Tortillas with minced meat with onions. Tortillas with minced meat in a pan

07.03.2020 healthy eating

I had the filling left after the pancakes and, like any other hostess, I thought about where it could be used. Reminds me of my old cookie recipe. It is very convenient to take such cakes on the road, on a picnic or just take your soul with sour cream. I advise you to prepare.

So, add soda to warm kefir and let stand for 10 minutes.

Crack 1 egg.

Gradually add flour and knead elastic dough. I used flour of the highest and first grades.

Cover the dough and leave to rest for 30 minutes.

Place the rested dough on a floured surface and knead for a couple more minutes.

We divide into 12 parts.

We roll out thin cakes from pieces of dough, approximately the same size.

We spread 1-2 tablespoons of minced meat on one cake, cover with a second cake and press the edges.

Roll out lightly with a rolling pin.

Fry in a frying pan with a minimum amount of oil, covered with a lid.

On both sides for 3-5 minutes.

Serve with sour cream or yogurt.

Bon appetit!

With meat in Chinese style, they are very tasty and eaten instantly! The dish is universal: it is suitable for dinner, and for lunch, and for a hearty hearty breakfast. It can also serve as a hot snack.

These stuffed tortillas are prepared easily (only the first time!) and not for long, so this is a great option for a quick dinner, including for unexpected guests. A good alternative to traditional pies. Unleavened dough on the water goes well with a spicy filling.

Needed for the test:

  • Boiled water (warm, not hot) - 240 milliliters
  • Wheat flour - 400 grams

Required for the filling:

  • Minced meat (in general, any, but with ground beef, the cakes will be less juicy, and mixed or minced pork, that is, more fatty, will make the filling more juicy) - 800 grams
  • Green onions - about 40-50 grams (1 bunch)
  • Garlic - 4-5 cloves
  • Soy sauce - 4 tablespoons
  • Olive oil (can be replaced with sunflower oil) - 2 tablespoons
  • Ginger (fresh root) - 1 tablespoon (possible with a “slide”) of peeled root, grated on a fine grater, that is, you will need a piece of the root that is not very large (since its thickness is different, the peel is also not peeled off equally thinly, the exact size hard to recommend)
  • Vodka - 2 tablespoons
  • Butter - 70-80 grams (lubricate the finished cakes)
  • Salt - to taste (we put about 1 teaspoon, do not forget that soy sauce is salty)
  • Ground black pepper - to taste


Dough first. Pour warm water into a bowl, gradually add flour. Mix first with a spoon, and then knead with your hands until the dough no longer sticks to your hands. If necessary, you can add a few tablespoons of flour in excess of the indicated amount. When the dough is formed in a lump, cover the bowl with a lid, a plate or a film so that the dough does not weather, and proceed to prepare the filling for the cakes.

Cut off a small piece of ginger root and peel it.

We rub the ginger on a fine grater. We clean 4-5 cloves of garlic (garlic must also be grated on a fine grater or passed through a special “crusher”).

Green onions should be washed, dried and finely chopped.

Add the green onion, garlic and ginger to the bowl. Then add vodka, olive oil and soy sauce. Mix very thoroughly until smooth.

Add salt and ground black pepper to the ground mass, mix again.

We divide the filling for cakes into 8 equal parts.

We also divide the dough into 8 equal parts and form them into balls.

We take one ball of dough and roll it into a very thin cake with a diameter of about 23-25 ​​centimeters. We take one part of the filling and spread it very thinly over the dough so as to cover three quarters of the circle with the filling, not forgetting to leave the outer edge (about 1 cm) uncovered, so that later the edges of the cake can be blinded. We make a cut along the radius of the circle (from the center to the edge) along the edge of the smeared filling.

We wrap the quarter of the circle of dough that is not covered with the filling so as to cover the quarter of the circle with the filling ( watch our video recipe, it's better to see than to read long explanations!).

Next, fold the part covered with dough so that the result is half a circle.

We fold again - and we got a cake in a quarter of a circle. We blind, squeezing with our fingers, the edges of the cake (what was the outer edge of the circle).

In a small saucepan or bowl, melt the butter to a liquid state - we will lubricate the finished cakes with it.

Heat a frying pan (preferably with a thick bottom) to a very hot state and on DRY (no oil!) put the cake in the pan (we only fit one in the pan), be sure to cover with a lid and fry on a low (slightly less than average) heating level for 5-6 minutes on one side. Remove the finished cake from the pan and generously grease both sides with melted butter. If a drop of liquid from the filling accidentally leaked into the pan, wipe the pan with a paper towel or napkin until dry and lay out the next cake to fry (the first one can already be “give to be eaten” by the most hungry and impatient family members). And so on until all eight are fried. Chinese cakes in a pan with meat and ginger are tasty and fragrant and are usually eaten immediately, but if this does not happen, the cooled cakes can be safely put in a sealed container in the refrigerator until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, and then heated in the microwave.

You can also watch our video recipe:


Dare! Create! Get ready!

Eat yourself, feed your family, treat your friends!


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Add soda to kefir at room temperature, stir. Leave the kefir for 5-7 minutes. The soda will begin to be extinguished and the kefir will foam.

Pour flour into a bowl, add salt, make a well and pour in kefir.

Knead a dough that is not sticky, but not too tight, and, covering it with a film, leave for 30 minutes at room temperature.

To prepare the filling, add finely chopped onion, chopped dill, salt and black pepper to the minced meat, mix.

Divide the dough into 3 parts. On a table sprinkled with flour, roll each part of the dough into a thin cake, on which place a part of the minced meat, spreading it in a thin layer over the entire cake.

Roll the meatball into a roll.

Cut the roll into 4 pieces. Dust each part of the roll with flour and, placing the cut side down, roll it out. As a result, 4 small cakes will turn out from the roll.
Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the tortillas with minced meat over low heat until golden brown on both sides. Similarly, roll out and fry the rest of the cakes. From the indicated amount of ingredients, 12 pieces will be obtained.

Cakes with minced meat, mixed with kefir, are airy and very tasty.

Wonderful tortillas stuffed with minced meat, cooked in a pan, served with ketchup or spicy tomato sauce. These cakes are very tasty with sour cream sauce.

Bon appetit!

Today we will learn how to cook incredibly tasty and very juicy Chinese flatbread. Although they are fried in a pan, they taste more like dumplings or manti.

Chinese tortillas with meat and ginger

The dough needs to be rolled out very thinly, then the filling will steam well inside and be ready. So let's get started. To make cakes, take:

  • flour - 400 g
  • warm water - 240 ml
  • minced meat - 800 g
  • green onions - 1 bunch
  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • soy sauce - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • fresh ginger - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • vodka - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • salt pepper
  • butter (to grease the finished cakes)

Preparation of Chinese flatbread with meat and ginger

Knead flour dough with warm water. Cover with foil and move on to the filling.

Finely chop the green onion. Grate the ginger and garlic on a fine grater. Now we combine everything together, add to the minced meat and mix thoroughly.

We divide the minced meat into eight equal parts. In the same way, we divide the dough into 8 identical pieces.

Roll out each piece of dough into a thin cake, about 22–23 cm in diameter.

We spread the minced meat on the cake, covering only 3/4 of the resulting pancake. Now we make an incision from the edge of the cake to its center and cover the third part of the filling (i.e. a quarter of a circle) with a slice of dough.

We turn the covered part towards the open stuffing. We should get half a circle.

Fold the cake in half again. 1/4 of the circle is left. We blind the edges of the dough. The cake can be gently rolled out again to make it thinner. Similarly, prepare the rest of the cakes.

Now fry each cake. This can be done in a hot, dry skillet with the lid closed, 4-5 minutes on each side.

Ready hot cakes are generously greased with melted butter.

Puff Chinese flatbread with meat

This recipe is quite flexible, you can adjust it to your taste - add more or less meat, spices, sauce, etc. You can use almost any unleavened dough (what you do for dumplings is also suitable) and a variety of fillings - beef, pork, chicken, mixed or fish mince.

To prepare three large cakes, take:

  • flour - 2 cups (330 g)
  • water - 1 cup or less
  • moderately fatty beef - 300 g
  • sesame oil - 1 teaspoon
  • soy sauce - 1 teaspoon
  • green onions - 1 large bunch
  • onion - 1/2 medium onion
  • broth or hot water for minced meat - 20 g
  • pepper, salt

Cooking puff pastry with meat

Knead fresh soft dough without salt from flour with water. Let the dough rest for 15 minutes and then knead it well until smooth. Cover and leave the dough for 20 minutes.

We scroll the beef into minced meat, add soy sauce, finely chopped green onions, finely chopped onions, sesame oil, pepper, salt. Knead. If necessary, add 20 grams of water or broth. The stuffing should turn out viscous and well spread.

We roll the dough into a tourniquet and divide it into 3 parts. Roll each part into a thin pancake. We use flour to prevent the dough from sticking to the table. The resulting layers are divided into 9 approximately equal parts using four cuts.

We spread the minced meat on the cake, leaving one corner square free. Carefully and evenly smear the minced meat, leaving tolerances of half a centimeter along the cuts and along the perimeter of the formation.

Now carefully fold the dough, as shown in the photo, step by step. Nothing complicated, but still try not to get confused.

And the very last touch!

It only takes two ingredients, aside from frying oil, to make mince-in-egg pancakes. Any stuffing can be used. It would be better when cooking minced meat to add very finely chopped onions to it. Salt, of course.

If frozen minced meat is used, then it must be thawed and, if there is liquid formed, drain it. Minced meat should not be wet, otherwise it will be difficult to roll it out. Proportions - for 100 grams of minced meat there is one egg. Minced meat cakes are being prepared in an egg in a pan, but if there is a slow cooker, it is better to use it, you do not have to wash the stove after frying. All splashes from the oil will remain on the walls of the bowl.

Recipe for tortillas from minced meat in an egg

Dish: Main course

Cooking time: 15 minutes

Total time: 15 minutes


  • 400 g minced meat
  • 4 things. chicken egg

Step by step recipe with photo

How to cook tortillas from minced meat in an egg in a pan

Minced meat divided into portions of one hundred grams. Put one serving on cling film in the form of a round.

Close with the other side of the film. Run a rolling pin over the minced meat to flatten it. In this case, you need to try to adhere to the shape of a circle.

Beat the egg, put it on a flat plate, add salt.

Carefully transfer the minced meat cake from the film to the palm of your hand and put it on a plate with an egg. If possible, coat the entire surface of the cake with an egg.

In a frying pan, on hot oil, pour the minced meat in the egg, keeping the shape.

Close the lid and cook over medium heat for about 3 minutes. After a while, turn the cake over to the other side and fry for a couple of minutes.

Stack the finished mincemeat in the egg on top of each other to keep warm. They can be stuffed with vegetables and rolled into tubes, or they can be served in such a straightened form, choosing a suitable side dish.