dough turns out to be gentle and soft, one might say, airy.

The main advantage of dough on kefir is the speed and simplicity in its preparation, so you can easily make a pizza for unexpected guests. You can use a variety of fillings and delight your family every day with a delicious dish. And more experienced housewives can use yeast dough for pizza, the recipe of which is also given in this article.

A simple recipe for kefir dough
This pizza dough on kefir has one main advantage - it “absorbs” the stuffing, as it were, thanks to which it turns out to be not only on the surface, but also inside the dough. Pizza made from such dough turns out to be incredibly tasty and tender, besides it is prepared rather quickly.

  400 g of kefir (if there is no kefir, you can substitute sour milk or sour cream),
  2 eggs,
  ½ tsp soda (only without a slide),
  2.5 Art. wheat flour,
  ½ tsp fine salt,
  Vinegar - a little, to extinguish soda.

  First, take the eggs and whisk them thoroughly with a whisk (you can use a mixer), and then gradually add the sugar, add salt and again beat everything. Next, very carefully pour kefir with a thin stream.

Separately, we extinguish soda in a small amount of vinegar, and then add it to the other components and again mix everything well. In order for the pizza to be tender and airy, you must first sift the flour through a fine sieve, and then introduce it into the dough. Now knead until it acquires a uniform consistency.

The result will be quite a lot of dough, so it will be enough for a large baking sheet. Before spreading the dough, baking the pan with parchment paper, then pour the dough and put the stuffing on top.

In the preheated oven, bake the pizza until the dough has a nice golden hue.

Yeast-free dough on kefir
  For those housewives who love pizza, but at the same time can not work with yeast dough, the yeast-free pizza dough on kefir is just perfect. Unlike yeast, such dough is prepared not only easier, but much faster, since in this case you will not have to wait until the dough "rises".

100 g of kefir,
  1 tsp soda (only without a slide),
  20 g of oil (vegetable),
  1 egg
  500 grams of wheat flour,
  a small pinch of salt.

  To begin with, mix kefir and salt in a deep container and add half of the total flour volume. Now, beat the eggs until foam is formed, but not too thick, and then pour the eggs into a container with kefir and flour. Now enter the oil (about 10 milliliters).

We continue to gradually pour the flour in small portions into the dough, do not cease to constantly interfere. Make sure that the dough does not appear lumps. If necessary, at the very end, enter the remaining oil.

Now knead the dough thoroughly until it reaches a consistency, as for soda fritters. You should not worry if the dough turns out to be too liquid, since in this case we add a little more flour, but at the same time we make sure that the dough does not turn out very thick.

Leave the dough for about 15 minutes before we roll it into the pizza layer. At this time, you can cook the stuffing. If the dough sticks strongly to the hands, then we grease the hands with a small amount of butter and you can start preparing the pizza.

Simple dough on kefir
  Pizza dough on kefir, prepared according to this recipe, is easy and fluffy, baked well. Using this recipe, you can pick up a variety of fillings.

  350 g flour,
  ¼ tsp fine salt,
  ¼ tsp baking soda,
  2 eggs,
  250 g of kefir.

  First, take a small dish and whip the eggs in a whisk, then add salt and whisk again. Pour the kefir into a deep bowl and add soda, but before this we extinguish the soda with a small amount of vinegar.

Next, pour the beaten eggs into the kefir container and mix everything thoroughly - the result should be a homogeneous mixture. Now we can add flour, but it is best to do it in small pieces, since it is in this way that it will be much easier to feel what consistency the dough has.

It is very convenient to knead the dough using a blender, but it is best to do it with your hands. Using a water bath, melt the butter, and then add it to the dough. Stir the dough well. It is important to get the dough consistency of thick cream, the dough should be quite liquid, but also lush (it will be the reaction of soda with kefir).

We grease the baking sheet with a small amount of vegetable oil and pour out the ready-made dough, put any stuffing on top and put the baking tray in the oven.

For the preparation of such a test, instead of kefir, you can even use sour cream, but in this case it is added 250 g and mixed with the extinguished vinegar soda.

Quick dough on kefir
  If you want to cook a delicious pizza, but you do not want to bother much with the dough, then this recipe becomes a real salvation. Even an inexperienced cook will be able to prepare the dough for this recipe, the main thing is to strictly observe the specified recipe.

  1 egg
  1 tsp baking powder,
  2 tbsp. flour,
  250 g of kefir (can be replaced with soft cottage cheese, grated through a fine sieve),
  3 tbsp. l oil (olive!),
  salt - a little, to taste.

Cooking this pizza dough on kefir, as well as for pancakes, but it should be thicker, but not much. Now proceed directly to the preparation of the dough - using a fork or kitchen whisk, thoroughly beat the egg, but at the same time it should not turn into a thick foam.

To the beaten egg we add a small amount of kefir, a little oil and salt - we mix everything up well, making sure that the mass turns out to be a uniform consistency.

Mix baking powder with flour and sift through a fine sieve to make the pizza more tender and airy. Next, we introduce flour into kefir-egg mixture, but we do not immediately add the entire volume of flour, as lumps may appear, but we add gradually, in small portions and constantly stir. But at the same time, you can not mix the dough for too long, so as not to break the gas bubbles.

Using this pizza dough recipe, you won't need to knead it with your hands. Cover the baking sheet with a sheet of parchment paper and sprinkle with a small amount of flour on top, and then pour the finished dough. To the dough is evenly distributed on the surface of the pan, moisten the hand with water and distribute fingers.

In the event that a sticky and not very soft dough is obtained, then sprinkle the top with a small amount of flour and press down harder, and form a small side on the sides.

Top out the dough with any sauce, spread the ready stuffing and put the baking tray in a well-heated oven, bake for about 20 minutes, until the dough is covered with a fragrant crust.

Yeast dough for pizza on kefir
  It is prepared quite simply. The main disadvantage of this recipe is that it is necessary to give the test some time so that it can rise.

  2 tsp. Sahara,
  3 tsp. high-speed yeast,
  0.5 tbsp. vegetable oils,
  700 g of kefir,
  0.5 tbsp. warm water
  flour - need to navigate the consistency of the test,
  salt - a little, to taste.

  First, we take a deep enough bowl and pour half of one glass of water into it (it is important that the water is warm, since in this case the yeast will act much faster).

Now pour all the amount of sugar specified in the recipe into the water, and mix everything thoroughly with the help of a kitchen whisk. Make sure that the sugar is completely dissolved in the dough.

Once the sugar has dissolved, add three teaspoons of instant yeast to the water. Now stir the yeast with a spoon or a whisk with soft, smooth movements (it is important not to make sharp movements).

Now for about 15 minutes, leave the brew so that the yeast can completely dissolve. After the specified period of time, add kefir (about 700 milliliters) to the dough. With the help of the corolla, thoroughly whisk the yeast with kefir.

Now take a sieve and sift the flour several times and add it to the dough. Knead the dough well until it has a homogeneous consistency. It is very important not to add too much flour, so it is introduced gradually, in small portions. The dough should acquire the consistency of thick cream, also ensure that no lumps form, but if this happens, continue kneading the dough until they disappear.

Now add some more flour to the dough - as a result, the dough must be very hard to mix with a spoon (spatula). We continue to knead the dough with your hands until it becomes softer and will not get a uniform consistency. It is important to remember that it is not necessary to knead the dough very strongly, because of this it may simply not rise.

As soon as the dough is almost completely cooked, add vegetable oil to it (if desired, you can use olive oil). Now we knead the dough until the end, and as soon as the oil is completely absorbed, we place the container with the dough in a warm place and leave it for about one hour until it rises well.

At that time, while the dough will rise, we begin to prepare the filling, so as not to lose time in vain. From the amount of ingredients that was indicated in the recipe, the dough will turn out about four or five pizzas, depending on what size of baking sheet will be used.

As soon as the dough rises well, we grease our hands with a small amount of vegetable oil and slightly knead the dough, but not very much and leave it for about 20 minutes again. Once the dough is fully prepared, we can proceed directly to the preparation of the pizza.

We divide the dough into four or five equal parts, roll it out in a thin sheet and spread it on a pre-prepared baking sheet, making small edges around the edges. From the top, lay out the ready stuffing and put the future pizza in a well-heated oven, bake until fully cooked, until you get a delicious golden brown crust. The remaining dough can be placed in the refrigerator and used next time.