Chakhokhbili quality requirements. Cooking technology of "chakhokhbili" dish and "amber" cake

05.11.2019 Grill menu

Chakhokhbili: the history of the dish, features of cooking technology

Chakhokhbili is a dish that can be called another hallmark of the national Georgian cuisine. If you translate the name of the dish literally, it means "cooked pheasant." That is, this bird was originally the main ingredient of the dish. Cooked with vegetables, it was seasoned with spicy spices. Serving this dish on the table symbolized the completion of a successful hunt.

Chakhokhbili from a pheasant carcass has a specific, emphatically rough taste, but this is precisely its sophistication and status. Pheasant meat is not fatty, does not require prior stuffing or pickling, unlike other types of game birds. Pheasant Chakhokhbili is included in the international restaurant menu. The dish is classified as light and dietary.

Based on the technology of preparation, chakhokhbili can be called poultry meat stew. And, since it is quite difficult to find pheasant meat in retail chains today, the use of less refined and rare ingredients has become allowed at home. Over time, homemade chicken and duck, as well as turkey and partridge, began to be used for the dish, while tomatoes traditionally remained the main vegetable component, although today it is considered quite acceptable to add other vegetables to it. There are classic recipes for cooking chakhokhbili and thematic variations, each chef brings his own zest to it and uses his secrets when cooking.

Technological features of preparation

The greatest value of the dish lies in the fact that, in fact, it can replace a complex lunch - both the first and the second, since it is meat and vegetable. And although experiments with poultry and some vegetable components are acceptable, there are some cooking features that cannot be deviated from. For example, to this day, garlic, onions, tomatoes, and spices remain essential components of the dish.

When preparing a dish, water or other liquids are not used, with the exception of the addition of dry white or red wine. Vegetable juices are used as a liquid, so various juicy vegetables are added to the meat after frying - tomatoes, bell peppers, onions, less often eggplants or other vegetables.

Of the traditional seasonings used in the preparation of food, they use saffron, suneli hops, capsicum, and fresh herbs - cilantro, basil, dill and parsley. Sometimes Georgian culinary specialists include walnuts in the dish, which adds thickness to the sauce and enriches its taste.

Also, a peculiar feature of the dish is its preparation without the use of additional fats - melted animals or vegetables. The meat should brown on its own fat. In cooking, this method of browning is called the dry roasting method.

Very often people pronounce the name of the dish incorrectly, for example, chomombili, chahambili, chihombili, chahombili and the like. The name of the Chakhokhbili dish is spelled and pronounced correctly and not otherwise. If you do not want to offend the chef, do not distort the name of this wonderful and beloved dish.

If you want to try a real chakhokhbili prepared by a real master chef, then by all means go to a restaurant of Georgian cuisine.

C content

    Introduction ……………………………………………….………... page 3-12

    Topic name……………………………………………………. page 13 2.1 Brief description of the enterprise…… 14 2.2 Safety precautions………………… ……………………... page 15-16 2.3 Occupational safety ……………………………………….. ……… 17 2.4 History of the dish ………… ……………………………........... 18-19 2.5 Cooking scheme………………………. ……… 20-21 2.6 Technological map of the dish……… ………………... …….page 22 2.7 Inventory…………………..……………………… ……... ….page 23-24 2.8 Dinnerware…….………………………………….. … 25-26 2.9Cooking technology………………… .….….page 27 2.10 Calculation of the dish…………………………………………page 28 2.11 Preparation of raw materials………………………………………… 29 2.12 Operation of the hot shop……………………………………….page 30-31

Conclusion…………………………………………………… 32

Bibliography………………. .……….. 33


In the process of the development of human society over the course of many centuries, gastronomic habits, likes and dislikes have evolved among different peoples of the world. National cuisines were created, which are an integral part of the national culture. Today, each nation has its own national cuisine, which is characterized by its own, different from others, national dishes.

Each national cuisine is based on two main factors: a set of initial products and methods of their processing. These two factors are closely related to each other. The set of initial products is determined by what nature and material production provide - agriculture, animal husbandry, various crafts. This, in turn, means that the specific features of national cuisines are influenced by the country's geographical location, climate, and economic conditions. So, in the national cuisines of countries bordering the oceans and seas, a significant place is occupied by a dish of fish and seafood. In the national cuisines of countries located in forest areas, there are dishes from livestock products and forestry. The peoples of the southern countries use more vegetables, fruits, etc. to prepare their national dishes.

The geographical and climatic position of individual countries also led to different uses and flavoring substances in food. For example, the peoples of Southeast Asia, Africa, South America, etc., use more spices, seasonings, hot sauces for cooking. The peoples of the Nordic countries prefer less spicy food.

However, not only the set of raw materials determines the nature of the national cuisine. Using the same product, different nations in the process of preparing a dish give it their own unique taste. An example is such a popular product as rice. It is the basis of nutrition for many peoples inhabiting the Asian continent. But dishes from it, prepared, for example, by Uzbeks, Indians or Chinese, are perceived as completely different.

It turns out this is because each national cuisine, using the same raw materials, uses different technologies and methods of heat treatment, unique combinations of products inherent only to it.

From all that has been said, we can conclude that national cuisine is created by a national community of people, a commonality of their characteristic features and taste perceptions. This does not mean at all that the national cuisine is something closed, frozen once and for all. Cooking is one of the least isolated parts of the national culture. Mutual penetration and mutual influence of national cuisines on each other have always been and are taking place. We can find many similarities, for example, between the Armenian and Bulgarian national cuisines, which in turn borrowed a lot from Turkish cuisine. There are many similar national dishes among the peoples of Transcaucasia, North Asia, which allows us to talk, for example, about the general Caucasian, Central Asian cuisine.

But this mutual influence of national cuisines on each other does not exclude the originality of each of them, since each nation gives any food, including those created by another nationality, its own special taste.

Already now, we can rightly say that modern Russian cuisine is being born before our eyes, which is equally decorated with Russian pies, Ukrainian borscht, Uzbek pilaf, Georgian kebabs, Armenian tolma and Azerbaijani soup - piti.

Hot meat dishes and snacks are very different from cold dishes and snacks. Their most important difference is that hot meat dishes are subjected to various heat treatments. This is the peculiarity of the preparation of hot dishes and snacks. Hot dishes and snacks are included in the menu after cold ones. They also differ in sharp taste and small volume. For their preparation, meat, meat products (ham, sausages), offal (tongues, kidneys, scars) are used. Any products used to prepare hot dishes are first heat tested. At the same time, large physico-chemical changes occur in them, which contribute to the improvement of taste and better digestibility of food. During heat treatment, the products are crushed, which makes them easier to chew; a large number of pathogens and some harmful substances are neutralized; new flavoring and aromatic substances are formed that contribute to the release of digestive juices.

The following main methods of heat treatment of products are used in catering establishments: boiling and frying. Combined and auxiliary methods of heat treatment are also used, in which several main methods are combined.

Boiling is the heating of food in a liquid. Cooking happens:

    main way; (in plenty of water).

    Admission; (in a small amount of water under the lid).

    Steam cooking; (in special cabinets or on grids).

Roasting is the heating of a product without liquid in various amounts of fat.

Roasting happens:

    main way; (in a small amount of fat).

    Deep-fried; (high in fat).

    In the oven; (in special cabinets at a temperature of 270).

    On the grill (roasting on an open fire).

Combined heat treatment methods include:

    Stewing is frying the product until golden brown, and then stewing with the addition of spices.

    Roasting - boiled, fried, stewed or raw semi-finished products are poured with sauce, baked in an oven.

    Breezing is the stewing of meat in a concentrated broth, and then frying in an oven.

    Boiling, followed by frying - the product is first felted, then fried.

Auxiliary methods of heat treatment include:

    Singeing - used for the primary processing of poultry, beef, lamb, pork and calf legs (on gas burners).

    Blanching - laying food for a few minutes in boiled water.

    Sauteing - frying foods in a small amount of fat and sautéing.

The technological process of preparing a dish does not begin with heat treatment, but with the receipt of carcasses of slaughtered animals at public catering establishments. The meat comes chilled, chilled and frozen. Chilled meat is that which, after cutting the carcass at the slaughterhouse, cooled down in natural conditions or cooling chambers for at least 6 hours. Meat chilled to a temperature in the thickness of the muscle + 4-0 is called chilled. Meat artificially frozen to a temperature in the thickness of the muscle no higher than - 6 is called ice cream. Depending on fatness, beef and mutton are divided into two categories, and pork is divided into fatty (thickness of lard more than 4 cm) and meat (thickness of lard from 1.5 to 2 cm). Pig meat is divided into two categories. The first category includes milk piglets weighing from 1.3 to 5 kg., The second category includes - weighing from 5 to 12 kg.

The technological process of processing meat at catering establishments consists of the following operations:


    Washing and drying.

    Carcass cutting.

    Production of semi-finished products.

Frozen meat is thawed in its entirety by hanging the carcass on hooks, or stacking it on grates in special chambers - defrosters. Or in chambers at a temperature of +4 +6 for 3-5 days. Slow thawing of meat allows you to minimize the loss of meat juice to almost completely preserve the taste of the product. Preliminary processing of meat consists, first of all, in its thorough washing. The meat should be washed quickly under running water, and the entire piece intended for processing is washed. Do not wash the meat after it has already been cut, as this transfers contamination from the surface into the meat, first with your hands and then with a stream of water. If the meat is washed in small pieces, especially after the bones have been removed, this causes a loss of juices, and thus a decrease in the nutritional value of the meat. For the same reason, meat should not be soaked, as water-soluble proteins, minerals and B vitamins pass into the water. Washed meat should be dried. Dry the meat on wire racks or linen napkins. The dried meat is cut in several stages. At the beginning, the carcass is cut into quarters. Then, each quarter is divided into parts. The forequarter of the beef carcass is divided into the shoulder blade (shoulder and shoulder part), neck, dorso-thoracic part. The rear quarter of the carcass, having separated the tenderloin (iliac muscle), is divided into the posterior and lumbar parts. Pork, veal and lamb carcasses, having previously separated the tenderloin, are cut across into two halves - front and back. The front half is divided: shoulder blade, neck, loin, brisket; back - for two hams.

After that, the muscle, connective and adipose tissues are separated from the bones. This operation is called deboning. Then parts of the meat are cleaned from tendons and films, cartilage is removed.

Excess fat should be removed, leaving a layer of two to three millimeters, as fat prevents excessive evaporation and helps preserve the juiciness of the meat. Then the edges are cut off, the pieces are leveled, giving them more or less the same thickness and shape. This operation is called stripping. In the small pieces of meat remaining from deboning, small bones, tendons, cartilage, blood vessels, fat and films are removed. This operation is called trimming.

Chicken meat is tender and well digestible. This is due to the peculiarities of its chemical composition. Poultry meat contains 16-21% proteins, 5.0-28.8% fat, 0.6-1.0% minerals (calcium, potassium, copper, sodium, phosphorus, iron), water, vitamins B1, B2, PP, A, D, extractives.

Poultry meat contains mostly complete proteins and less defective proteins (collagen, elastin). Therefore, poultry meat cooks faster than animal meat and is better absorbed. The ratio of complete and incomplete proteins in poultry meat is affected by age, fatness of the bird.

The high nutritional value of a tomato is due to the content of sugars (2.5-4.5%), minerals (0.7%), acids (0.5%). The composition of minerals includes: salts of potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron (1.4 mg%), which play an important role in maintaining the acid-base balance in the body. Tomatoes can be called a natural concentrate of vitamins C, group B 1 , PP and provitamin A.

The color of fruits depends on the presence of carotenoids in them (carotene, lycopene, xanthophyll). Lycopene predominates in red fruits, while carotene and xanthophyll predominate in yellow ones.

The pleasant taste of a tomato depends on the combination of sugars (glucose, fructose) with organic acids (malic, citric, etc.).

The value of spicy vegetables is determined primarily by the content of flavoring and aromatic substances, vitamins and mineral salts. Carriers of a delicate and pungent aroma are essential oils, which contribute to a better separation of digestive juices and thereby increase appetite and digestibility of food.

Dill. This is an annual crop that uses green leaves or leaves with umbrellas as food. Dill has a lot of essential oil (1000-2500 mg%), useful and easily digestible salts of potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus. In the greens of dill, 3 times more than in lemons, vitamin C (100 mg%), a lot of carotene. Dill also contains 4.1% sugars and 2.5% nitrogenous substances.

Basil. Basil is an aromatic plant whose leaves have a sour taste and pleasant aroma due to the presence of essential oils in them (20-70 mg%). Dry and fresh basil leaves serve as a good seasoning for meat dishes.

Onion vegetables are valued due to the presence of a large amount of nutrients, taste and aromatic substances. They also have medicinal properties, as they contain phytoncides, and green mass - vitamin C (up to 60 mg%) and carotene (4.8 mg%). Therefore, they have long been used for catarrh of the respiratory tract, asthma, digestive disorders, atherosclerosis and fungal diseases.

Essential oils of onion vegetables cause sharpness, specific taste and aroma, stimulate appetite and promote better digestion of food.

Onion. Onions contain 12-60 mg% of essential oil, which gives it a smell and pungent taste, as well as B vitamins. 1 , IN 6 , PP, folic and pantothenic acids. They are also rich in minerals: calcium - 31 mg%, phosphorus - 58, potassium - 175, sodium - 18, magnesium - 14, iron - 0.8 mg%.

Leek. It is less spicy than onion. In young onions, a thickened stem and green tender leaves are eaten, which reach 70 cm in length.

Garlic. It is a complex bulb, consisting of 3-20 cloves. It differs from onions in a sharper taste and smell, lower moisture content and a higher content of nitrogenous, extractive and mineral substances, as well as essential oils (up to 2%), the main component of which is diallyl disulfide.

Various semi-finished products are prepared from the prepared parts of the meat. But, before you start cooking semi-finished products, you need to know that meat is, first of all, a source of protein and you need to try to save all the nutrients. Meat also contains some vitamins, mainly of group B. The nutritional (biological) value of meat proteins, their digestibility is quite high. But it largely depends on the method of feeding slaughter animals, the part of the carcass, the method of storage and preparation of the dish. So, for example, by placing meat for boiling in cold water, we lose a lot of nutrients that pass into the liquid, while the losses are much less if meat is put into hot water for cooking. There are even fewer losses when roasting meat, however, this cooking method is not always desirable. It is very harmful to overheat the meat, as this reduces the value and digestibility of proteins to a greater extent.

Meat is cooked by heating to the boiling point of water in liquids, that is, in water or in a decoction of vegetables. If the meat is put into boiling water, then the top layer of proteins quickly coagulates, which prevents the substances that make up the meat from passing into liquid. If the meat is put into cold water, then these substances, the predominant part, pass into the broth. We are talking about soluble proteins, mineral salts and some other substances. Proteins that have passed into the broth under the influence of high temperature form the so-called foam. The foam is not removed because it has nutritional value, thus removing it reduces the nutritional value of the broth. Cleaned and washed meat should be put into boiling, salted water with spices. Salt prevents meat juices from completely becoming liquid. The water should just cover the meat. The pot must first be put on high heat, then cook the meat on low heat, under the lid. When the foam disappears from the surface, add peeled vegetables and cook until fully cooked. Add salt at the end of cooking. Put the finished meat out, let the broth drain, cut into portions and sprinkle with hot broth to prevent drying out.

For cooking meat, dishes made of durable metal are used. For this purpose, cast iron cookware with a lid is best suited.

Meat intended for frying must be of high quality, tender, without films and tendons. The meat of the worst grades after frying remains hard fibrous. Roasting does not last long and consists in heating the meat in an open dish on the stove. The meat should be placed in heated fat. When in contact with the bottom of the dish, a crust of browned proteins forms on the meat. The crust protects the meat from loss of juices, and from excessive impregnation with fat. In addition, the crust has good taste. When a brown crust forms on one side, the meat should be turned over and fried so that the surface of the piece is fried evenly. Do not place the meat too closely in the pan, as the steam released during frying makes it difficult for the formation of a golden crust on the entire surface of the meat. The meat is fried in pieces cut across the drags. The thickness of the pieces depends on the type of dish and is determined by a detailed recipe. The meat immediately before frying must be salted, peppered and dipped in flour or breaded (if it is a breaded product). Fry the meat should be on medium heat so that it is fried inside without burning. The temperature of the fat must not drop during the frying process, otherwise the meat will not be browned and will be heavily saturated with fat. It is not recommended to bring the fat to too high a temperature, as this causes the breakdown of fat, in addition, the meat burns.

Utensils used when frying meat: in a small amount of fat: a strong metal frying pan, a metal spatula, a heated dish for serving; in a large amount of fat: a saucepan, a metal spatula, a colander, a heated dish for serving.

Stew meat may be of a lower grade than for roasting, with tendons, as well as old animals.

Basically stewing consists of frying and then boiling under the lid for a long time. The fried meat, together with the juice and fat formed from roasting, must be transferred to a saucepan, poured with a small amount of broth or water, covered with a lid and simmered over low heat. During stewing, the meat must be turned over or shake the pan so that the meat does not burn. As the juice evaporates, you need to add water or broth.

The stewing process, which takes a very long time, softens the meat, because the steam generated during stewing lingers under the lid, penetrates the fabric and softens it. Simmer until the meat is soft. If the meat is stewed for too long, the fat is melted, meat juices turn into sauce, the amount of meat decreases and the dish does not look beautiful. Meat that has been stewed properly should hold its shape and the sauce should be thick. The meat is stewed in a large piece, weighing from 1.5 to 2.5 kg, (stewed roast), portioned piece (chops), small pieces (goulash), and larger ones (stew). You can also stew a minced meat product.


2.1 Brief description of the enterprise

I, Martirosyan Armen, had an internship at the Ararat cafe in the city of Samara. The structure of the canteen includes the following workshops: meat and fish workshop, cold workshop, hot workshop, washing, storage room, wardrobe.

The dining room is equipped with: refrigerators, ovens, electric stoves, electric titanium, microwave oven, electric grill, electric meat grinders, production tables and various inventory.

According to the staffing table, the staff of the canteen includes 6 people: 3 cooks and 3 kitchen workers. Due to the complexity of the process and working conditions, a shift work schedule for personnel (2 shifts) is provided.

While in practice at the Ararat cafe, I did all kinds of kitchen work. He took part in the preparation of various dishes, as well as in the preparation of dishes for special occasions.

For various events, this enterprise has a trading floor with 100 seats.

This catering establishment has developed a daily menu, which includes: first and second courses, hot and cold drinks, a variety of dishes and snacks.

This public catering enterprise is considered profitable, as there is a return on investment in the production of the necessary products, in the payment of wages to employees of the enterprise, deductions to the budget, repayment of utility costs provided by various organizations; funds remain to expand service offerings to consumers.

2.2 Safety

All electrical equipment is grounded, i.e. metal parts with grounding conductors laid in the ground. Due to this, when a person is included in the circuit, a current passes through his body that does not pose a danger to his life. There should be rubber mats in front of the circuit breakers and machines and the inscription: "High voltage - dangerous to life." The danger of electric shock increases at elevated room temperatures in humid and damp air. The maximum carrying weight for women and adolescents is 20 kilograms.

Thermal equipment is used in confectionery shops on fire gas or electric heating. Each type of fuel requires special precautions and compliance with labor safety regulations. However, it is necessary to adhere to the general rules of labor protection. It is impossible to work on thermal equipment without serviceable fittings. The pressure gauge must have a red line on the limiting working pressure. The safety valve and the purge cock should be checked daily, the pressure gauge once every 6 months. Each machine is accompanied by a safety manual.

When working with hot liquid:

    Filling the pan with liquid, without adding 4-5 centimeters to the edge.

    Check the quality of container handles.

    When liquid boils, reduce heat.

    When removing the lid from a hot dish, lift it away from you.

    Pour cereals and other products into the boiling liquid carefully.

    In hot fat, place the products carefully (away from yourself) so that the fat does not splatter.

    When removing hot dishes from the stove, use oven mitts, and if the pan is without a handle, use special oven mitts.

    Do not use cookware with a bent bottom or broken handles.

Safety rules for culinary work.

When using electric heaters:

    Install the electric heater on a refractory stand.

    Before work, check the serviceability of the connecting cord.

    Turn on and off the appliance with dry hands, while grasping the plug body.

    When finished, turn the appliance on and off.

When using gas stoves:

    Ventilate the room before work.

    When lighting a gas burner, first bring a burning match to it, and then open the tap.

    The flame of the burner should be uniform, bluish in color. If the flame is yellow and coming off the burner, turn it off. The burner needs to be adjusted.

    When installing cookware with a wide bottom on the stove, use a burner ring with high ribs. When the liquid boils, reduce the flame of the burner.

    Do not leave potholders, matches or other items made of flammable materials on the stove. Do not leave a lit stove unattended.

2.3 Labor protection

The main laws on labor protection are provided in the code of laws on labor protection of the Russian Federation (K 36TRF).

The working time of workers is 40 hours per week, with a five-day working week corresponding to an 8-hour working day, and a six-day working week corresponding to a 7-hour working day. On weekends and holiday days, the working day is reduced by 1 hour. Overtime work can only be done with the permission of the trade union committee in exceptional cases, and it should not exceed 4 hours on 2 consecutive days and 120 hours per year. The first 2 hours of overtime work are paid at the rate of one and a half, and the next at double the rate. Work on weekends and holidays is permitted only in exceptional cases by written order of the head of the enterprise. Such work is compensated by the provision of another day of rest or is paid twice. For persons employed in work with harmful substances, for example, pesticides, the working day is reduced to 6 hours. Annual paid leave is provided for at least 28 calendar days. Various rules and instructions related to labor safety are developed by Ministries and Agencies.

    1. History of the dish

Georgian cuisine has gained great popularity not only in our country, but also abroad. Many of the Georgian dishes, such as shish kebab, soup - kharcho, chakhokhbili and others have become international. Among the popular poultry dishes, one should note chikhirma - chicken or turkey broth seasoned with flour, egg and onion shaken in vinegar. Speaking of specific Georgian dishes, one cannot help but recall the popular food of all Georgians - chakhokhbili, a chicken dish with lots of fried onions, spices , various recipes, the preparation of which there are dozens.

Everywhere in Georgia, special pies are baked from cheeses - cheesecakes - khachapuri, which are also a national dish. By the way, cheeses are also an integral part of the national cuisine.

It is a good custom in Georgia to serve thoroughly washed and peeled greens for lunch and dinner at any time of the year (depending on the season: parsley, dill, watercress, tarragon, mint, basil, green onions and others). Along with greens, radishes, radishes, whole tomatoes, cucumbers, capsicums are also served at any table. And, finally, Georgian cuisine is distinguished by an abundance of all kinds of spices, seasonings, sauces. Especially common is tkemali - a sour sauce made from wild varieties of cherry plum, heavily seasoned with red pepper and chopped herbs. Tkemali is served with meat dishes.

Cold vegetable snacks are prepared from raw, boiled, salted and pickled vegetables and herbs. Eggplants, beans (green beans and grains), red and green tomatoes, cabbage and other vegetables are widely used. In addition, a variety of fish and meat products are served on the table as an appetizer.

Most snacks in Georgia are seasoned with various spices, raw herbs, walnuts, sauces, pomegranate juice, wine vinegar, etc.

Cold dishes are beautifully decorated with various raw spicy herbs, chopped onions, green pomegranates, and nut butter.

In Georgian cuisine, beef, lamb, pork, poultry, and fish are widely used to prepare various dishes.

In the manufacture of meat dishes, all types of heat treatment are used: boiling, frying, stewing, baking, etc.

Georgian cuisine is very diverse and refined in its own way. However, the most favorite dishes of the Georgian table are dishes fried on a spit. On a spit, both meat, fish, and vegetable, dairy (cheese) products are fried.

Products are strung on a spit, placed over coals burning without a flame and fried until tender. The most favorite dishes on a spit and Georgians are shish kebab, vegetables stuffed with bacon and herbs (tomatoes, eggplants) and a ham or brisket of a young lamb.

    1. Scheme of cooking "Chakhokhbili"

Scheme No. 1

Cooking scheme "Chakhokhbili"

Continuation of scheme No. 1

2.6 Technological map of the Chakhokhbili dish

Table No. 1

Technological map of the Chakhokhbili dish

Weight, g






Fried chicken



table margarine

fresh onion




fresh tomatoes or

tomato puree

Wheat flour


Vinegar 3%




2.7 Inventory

    baking sheet.


    Spatula - 2 pcs.

    2 liter saucepan - 1 pc.

    1.5 liter saucepan - 1 pc.

    Board OS ("raw vegetables").

    Board MS ("raw meat").

    Knife OS ("raw vegetables").

    Knife MS ("raw meat").

    Bowls - 2 pcs.


    Portion plate.

The optimal set of kitchen utensils and appliances includes a fairly extensive set of items:

    Thick cutting board for raw meat

    Cutting board for boiled meat.

    Table board for cutting bread.

    Table large cutting board for cutting bread.

    Cutting board for cutting fish.

    A marble slab, as thick as possible, and fixed on a table.

    Whisk or apparatus for beating eggs, butter, sugar.

    Cast iron or enamel bowl for beating eggs.

    5 - 8 wooden spoons of various sizes.

    Kitchen scissors made of stainless steel: small - for cutting bags (for example, dairy products), medium - for fish, large for cutting poultry.

    2 - 4 studs.

    Grid for deep fat.


    A set of containers for spices.

    A set of containers for storing bulk products.

    Forms for jelly and aspic dishes of different sizes.

    A set of enameled bowls (large and small) for auxiliary processes.

    The sieve is large, small and medium.

    Trays of various shapes and sizes.

2.8 Tableware

In order to prepare a tasty and aesthetically attractive dish, you need a lot of indispensable helpers - professional tools. The idea of ​​kitchen comfort, where a minimum set of several chef's spoons and spatulas, a knife, a grater and a whisk is needed, has changed radically. Our cuisine is becoming more and more international - new products, previously unfamiliar or unknown, appear on the daily menu. Culinary tools include dishes, utensils, accessories for processing, cooking, frying, grilling devices, various ladles, spatulas, wire beaters, baking tools, specialized kitchen appliances, forged knives, tongs, cutting boards, cutting, measuring, mechanical appliances, kitchen sieves, metal salad bowls, jars for bulk products, salt shakers (dispensers), pots and pans made of stainless steel and other materials.

Kitchen utensils of different peoples have their own differences in their constituent items and may vary depending on the methods of preparing national dishes. At the same time, over the course of many centuries, a pan-European optimal set of kitchen utensils has been formed that meets the requirements of modern cuisine. This set is constantly changing and cannot be unshakable, because thanks to scientific and technological progress, many household items become obsolete; they are replaced by others made from the latest materials, multifunctional.

The kitchen, rationally equipped with utensils, kitchen utensils (utensils), mechanized appliances, helps to speed up the preparation of many dishes. Thanks to the latter, it is possible to grind or process more products faster and more thoroughly: clean, chop, chop, grind, beat.

When equipping the kitchen facilities, it is necessary to know the purpose of all items and monitor the appearance in stores of new appliances and devices that facilitate the work and save the cook's time.

When equipping the kitchen with dishes and kitchen utensils, they should be divided into primary and secondary items. However, it should be borne in mind that this division is conditional.

The strength and durability of the cookware, as well as the quality of the food cooked in it, depend on the material from which the cookware itself was made.

Steel cookware meets the requirements of modern culinary technologies to the greatest extent. Enamelled steel cookware is chemically resistant to organic acids, salts, soaps and alkalis. Such dishes do not absorb fat and odors. Enamelware can be used to store foods containing acid (shchi, pickles).

A special category is galvanized steel utensils. It is impossible to cook food and boil water for drinking in it, since the resulting zinc salts are harmful to humans.

Stainless steel utensils are mainly used for cooking liquid dishes, as they have thin walls, do not collapse from sudden changes in temperature, and do not spoil the taste of food. The disadvantage of stainless steel cookware is poor thermal conductivity, and high temperature is required for frying.

Cast iron cookware is suitable only for frying and stewing. To preserve vitamins and nutrients during cooking, cast-iron cookware must be covered with glass enamel inside.

Aluminum utensils. Dishes from this material for a long time "reigned" in the home kitchen. Its use is undesirable due to the short-lived service life and the high degree of damage to such dishes during cooking.

2.9 Cooking technology of Chakhokhbili dish

Portioned pieces of chicken are fried, sautéed onions, chopped into rings, finely chopped tomatoes, dry flour sauté, water, vinegar, cilantro and basil, crushed garlic, black pepper, salt are added and stew until tender.

Released together with the sauce in which the chicken was stewed.

2.10 Calculation of the Chakhokhbili dish

Table number 2

The cost of the Chakhokhbili dish per 1 serving weighing 250 grams.

Name of raw materials and products

Gross weight, g

Price for 1 kg, rubles

Cost, rubles




table margarine

fresh onion



fresh tomatoes


tomato puree


Wheat flour



Vinegar 3%





Coriander (cilantro), basil (greens)



50.385 rubles

The total cost of the Chakhokhbili dish is 50 rubles 39 kopecks per one serving weighing 250 grams.

2.11 Preparation of raw materials

Mechanical cooking of meat

Mechanical cooking of vegetables:

cleaning a tomato

sorting tomato

Washing the tomato

sliced ​​tomato

Peeling onions and garlic

Sorting garlic and onions

onion slicing

Pushing garlic through a garlic press

Mechanical culinary processing of greens:

Sorting basil and cilantro

Washing cilantro and basil

Cleaning basil and cilantro

2.12 Hot shop operation

In the hot shop, hot first courses, second courses, side dishes, sauces are prepared, and all technological operations for the heat treatment of semi-finished products for the cold shop are performed. The cold shop produces a variety of cold dishes, snacks and culinary products. The work of pre-cooking workshops is based on the menu plan. The release of dishes and culinary products during the day is carried out in small portions, taking into account the load of the trading floor and the schedule of the flow of consumers. The largest part of the products of pre-cooking shops is made before the opening of the hall.

The hot shop is the main one in high-capacity enterprises with several trading floors. It is located next to the hall with the largest number of seats, while in other trading halls, distribution rooms with food warmers are equipped. The hot shop is adjacent to the blank shops, the cold shop, the washing of kitchen utensils, and when the dishes are dispensed from the stove, the washing of tableware. In the hot shops of large enterprises, a soup department is organized for the preparation of first courses, and a sauce department is organized for the preparation of second courses, side dishes, sauces. Hot shop equipment, its capacity depends on the throughput of the shop. Of the thermal equipment, stoves, cooking boilers, electric ovens, electric frying pans, electric fryers, boilers are installed. The procedure for arranging equipment depends on the types of machines and apparatus used, the fuel used, the area and shape of the kitchen room and the location of the dispenser. The stove is placed in the center of the hot shop to provide free access to it from all sides. It is more expedient to place the slab perpendicular to the wall with windows, facing the outer wall. The preparation of a wide range of soups, main courses, side dishes, sauces requires the provision of a hot shop with a variety of utensils and utensils. In the soup department, work is organized as follows. For the preparation of first courses, pre-measured types of containers are used, intended for various products and semi-finished products (potatoes, cabbage, carrots, etc.). on the desktop should be: a board, a knife and a slide, that is, a metal rack with several sticks on which dishes with spices and seasonings are placed. The range of slides depends mainly on the type of enterprises. Prepared pickles, onions sautéed with tomato, root vegetables, chopped greens, tomato, bay leaf, peas, salt, etc. are usually stored on the hill. the presence of a slide facilitates the work of the cook, speeds up the preparation and release of dishes, and also develops the chef's sense of responsibility for the quality of the dishes.


Second courses are very common and varied.

I was preparing chakhokhbili. This dish takes 160 minutes to prepare. Chakhokhbili is not only a tasty dish, but also quite satisfying, as it includes such products as: meat, vegetables, greens. I would like to note that the manufacture is simple and inexpensive. For this type of second course, a sauce was selected, with which the dish can be served, for high-quality assimilation and an increase in the taste effect of the dish.

Chakhokhbili is a dish popular in many neighboring countries, it is distinguished by its spicy taste and ease of preparation, and, importantly, the low cost of the dish, which contributes to its wide distribution. If you want to experiment and please your loved ones and guests, then, of course, you should cook chakhokhbili, decorate with herbs and taste it together. Your guests and loved ones will appreciate your culinary skills.


    V.V. Usov - Fundamentals of culinary skills. Moscow 2007

    L.G. Shatun - Cookery, 2006

    T.A. Kachurina - Cooking: a textbook. M.: 2007

    ON THE. Anfimova, L.L. Tatar - Cooking "Cook, pastry chef" Textbook, 2005

    V.V. Usov - Organization of production and service at public catering establishments, 2006

    2. V.V. Baronovich "Cook", Moscow "Academy", 2008.

    3. N.V. Shatun, “Cook, confectioner”, Moscow Academy, 2008

    Describe the assortment of culinary products of Georgian cuisine, the features of its preparation (5-8 dishes). Make technological schemes of 3 described dishes.
    Describe the features of the culinary processing of the food raw materials used, food products, customs and traditions in the preparation and consumption of food in Ukrainian cuisine.
    Describe the range of culinary products, features of cooking technology, methods of decoration and leave, organoleptic assessment of the quality of Japanese cuisine. (5-8 dishes)
    Describe the assortment of culinary products of Georgian cuisine, the features of its preparation (5-8 dishes). Make technological schemes of 3 described dishes.
Georgian meat dishes can be prepared from pork (muzhuzhi), lamb (chanakhi), beef (kharcho) and poultry (chakhokhbili). Such tolerance is not usually characteristic of other peoples of the East.
However, tolerance for all types of meat does not prevent Georgians from loving beef and poultry - turkey and chicken most of all.
Compared to meat, fish dishes occupy a relatively modest place in Georgia, and even then only in certain areas located near rivers. At the same time, it should be emphasized that barbel, khramulya, shemaya, and podust, typical of the Transcaucasus, belong to the carp family and are distinguished by exceptionally tender and fatty meat. In the high-mountainous transparent and fast rivers of Abkhazia, Svanetia, Khevsureti and Upper Kartaliniya, trout is common, the meat of which is also exquisitely tasty and does not have a specific "fishy" taste. These features of local fish raw materials, combined with the relatively rare and insignificant use of fish compared to meat in Georgian cuisine, left their mark on the way Georgians cook fish. It is consumed mainly in boiled and stewed form and flavored with the same sauces and seasonings as meat or vegetable dishes.
The formation of a lenten table in Georgian cuisine mainly consists of vegetables and fruits. The natural environment itself prompted this. As a result, vegetable dishes began to occupy a large and almost dominant place in Georgian cuisine, if we keep in mind the diversity of their types. Most of them are made from beans, eggplant, cabbage and cauliflower, beets, tomatoes. These are the so-called basic vegetables. Along with garden vegetables, wild herbs are widely used - nettle, chin, mallow, jonjoli, purslane and others, as well as young tops of garden crops - beets, cauliflower. Vegetable dishes should also include various types of cereal products: spelled - zanduri, chumiza, rice, corn.
Vegetable dishes in Georgian cuisine can be raw, such as salads, but most often they are boiled, baked, fried, stewed, pickled or salted. The most commonly used combination of any one main vegetable (for example, beans, eggplant) with a variety of changing seasonings. Such, for example, are dozens of types of lobio. In other cases, on the contrary, the main vegetables (cabbage, beans, eggplant, beets, spinach) in the dish change, but seasonings, sauces, gravies remain unchanged. These are vegetable dishes such as mkhali and borani.
A large place in Georgian cuisine is occupied by nuts - hazelnuts, hazelnuts, beech nuts, almonds, but most often walnuts. This specific raw material is an invariable component of various seasonings and sauces, equally well suited to poultry, vegetable and even fish dishes. Nuts go to meat soups and confectionery, to cold salads and hot main courses. Without them, in short, the Georgian table is inconceivable.
Spicy herbs, consumed throughout the year, have become of great importance in Georgian cuisine. These are cilantro, tarragon, basil, savory, leek, green onions, and partly mint.
Another distinctive feature of the Georgian table is the frequent and plentiful use of cheeses. These are exclusively brine-type cheeses, prepared mainly by the wineskin and partly by the jug method. In Western Georgia, the production of mild, fresh cheeses with a sour-milk taste is concentrated - Suluguni and Imereti. In the high-mountainous northern regions of Eastern Georgia, sharp and salty cheeses are made - Kobi, Tush and Georgian.
Not only the taste range, but also the ways of using Georgian cheeses are very different from European ones. If in European cuisines various cheeses belong mainly to either a snack or dessert table, then in Georgian cuisine they are used in the preparation of hot dishes, both second and first (gadazelili). In Georgian cuisine, cheese is boiled or boiled in milk, fried on a spit and in a frying pan in oil, baked in dough, soaked, crushed, flavored with oil and spices.
The widespread use of an open fire and a skewer for cooking not only meat, but also vegetable, fish and even cheese dishes, as well as the use of a clay jug-shaped torne oven for baking flour products in general, is typical, of course, not only for Georgian, but also for other Transcaucasian cuisines. . More specific are the ketsi used by Georgians for frying and baking - small clay and large stone pans, as well as wide metal tapa pans for frying poultry under pressure. And although the last technique was borrowed from Armenians in antiquity, it has become much more widespread in Georgian cuisine. All these technological methods are, however, only one of the elements of creating a national culinary flavor in Georgian cuisine.
Another, outwardly less attention-grabbing, but more significant and truly national feature of Georgian cuisine is the use of special techniques to create a variety of dishes. Of these methods, two should be mentioned: the use of an acidic, sour-fat and sour-egg environment to create a peculiar taste and texture of Georgian soups and the use of sauces to enrich the assortment of second courses. Georgian soups are almost devoid of vegetable grounds. But their consistency is much denser than ordinary soups. This is achieved very often by introducing egg yolks or whole eggs into them.
The range of traditional Georgian dishes includes dishes such as:
Georgian pickled cabbage. To prepare this dish, cabbage (medium-sized heads) together with the stalk are cut into 6-8 parts (slices), put in a bowl interspersed with peeled and sliced ​​beets, salt, ground red pepper, wine vinegar are added, poured with boiling water, and left in warm place to sour. Ready cabbage is stored in the cold.
Released as a cold appetizer without beets.
Quality requirements:
Appearance: pieces of pickled cabbage are evenly colored, the leaves are not damaged.
Taste and smell: spicy, slightly spicy taste, moderately salty. Characteristic taste and smell of cabbage.
Colour: pink to red.
Consistency: dense, slightly crunchy.
For cooking kharcho in Georgian beef or lamb brisket is chopped together with cartilage into pieces of 20-30 grams, poured with cold water and boiled until half cooked. Onions are chopped into small cubes, sautéed with the addition of fat, tomato puree and fat removed from the broth are added.
Pre-soaked rice, meat are placed in the broth, boiled, browned onions are added, and brought to readiness. 5 - 10 minutes before the end of cooking, the soup is seasoned with tkemali sauce, finely chopped garlic, dare - suneli, salt, pepper, bay leaf.
Release the finished dish at a temperature of at least 65 * C in heated deep dinner plates. Store the finished dish on the food warmer for no more than 3 hours.
Quality requirements:
Appearance: soup in a deep bowl, orange spangles of fat on the surface.
Taste and smell: aroma of spices, boiled meat, moderately salty. Pronounced taste and aroma of garlic.
Orange color.
Consistency: liquid in the broth, soft in the thick part of the soup.

For cooking chanakhi diced potatoes are placed in a portioned clay pot, 2–3 pieces of lamb (breast with a bone), eggplants stuffed with finely chopped tail fat, part of greens, pepper are placed on top, poured with broth or water (150–100 grams per serving), add tomato mashed potatoes, chopped onions, garlic, salt, the rest of the greens and put in the oven periodically pouring the broth. 10 minutes before readiness, fresh tomatoes are placed on top.
The finished dish is released in the same pot in which it was cooked on a stand plate covered with a napkin.
Vacation temperature not less than 65 *C. Released immediately after the end of the technological process of preparation.
Quality requirements.
Appearance: a dish in a portion pot, tomatoes are stacked on top. Potatoes retained their cut shape during the stewing process.
Taste and smell: typical for the incoming components, moderately salty, aroma of spices; characteristic specific taste and aroma of stewed lamb.
Color: characteristic of the incoming components.
Consistency: soft, but not boiled.
Bird Satsivi.
To prepare this dish, the carcass of a chicken or turkey is boiled until half cooked, fried in an oven and chopped into portions (2 pieces each - fillet and legs - per serving).
For the sauce, finely chopped onion (onion) is sautéed in oil, flour is added and diluted with broth. The nuts are crushed, crushed garlic, salt, saffron, pepper, cinnamon, cloves are added, diluted with a small amount of broth and this mass is introduced into the boiling broth with onions. Then they wipe everything, add boiled vinegar, utskho - suneli and boil for 5 minutes. Egg yolks are rubbed in a small amount of satsivi sauce chilled to 50 ° C, then they are gradually introduced into the hot sauce with continuous stirring.
Portioned pieces of poultry are poured with hot satsivi sauce and cooled. Serve cold with sauce.
quality requirements.
Appearance: Two pieces per serving of chicken in sauce in a shallow dinner plate.
Taste and smell: typical for poultry dishes, aroma of spices and nuts, moderately salty.

Consistency: soft, juicy, the sauce is homogeneous.

To prepare this dish, chicken pieces are fried, sautéed onions, chopped into rings, finely chopped tomatoes, dry flour sauté, broth or water, vinegar, cilantro and basil, crushed garlic, black pepper, salt are added and stew until tender.
Released with the sauce in which the chicken was stewed. Chakhokhbili can also be prepared from other types of poultry.
quality requirements.
Appearance: portioned pieces of chicken in sauce.
Taste and smell: typical for poultry dishes, the aroma of spices and garlic, moderately salty.
Colour: characteristic of the incoming components.
Consistency: soft, juicy, the sauce is homogeneous, without the admixture of brewed flour.
Store the finished dish on the food warmer for no more than 3 hours. Released at a temperature of at least 65 * C.

    Describe the features of the culinary processing of the food raw materials used, food products, customs and traditions in the preparation and consumption of food in Ukrainian cuisine.
Ukrainian cuisine is famous for its rich traditions of national cuisine, which is known far beyond the borders of the republic. Many dishes are included in the menu of international cuisine: borscht, dumplings, dumplings. Dishes of Ukrainian cuisine are prepared from a wide variety of products (often in original combinations) and use various methods of cooking.
Ukrainian cuisine adopted some technological methods from German and Hungarian cuisines, as well as Tatar and Turkish ones, modifying them in its own way. For example, the frying of food in overheated oil, characteristic of Turkic cuisines, has turned into Ukrainian “greasing” (sauteing vegetables for borscht and main courses).
In the Ukrainian national cuisine, products such as pork, lard, beets, wheat flour are mainly used. It is characterized by abundant use of eggs, a variety of flour products.
Salo, a favorite national product, is not only served as an independent dish (salted, boiled, smoked and fried), but also used as a seasoning and fat base for a wide variety of dishes, even sweet ones, combining it with sugar or molasses.
Of all types of dough, Ukrainians prefer unleavened - simple, custard, rich, shortbread. National dishes include products made from simple yeast-free dough: dumplings, dumplings, buckwheat, shortcakes, verguns.
An important role in the diet is played by vegetables, which are served as side dishes for fatty meats or as an independent dish.
The first place belongs to the beet, which can be called a national vegetable and which is consumed not only fresh, boiled, but also pickled.
Legumes are widely used: beans, lentils, especially beans (but not in pods).
Other vegetable crops include carrots, pumpkins, potatoes, tomatoes and corn, which are also very popular in Ukraine.
Of the fruits and berries in Ukraine, cherries, plums, pears, currants, watermelons and, to a lesser extent, apples and raspberries are popular. Fruits and berries are eaten soaked, dried and smoked-cured.
Ukrainian cuisine has always been extremely practical. Food was cooked in the same oven and often breakfast, lunch and dinner were prepared immediately, preserved and "reached" in a warm oven. Borsch, porridge, dumplings and potatoes are the vegetable basis of the Ukrainian table. These dishes are balanced and rich in vitamins due to the peculiarities of cooking in an oven, in which vitamins and microelements are preserved.
The central place in the Ukrainian diet is occupied by bread, which is baked from rye and wheat flour, which, as you know, contains up to 20-24% protein, amino acids necessary for a person, almost 2% fat, more than 60% starch and about 2% fiber. All this wealth is prepared using sour sourdough and baked in a traditional oven. In addition to sour, there is also unleavened bread, of which there are several types in Ukrainian cuisine. For example, dumplings are made from unleavened dough. In confectionery products, shortcrust pastry is most often used. From wheat, rye and buckwheat, cereals of various grindings are made, from which porridge and kutya are cooked. Kutia is a porridge that is prepared mainly at wakes, at Christmas, New Year and Epiphany. This porridge is cooked from whole grains of wheat, sometimes barley, with the addition of raisins and nuts, and poured over with honey. Usually kutya is eaten at the beginning of the meal, worn to the cemetery and to the church. Kutya is served with low-fat milk with almonds, poppy seeds or nuts.
Traditional spices in Ukrainian cuisine were those that grew nearby or were the most accessible: horseradish, onion, dill, cumin, mint, anise, pepper. Oil was pressed from sunflower seeds and corn. Vinegar was made from apple juice.
Ukrainian cuisine gave the world such an archetypal dish that enriched the global cuisine as borscht. This is a complex dish based on beets, which includes up to 20 components. Several culinary techniques are used to prepare traditional borscht. At the heart of any borscht (and there are many types of them in Ukraine) is the creation of a rich broth (yushka) and light frying and sautéing vegetable dressing before placing them in a saucepan. The classic borscht is prepared without meat, but there are many recipes for meat borscht.
No less typical Ukrainian dish are dumplings. In some ways, their preparation is similar to Siberian dumplings or Caucasian manti, but the fundamental difference is that instead of minced meat, dumplings usually use vegetable, vegetable or berry filling. So, for example, there are dumplings with cherries, potatoes, cabbage or cottage cheese.
Cooking, decoctions, "yukha" or yushka are one of the main elements of Ukrainian cuisine. Saturated and thick meat, fish, vegetable and fruit broths can either be the basis for other dishes (for example, borscht) or are independent dishes (kutya). Often, yushka is cooked with the addition of peas or cereals, which, when boiled, make it thick and rich, almost like porridge.
Since ancient times, the main Ukrainian drinks have been mead, kvass, beer, grape wine, vodka (vodka) and all kinds of tinctures. There are a lot of kvass recipes. This popular thirst-quenching drink contains vitamins B1 and E, many valuable enzymes and is quite easy to prepare. Usually, to prepare kvass, breadcrumbs and kvass wort are required, which each housewife saves for subsequent preparations of the drink. Kvass is made not only from bread. It can be made from berries or vegetables, however, horseradish, berries, apples, pears, mint or sea buckthorn are often added to ordinary bread kvass for taste.
Another no less ancient and legendary drink is honey or mead. Extremely useful, with healing properties, honey is prepared from yeast and honey with the addition of pollen, hops, spices, roots and berries. The strength of honey is usually 10-16% by volume, the taste is very mild, without a sense of alcohol, with a pronounced honey aroma. It is customary to drink mead before meals; this drink is an aperitif that stimulates the appetite. Modern Ukrainian cuisine is famous for its specific drinks, for example, honey vodka with pepper, which has become popular not only among its neighbors - in Russia and Belarus, but also in Western Europe.
Vegetable dishes can be considered a very important part of Ukrainian cuisine. The use of vegetables is generally characteristic of Slavic cuisines. Potatoes, cabbage, beets, zucchini, eggplants, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes are actively used as part of various complex dishes, as well as in salads and as side dishes for main courses, significantly enriching the diet with vitamins and microelements. And due to the careful method of preparation, vegetables retain their beneficial qualities. Dishes such as pumpkin porridge with semolina, pumpkin with plantain, boiled potatoes with garlic, beetroot stewed in sour cream, potato babka with cheese, “tattered” potatoes have firmly entered modern Ukrainian cuisine, enriching its taste palette.
Potatoes are used to prepare independent dishes, as well as fillings for pies and dumplings. Potatoes are also a great side dish for fish or meat. In modern Ukrainian cuisine, not a single first course is complete without potatoes. Draniki - potato pancakes can be considered a purely Ukrainian dish of potatoes. Potatoes are rubbed on a fine or coarse grater, “teared”, getting strips thinner than spaghetti, and fried in vegetable oil in a hot frying pan. Draniki are served on the table sprinkled with garlic. Another interesting dish is lezhni - a kind of pie with potatoes and stewed cabbage, onions and cracklings. It is cooked in the oven or oven in a single layer and only then cut into portions. Lezhni is usually eaten with sour cream.
Ukrainian table is unthinkable without fruit. Apples, cherries, plums, watermelons, cranberries, lingonberries, raspberries, mulberries are just a small list of the fruit table. Compotes are prepared from fruits, they are added to salads and cereals, baked and marinated.
The berry table of Ukraine is perhaps even richer than the vegetable one. Since ancient times, berries have been one of the most affordable and at the same time useful delicacies. Forest and field berries were collected all summer, dried and then used all winter, adding to cereals, compotes and salads. Jam was cooked from berries and apples - a typical Ukrainian dessert, the analogues of which are jam in Russian and jam or confiture in European cuisines. The sugar content in the finished jam should be at least 60%. A feature of the preparation of Ukrainian jam is that sugar is added at the end of cooking fruit puree. From this, the jam acquires a light shade and retains the taste and aroma of berries.
The originality of Ukrainian cuisine is expressed, firstly, in the predominant use of products such as pork, lard, beets, wheat flour. Secondly, most dishes are characterized by large sets of components. An example is borscht, where many more products are added to beets that do not drown out, but only emphasize its taste.
In Ukrainian cuisine, dishes are prepared from beef meat, poultry - fried and stewed. Homemade roasts, Ukrainian beaty, boiled pork stuffed with garlic and lard, stewed with cabbage and lard, krucheniki, curls, stuffed poultry are popular. Meat and poultry dishes cooked in pots are especially tasty.
Tasty and healthy combined dishes of meat and vegetables: Volyn krucheniki, beef with vegetables, mushrooms, homemade sausage with onions, stuffed potato curls, beets stuffed with rice, apples and cottage cheese. Traditionally, there are a lot of fast and tasty egg dishes in Ukrainian cuisine.
In a large assortment - gas station first courses, among which the most popular are borscht, there are more than thirty types of them: Chernihiv, Poltava, Volyn, Lvov, etc. Many dishes are prepared from fish. These are fish rolls, carp stewed with onions or in sour cream, crucian carp baked in sour cream, pike stewed with horseradish and others. Ukrainian table cannot be imagined without tomatoes and sunflower oil. Sunflower oil is usually used for salads, vinaigrettes, marinades, as well as second hot dishes. Dishes from carrots, pumpkins, corn, potatoes, beans, lentils and especially beans are varied. Vegetables are also used as side dishes that need marinade and salting. Dishes and flour products are a separate chapter in traditional Ukrainian cuisine. Ukrainian dumplings, dumplings, potaptsya are famous all over the world. There are many products from various doughs - yeast, puff, shortbread, custard, biscuit. Various porridges are popular: wheat, buckwheat, pumpkin, buckwheat porridge, which is eaten with milk, sunflower oil, fried onions, etc. Not only cereals are prepared from cereals, but also such delicious dishes as krupeniki, millet babka with apples, buckwheat meatballs.
From spices and seasonings in the national cuisine, onion, garlic, dill, cumin, mint, savory, red pepper, black pepper, cinnamon, and vinegar are used.
An excellent feature of Ukrainian cuisine is the combined heat treatment of products: the raw product is first lightly fried or quickly sautéed, and only after that it is boiled, baked or stewed.
In modern Ukrainian cuisine there are many new dishes from vegetables, sea fish, cottage cheese.
    Describe the range of culinary products, features of cooking technology, methods of decoration and leave, organoleptic assessment of the quality of Japanese cuisine. (5-8 dishes)
An important part of Japanese cooking is the art of serving. Not surprisingly, Japanese cuisine is sometimes referred to as an adult toy; The Japanese "eats" with their eyes, as the design of dishes is very important to them. It was from here that the idea came that nowhere in the world the eyes take such a part in eating as they do here. Perhaps this has been the case since the old days, when the beauty and elegance of design made up for a modest set of products.
Range Traditional Japanese cuisine includes the following dishes:
Japanese rice salad. For its preparation, rice is washed and boiled. Drain in a colander and rinse with cold water. The yolk, mustard, sugar, vinegar, salt are thoroughly beaten with a whisk, gradually adding vegetable oil (preparation of mayonnaise sauce). Orange juice is diluted with water (1: 7), maize flour is diluted in this orange water, brought to a boil and immediately mixed with mayonnaise. Rice, cubes of meat (fried or boiled beef) and chopped orange slices are mixed, the salad is sprinkled with lemon juice. The dish is served cold (10 - 14 * C).
Quality requirements:
Appearance: the salad is well mixed, dressed with mayonnaise, laid out in a salad bowl; the rice is not boiled, the meat is cut into equal pieces.
Taste and smell: sweet and sour taste and aroma of orange, slightly spicy taste of mayonnaise, moderately salty.
Color: characteristic of the incoming components.
Consistency: soft, juicy in an orange, not boiled - in rice, homogeneous - in a sauce.
The finished dish is released immediately after the end of the cooking process.
Japanese fish cutlets.
Fish fillet is passed through a meat grinder, mixed with cornmeal, egg yolks, vegetable oil, wine, whites whipped with sugar. Pour the mass into a frying pan with oil and fry until golden brown on both sides. After cooling, cut into strips and serve with a green salad. The finished dish is laid out on a dish, beautifully decorated with a green salad. Vacation temperature 10 - 14 *C. Taste and smell - characteristic of dishes from fish raw materials, moderately salty. Color: grey. Consistency: soft, elastic. Store the finished dish for no more than 6 hours at a temperature of 3 - 5 * C.
For cooking japanese puree soup hot mashed potatoes are diluted with hot broth, combined with white sauce, seasoned with boiled cream and butter. Served in a deep dinner plate with croutons.
Appearance: puree-like soup, in a deep bowl. The croutons are laid out on the surface of the soup, or served separately on a snack plate. Taste and smell: aroma of butter, cream, toast; pronounced taste of potatoes.
Consistency: homogeneous, thick (pure)
Vacation temperature: not less than 65 *C. Ready soup is stored on a food warmer for no more than 3 hours.
Japanese liver.
To prepare a side dish for this dish, rice is boiled (the ratio of rice and water is 1: 2). Peas are stewed and mixed with rice, soy sauce is added and placed in a warm place.
The prepared liver is cut into portions, sprinkled with salt and red pepper, breaded in flour, fried on both sides in very hot vegetable oil and sprinkled with soy sauce.
Canned tangerines (or a few fresh tangerines) are also lightly fried and placed on top of rice and liver during vacation.
quality requirements.
Appearance: portioned piece of fried breaded liver, laid out on a dish. Garnish: boiled rice with green peas. On top of the pieces of fried liver are circles / slices of tangerines. The rice is not boiled, the peas have retained their shape during the stewing process.

C content

    Introduction ……………………………………………….………... page 3-12

    Topic name……………………………………………………. page 13 2.1 Brief description of the enterprise…… 14 2.2 Safety precautions………………… ……………………... page 15-16 2.3 Occupational safety ……………………………………….. ……… 17 2.4 History of the dish ………… ……………………………........... 18-19 2.5 Cooking scheme………………………. ……… 20-21 2.6 Technological map of the dish……… ………………... …….page 22 2.7 Inventory…………………..……………………… ……... ….page 23-24 2.8 Dinnerware…….………………………………….. … 25-26 2.9Cooking technology………………… .….….page 27 2.10 Calculation of the dish…………………………………………page 28 2.11 Preparation of raw materials………………………………………… 29 2.12 Operation of the hot shop……………………………………….page 30-31

Conclusion…………………………………………………… 32

Bibliography………………. .……….. 33


In the process of the development of human society over the course of many centuries, gastronomic habits, likes and dislikes have evolved among different peoples of the world. National cuisines were created, which are an integral part of the national culture. Today, each nation has its own national cuisine, which is characterized by its own, different from others, national dishes.

Each national cuisine is based on two main factors: a set of initial products and methods of their processing. These two factors are closely related to each other. The set of initial products is determined by what nature and material production provide - agriculture, animal husbandry, various crafts. This, in turn, means that the specific features of national cuisines are influenced by the country's geographical location, climate, and economic conditions. So, in the national cuisines of countries bordering the oceans and seas, a significant place is occupied by a dish of fish and seafood. In the national cuisines of countries located in forest areas, there are dishes from livestock products and forestry. The peoples of the southern countries use more vegetables, fruits, etc. to prepare their national dishes.

The geographical and climatic position of individual countries also led to different uses and flavoring substances in food. For example, the peoples of Southeast Asia, Africa, South America, etc., use more spices, seasonings, hot sauces for cooking. The peoples of the Nordic countries prefer less spicy food.

However, not only the set of raw materials determines the nature of the national cuisine. Using the same product, different nations in the process of preparing a dish give it their own unique taste. An example is such a popular product as rice. It is the basis of nutrition for many peoples inhabiting the Asian continent. But dishes from it, prepared, for example, by Uzbeks, Indians or Chinese, are perceived as completely different.

It turns out this is because each national cuisine, using the same raw materials, uses different technologies and methods of heat treatment, unique combinations of products inherent only to it.

From all that has been said, we can conclude that national cuisine is created by a national community of people, a commonality of their characteristic features and taste perceptions. This does not mean at all that the national cuisine is something closed, frozen once and for all. Cooking is one of the least isolated parts of the national culture. Mutual penetration and mutual influence of national cuisines on each other have always been and are taking place. We can find many similarities, for example, between the Armenian and Bulgarian national cuisines, which in turn borrowed a lot from Turkish cuisine. There are many similar national dishes among the peoples of Transcaucasia, North Asia, which allows us to talk, for example, about the general Caucasian, Central Asian cuisine.

But this mutual influence of national cuisines on each other does not exclude the originality of each of them, since each nation gives any food, including those created by another nationality, its own special taste.

Already now, we can rightly say that modern Russian cuisine is being born before our eyes, which is equally decorated with Russian pies, Ukrainian borscht, Uzbek pilaf, Georgian kebabs, Armenian tolma and Azerbaijani soup - piti.

Hot meat dishes and snacks are very different from cold dishes and snacks. Their most important difference is that hot meat dishes are subjected to various heat treatments. This is the peculiarity of the preparation of hot dishes and snacks. Hot dishes and snacks are included in the menu after cold ones. They also differ in sharp taste and small volume. For their preparation, meat, meat products (ham, sausages), offal (tongues, kidneys, scars) are used. Any products used to prepare hot dishes are first heat tested. At the same time, large physico-chemical changes occur in them, which contribute to the improvement of taste and better digestibility of food. During heat treatment, the products are crushed, which makes them easier to chew; a large number of pathogens and some harmful substances are neutralized; new flavoring and aromatic substances are formed that contribute to the release of digestive juices.

The following main methods of heat treatment of products are used in catering establishments: boiling and frying. Combined and auxiliary methods of heat treatment are also used, in which several main methods are combined.

Boiling is the heating of food in a liquid. Cooking happens:

    main way; (in plenty of water).

    Admission; (in a small amount of water under the lid).

    Steam cooking; (in special cabinets or on grids).

Roasting is the heating of a product without liquid in various amounts of fat.

Roasting happens:

    main way; (in a small amount of fat).

    Deep-fried; (high in fat).

    In the oven; (in special cabinets at a temperature of 270).

    On the grill (roasting on an open fire).

Combined heat treatment methods include:

    Stewing is frying the product until golden brown, and then stewing with the addition of spices.

    Roasting - boiled, fried, stewed or raw semi-finished products are poured with sauce, baked in an oven.

    Breezing is the stewing of meat in a concentrated broth, and then frying in an oven.

    Boiling, followed by frying - the product is first felted, then fried.

Auxiliary methods of heat treatment include:

    Singeing - used for the primary processing of poultry, beef, lamb, pork and calf legs (on gas burners).

    Blanching - laying food for a few minutes in boiled water.

    Sauteing - frying foods in a small amount of fat and sautéing.

The technological process of preparing a dish does not begin with heat treatment, but with the receipt of carcasses of slaughtered animals at public catering establishments. The meat comes chilled, chilled and frozen. Chilled meat is that which, after cutting the carcass at the slaughterhouse, cooled down in natural conditions or cooling chambers for at least 6 hours. Meat chilled to a temperature in the thickness of the muscle + 4-0 is called chilled. Meat artificially frozen to a temperature in the thickness of the muscle no higher than - 6 is called ice cream. Depending on fatness, beef and mutton are divided into two categories, and pork is divided into fatty (thickness of lard more than 4 cm) and meat (thickness of lard from 1.5 to 2 cm). Pig meat is divided into two categories. The first category includes milk piglets weighing from 1.3 to 5 kg., The second category includes - weighing from 5 to 12 kg.

The technological process of processing meat at catering establishments consists of the following operations:


    Washing and drying.

    Carcass cutting.

    Production of semi-finished products.

Frozen meat is thawed in its entirety by hanging the carcass on hooks, or stacking it on grates in special chambers - defrosters. Or in chambers at a temperature of +4 +6 for 3-5 days. Slow thawing of meat allows you to minimize the loss of meat juice to almost completely preserve the taste of the product. Preliminary processing of meat consists, first of all, in its thorough washing. The meat should be washed quickly under running water, and the entire piece intended for processing is washed. Do not wash the meat after it has already been cut, as this transfers contamination from the surface into the meat, first with your hands and then with a stream of water. If the meat is washed in small pieces, especially after the bones have been removed, this causes a loss of juices, and thus a decrease in the nutritional value of the meat. For the same reason, meat should not be soaked, as water-soluble proteins, minerals and B vitamins pass into the water. Washed meat should be dried. Dry the meat on wire racks or linen napkins. The dried meat is cut in several stages. At the beginning, the carcass is cut into quarters. Then, each quarter is divided into parts. The forequarter of the beef carcass is divided into the shoulder blade (shoulder and shoulder part), neck, dorso-thoracic part. The rear quarter of the carcass, having separated the tenderloin (iliac muscle), is divided into the posterior and lumbar parts. Pork, veal and lamb carcasses, having previously separated the tenderloin, are cut across into two halves - front and back. The front half is divided: shoulder blade, neck, loin, brisket; back - for two hams.

After that, the muscle, connective and adipose tissues are separated from the bones. This operation is called deboning. Then parts of the meat are cleaned from tendons and films, cartilage is removed.

Excess fat should be removed, leaving a layer of two to three millimeters, as fat prevents excessive evaporation and helps preserve the juiciness of the meat. Then the edges are cut off, the pieces are leveled, giving them more or less the same thickness and shape. This operation is called stripping. In the small pieces of meat remaining from deboning, small bones, tendons, cartilage, blood vessels, fat and films are removed. This operation is called trimming.

Chicken meat is tender and well digestible. This is due to the peculiarities of its chemical composition. Poultry meat contains 16-21% proteins, 5.0-28.8% fat, 0.6-1.0% minerals (calcium, potassium, copper, sodium, phosphorus, iron), water, vitamins B1, B2, PP, A, D, extractives.

Poultry meat contains mostly complete proteins and less defective proteins (collagen, elastin). Therefore, poultry meat cooks faster than animal meat and is better absorbed. The ratio of complete and incomplete proteins in poultry meat is affected by age, fatness of the bird.

The high nutritional value of a tomato is due to the content of sugars (2.5-4.5%), minerals (0.7%), acids (0.5%). The composition of minerals includes: salts of potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron (1.4 mg%), which play an important role in maintaining the acid-base balance in the body. Tomatoes can be called a natural concentrate of vitamins C, group B 1 , PP and provitamin A.

The color of fruits depends on the presence of carotenoids in them (carotene, lycopene, xanthophyll). Lycopene predominates in red fruits, while carotene and xanthophyll predominate in yellow ones.

The pleasant taste of a tomato depends on the combination of sugars (glucose, fructose) with organic acids (malic, citric, etc.).

The value of spicy vegetables is determined primarily by the content of flavoring and aromatic substances, vitamins and mineral salts. Carriers of a delicate and pungent aroma are essential oils, which contribute to a better separation of digestive juices and thereby increase appetite and digestibility of food.

Dill. This is an annual crop that uses green leaves or leaves with umbrellas as food. Dill has a lot of essential oil (1000-2500 mg%), useful and easily digestible salts of potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus. In the greens of dill, 3 times more than in lemons, vitamin C (100 mg%), a lot of carotene. Dill also contains 4.1% sugars and 2.5% nitrogenous substances.

Basil. Basil is an aromatic plant whose leaves have a sour taste and pleasant aroma due to the presence of essential oils in them (20-70 mg%). Dry and fresh basil leaves serve as a good seasoning for meat dishes.

Onion vegetables are valued due to the presence of a large amount of nutrients, taste and aromatic substances. They also have medicinal properties, as they contain phytoncides, and green mass - vitamin C (up to 60 mg%) and carotene (4.8 mg%). Therefore, they have long been used for catarrh of the respiratory tract, asthma, digestive disorders, atherosclerosis and fungal diseases.

Essential oils of onion vegetables cause sharpness, specific taste and aroma, stimulate appetite and promote better digestion of food.

Onion. Onions contain 12-60 mg% of essential oil, which gives it a smell and pungent taste, as well as B vitamins. 1 , IN 6 , PP, folic and pantothenic acids. They are also rich in minerals: calcium - 31 mg%, phosphorus - 58, potassium - 175, sodium - 18, magnesium - 14, iron - 0.8 mg%.

Leek. It is less spicy than onion. In young onions, a thickened stem and green tender leaves are eaten, which reach 70 cm in length.

Garlic. It is a complex bulb, consisting of 3-20 cloves. It differs from onions in a sharper taste and smell, lower moisture content and a higher content of nitrogenous, extractive and mineral substances, as well as essential oils (up to 2%), the main component of which is diallyl disulfide.

Various semi-finished products are prepared from the prepared parts of the meat. But, before you start cooking semi-finished products, you need to know that meat is, first of all, a source of protein and you need to try to save all the nutrients. Meat also contains some vitamins, mainly of group B. The nutritional (biological) value of meat proteins, their digestibility is quite high. But it largely depends on the method of feeding slaughter animals, the part of the carcass, the method of storage and preparation of the dish. So, for example, by placing meat for boiling in cold water, we lose a lot of nutrients that pass into the liquid, while the losses are much less if meat is put into hot water for cooking. There are even fewer losses when roasting meat, however, this cooking method is not always desirable. It is very harmful to overheat the meat, as this reduces the value and digestibility of proteins to a greater extent.

Meat is cooked by heating to the boiling point of water in liquids, that is, in water or in a decoction of vegetables. If the meat is put into boiling water, then the top layer of proteins quickly coagulates, which prevents the substances that make up the meat from passing into liquid. If the meat is put into cold water, then these substances, the predominant part, pass into the broth. We are talking about soluble proteins, mineral salts and some other substances. Proteins that have passed into the broth under the influence of high temperature form the so-called foam. The foam is not removed because it has nutritional value, thus removing it reduces the nutritional value of the broth. Cleaned and washed meat should be put into boiling, salted water with spices. Salt prevents meat juices from completely becoming liquid. The water should just cover the meat. The pot must first be put on high heat, then cook the meat on low heat, under the lid. When the foam disappears from the surface, add peeled vegetables and cook until fully cooked. Add salt at the end of cooking. Put the finished meat out, let the broth drain, cut into portions and sprinkle with hot broth to prevent drying out.

For cooking meat, dishes made of durable metal are used. For this purpose, cast iron cookware with a lid is best suited.

Meat intended for frying must be of high quality, tender, without films and tendons. The meat of the worst grades after frying remains hard fibrous. Roasting does not last long and consists in heating the meat in an open dish on the stove. The meat should be placed in heated fat. When in contact with the bottom of the dish, a crust of browned proteins forms on the meat. The crust protects the meat from loss of juices, and from excessive impregnation with fat. In addition, the crust has good taste. When a brown crust forms on one side, the meat should be turned over and fried so that the surface of the piece is fried evenly. Do not place the meat too closely in the pan, as the steam released during frying makes it difficult for the formation of a golden crust on the entire surface of the meat. The meat is fried in pieces cut across the drags. The thickness of the pieces depends on the type of dish and is determined by a detailed recipe. The meat immediately before frying must be salted, peppered and dipped in flour or breaded (if it is a breaded product). Fry the meat should be on medium heat so that it is fried inside without burning. The temperature of the fat must not drop during the frying process, otherwise the meat will not be browned and will be heavily saturated with fat. It is not recommended to bring the fat to too high a temperature, as this causes the breakdown of fat, in addition, the meat burns.

Utensils used when frying meat: in a small amount of fat: a strong metal frying pan, a metal spatula, a heated dish for serving; in a large amount of fat: a saucepan, a metal spatula, a colander, a heated dish for serving.

Stew meat may be of a lower grade than for roasting, with tendons, as well as old animals.

Basically stewing consists of frying and then boiling under the lid for a long time. The fried meat, together with the juice and fat formed from roasting, must be transferred to a saucepan, poured with a small amount of broth or water, covered with a lid and simmered over low heat. During stewing, the meat must be turned over or shake the pan so that the meat does not burn. As the juice evaporates, you need to add water or broth.

The stewing process, which takes a very long time, softens the meat, because the steam generated during stewing lingers under the lid, penetrates the fabric and softens it. Simmer until the meat is soft. If the meat is stewed for too long, the fat is melted, meat juices turn into sauce, the amount of meat decreases and the dish does not look beautiful. Meat that has been stewed properly should hold its shape and the sauce should be thick. The meat is stewed in a large piece, weighing from 1.5 to 2.5 kg, (stewed roast), portioned piece (chops), small pieces (goulash), and larger ones (stew). You can also stew a minced meat product.


2.1 Brief description of the enterprise

I, Martirosyan Armen, had an internship at the Ararat cafe in the city of Samara. The structure of the canteen includes the following workshops: meat and fish workshop, cold workshop, hot workshop, washing, storage room, wardrobe.

The dining room is equipped with: refrigerators, ovens, electric stoves, electric titanium, microwave oven, electric grill, electric meat grinders, production tables and various inventory.

According to the staffing table, the staff of the canteen includes 6 people: 3 cooks and 3 kitchen workers. Due to the complexity of the process and working conditions, a shift work schedule for personnel (2 shifts) is provided.

While in practice at the Ararat cafe, I did all kinds of kitchen work. He took part in the preparation of various dishes, as well as in the preparation of dishes for special occasions.

For various events, this enterprise has a trading floor with 100 seats.

This catering establishment has developed a daily menu, which includes: first and second courses, hot and cold drinks, a variety of dishes and snacks.

This public catering enterprise is considered profitable, as there is a return on investment in the production of the necessary products, in the payment of wages to employees of the enterprise, deductions to the budget, repayment of utility costs provided by various organizations; funds remain to expand service offerings to consumers.

2.2 Safety

All electrical equipment is grounded, i.e. metal parts with grounding conductors laid in the ground. Due to this, when a person is included in the circuit, a current passes through his body that does not pose a danger to his life. There should be rubber mats in front of the circuit breakers and machines and the inscription: "High voltage - dangerous to life." The danger of electric shock increases at elevated room temperatures in humid and damp air. The maximum carrying weight for women and adolescents is 20 kilograms.

Thermal equipment is used in confectionery shops on fire gas or electric heating. Each type of fuel requires special precautions and compliance with labor safety regulations. However, it is necessary to adhere to the general rules of labor protection. It is impossible to work on thermal equipment without serviceable fittings. The pressure gauge must have a red line on the limiting working pressure. The safety valve and the purge cock should be checked daily, the pressure gauge once every 6 months. Each machine is accompanied by a safety manual.

When working with hot liquid:

    Filling the pan with liquid, without adding 4-5 centimeters to the edge.

    Check the quality of container handles.

    When liquid boils, reduce heat.

    When removing the lid from a hot dish, lift it away from you.

    Pour cereals and other products into the boiling liquid carefully.

    In hot fat, place the products carefully (away from yourself) so that the fat does not splatter.

    When removing hot dishes from the stove, use oven mitts, and if the pan is without a handle, use special oven mitts.

    Do not use cookware with a bent bottom or broken handles.

Safety rules for culinary work.

When using electric heaters:

    Install the electric heater on a refractory stand.

    Before work, check the serviceability of the connecting cord.

    Turn on and off the appliance with dry hands, while grasping the plug body.

    When finished, turn the appliance on and off.

When using gas stoves:

    Ventilate the room before work.

    When lighting a gas burner, first bring a burning match to it, and then open the tap.

    The flame of the burner should be uniform, bluish in color. If the flame is yellow and coming off the burner, turn it off. The burner needs to be adjusted.

    When installing cookware with a wide bottom on the stove, use a burner ring with high ribs. When the liquid boils, reduce the flame of the burner.

    Do not leave potholders, matches or other items made of flammable materials on the stove. Do not leave a lit stove unattended.

2.3 Labor protection

The main laws on labor protection are provided in the code of laws on labor protection of the Russian Federation (K 36TRF).

The working time of workers is 40 hours per week, with a five-day working week corresponding to an 8-hour working day, and a six-day working week corresponding to a 7-hour working day. On weekends and holiday days, the working day is reduced by 1 hour. Overtime work can only be done with the permission of the trade union committee in exceptional cases, and it should not exceed 4 hours on 2 consecutive days and 120 hours per year. The first 2 hours of overtime work are paid at the rate of one and a half, and the next at double the rate. Work on weekends and holidays is permitted only in exceptional cases by written order of the head of the enterprise. Such work is compensated by the provision of another day of rest or is paid twice. For persons employed in work with harmful substances, for example, pesticides, the working day is reduced to 6 hours. Annual paid leave is provided for at least 28 calendar days. Various rules and instructions related to labor safety are developed by Ministries and Agencies.

    1. History of the dish

Georgian cuisine has gained great popularity not only in our country, but also abroad. Many of the Georgian dishes, such as shish kebab, soup - kharcho, chakhokhbili and others have become international. Among the popular poultry dishes, one should note chikhirma - chicken or turkey broth seasoned with flour, egg and onion shaken in vinegar. Speaking of specific Georgian dishes, one cannot help but recall the popular food of all Georgians - chakhokhbili, a chicken dish with lots of fried onions, spices , various recipes, the preparation of which there are dozens.

Everywhere in Georgia, special pies are baked from cheeses - cheesecakes - khachapuri, which are also a national dish. By the way, cheeses are also an integral part of the national cuisine.

It is a good custom in Georgia to serve thoroughly washed and peeled greens for lunch and dinner at any time of the year (depending on the season: parsley, dill, watercress, tarragon, mint, basil, green onions and others). Along with greens, radishes, radishes, whole tomatoes, cucumbers, capsicums are also served at any table. And, finally, Georgian cuisine is distinguished by an abundance of all kinds of spices, seasonings, sauces. Especially common is tkemali - a sour sauce made from wild varieties of cherry plum, heavily seasoned with red pepper and chopped herbs. Tkemali is served with meat dishes.

Cold vegetable snacks are prepared from raw, boiled, salted and pickled vegetables and herbs. Eggplants, beans (green beans and grains), red and green tomatoes, cabbage and other vegetables are widely used. In addition, a variety of fish and meat products are served on the table as an appetizer.

Most snacks in Georgia are seasoned with various spices, raw herbs, walnuts, sauces, pomegranate juice, wine vinegar, etc.

Cold dishes are beautifully decorated with various raw spicy herbs, chopped onions, green pomegranates, and nut butter.

In Georgian cuisine, beef, lamb, pork, poultry, and fish are widely used to prepare various dishes.

In the manufacture of meat dishes, all types of heat treatment are used: boiling, frying, stewing, baking, etc.

Georgian cuisine is very diverse and refined in its own way. However, the most favorite dishes of the Georgian table are dishes fried on a spit. On a spit, both meat, fish, and vegetable, dairy (cheese) products are fried.

Products are strung on a spit, placed over coals burning without a flame and fried until tender. The most favorite dishes on a spit and Georgians are shish kebab, vegetables stuffed with bacon and herbs (tomatoes, eggplants) and a ham or brisket of a young lamb.

    1. Scheme of cooking "Chakhokhbili"

Scheme No. 1

Cooking scheme "Chakhokhbili"

Continuation of scheme No. 1

2.6 Technological map of the Chakhokhbili dish

Table No. 1

Technological map of the Chakhokhbili dish

Weight, g






Fried chicken



table margarine

fresh onion




fresh tomatoes or

tomato puree

Wheat flour


Vinegar 3%




2.7 Inventory

    baking sheet.


    Spatula - 2 pcs.

    2 liter saucepan - 1 pc.

    1.5 liter saucepan - 1 pc.

    Board OS ("raw vegetables").

    Board MS ("raw meat").

    Knife OS ("raw vegetables").

    Knife MS ("raw meat").

    Bowls - 2 pcs.


    Portion plate.

The optimal set of kitchen utensils and appliances includes a fairly extensive set of items:

    Thick cutting board for raw meat

    Cutting board for boiled meat.

    Table board for cutting bread.

    Table large cutting board for cutting bread.

    Cutting board for cutting fish.

    A marble slab, as thick as possible, and fixed on a table.

    Whisk or apparatus for beating eggs, butter, sugar.

    Cast iron or enamel bowl for beating eggs.

    5 - 8 wooden spoons of various sizes.

    Kitchen scissors made of stainless steel: small - for cutting bags (for example, dairy products), medium - for fish, large for cutting poultry.

    2 - 4 studs.

    Grid for deep fat.


    A set of containers for spices.

    A set of containers for storing bulk products.

    Forms for jelly and aspic dishes of different sizes.

    A set of enameled bowls (large and small) for auxiliary processes.

    The sieve is large, small and medium.

    Trays of various shapes and sizes.

2.8 Tableware

In order to prepare a tasty and aesthetically attractive dish, you need a lot of indispensable helpers - professional tools. The idea of ​​kitchen comfort, where a minimum set of several chef's spoons and spatulas, a knife, a grater and a whisk is needed, has changed radically. Our cuisine is becoming more and more international - new products, previously unfamiliar or unknown, appear on the daily menu. Culinary tools include dishes, utensils, accessories for processing, cooking, frying, grilling devices, various ladles, spatulas, wire beaters, baking tools, specialized kitchen appliances, forged knives, tongs, cutting boards, cutting, measuring, mechanical appliances, kitchen sieves, metal salad bowls, jars for bulk products, salt shakers (dispensers), pots and pans made of stainless steel and other materials.

Kitchen utensils of different peoples have their own differences in their constituent items and may vary depending on the methods of preparing national dishes. At the same time, over the course of many centuries, a pan-European optimal set of kitchen utensils has been formed that meets the requirements of modern cuisine. This set is constantly changing and cannot be unshakable, because thanks to scientific and technological progress, many household items become obsolete; they are replaced by others made from the latest materials, multifunctional.

The kitchen, rationally equipped with utensils, kitchen utensils (utensils), mechanized appliances, helps to speed up the preparation of many dishes. Thanks to the latter, it is possible to grind or process more products faster and more thoroughly: clean, chop, chop, grind, beat.

When equipping the kitchen facilities, it is necessary to know the purpose of all items and monitor the appearance in stores of new appliances and devices that facilitate the work and save the cook's time.

When equipping the kitchen with dishes and kitchen utensils, they should be divided into primary and secondary items. However, it should be borne in mind that this division is conditional.

The strength and durability of the cookware, as well as the quality of the food cooked in it, depend on the material from which the cookware itself was made.

Steel cookware meets the requirements of modern culinary technologies to the greatest extent. Enamelled steel cookware is chemically resistant to organic acids, salts, soaps and alkalis. Such dishes do not absorb fat and odors. Enamelware can be used to store foods containing acid (shchi, pickles).

A special category is galvanized steel utensils. It is impossible to cook food and boil water for drinking in it, since the resulting zinc salts are harmful to humans.

Stainless steel utensils are mainly used for cooking liquid dishes, as they have thin walls, do not collapse from sudden changes in temperature, and do not spoil the taste of food. The disadvantage of stainless steel cookware is poor thermal conductivity, and high temperature is required for frying.

Cast iron cookware is suitable only for frying and stewing. To preserve vitamins and nutrients during cooking, cast-iron cookware must be covered with glass enamel inside.

Aluminum utensils. Dishes from this material for a long time "reigned" in the home kitchen. Its use is undesirable due to the short-lived service life and the high degree of damage to such dishes during cooking.

2.9 Cooking technology of Chakhokhbili dish

Portioned pieces of chicken are fried, sautéed onions, chopped into rings, finely chopped tomatoes, dry flour sauté, water, vinegar, cilantro and basil, crushed garlic, black pepper, salt are added and stew until tender.

Released together with the sauce in which the chicken was stewed.

2.10 Calculation of the Chakhokhbili dish

Table number 2

The cost of the Chakhokhbili dish per 1 serving weighing 250 grams.

Name of raw materials and products

Gross weight, g

Price for 1 kg, rubles

Cost, rubles




table margarine

fresh onion



fresh tomatoes


tomato puree


Wheat flour



Vinegar 3%





Coriander (cilantro), basil (greens)



50.385 rubles

The total cost of the Chakhokhbili dish is 50 rubles 39 kopecks per one serving weighing 250 grams.

2.11 Preparation of raw materials

Mechanical cooking of meat

Mechanical cooking of vegetables:

cleaning a tomato

sorting tomato

Washing the tomato

sliced ​​tomato

Peeling onions and garlic

Sorting garlic and onions

onion slicing

Pushing garlic through a garlic press

Mechanical culinary processing of greens:

Sorting basil and cilantro

Washing cilantro and basil

Cleaning basil and cilantro

2.12 Hot shop operation

In the hot shop, hot first courses, second courses, side dishes, sauces are prepared, and all technological operations for the heat treatment of semi-finished products for the cold shop are performed. The cold shop produces a variety of cold dishes, snacks and culinary products. The work of pre-cooking workshops is based on the menu plan. The release of dishes and culinary products during the day is carried out in small portions, taking into account the load of the trading floor and the schedule of the flow of consumers. The largest part of the products of pre-cooking shops is made before the opening of the hall.

The hot shop is the main one in high-capacity enterprises with several trading floors. It is located next to the hall with the largest number of seats, while in other trading halls, distribution rooms with food warmers are equipped. The hot shop is adjacent to the blank shops, the cold shop, the washing of kitchen utensils, and when the dishes are dispensed from the stove, the washing of tableware. In the hot shops of large enterprises, a soup department is organized for the preparation of first courses, and a sauce department is organized for the preparation of second courses, side dishes, sauces. Hot shop equipment, its capacity depends on the throughput of the shop. Of the thermal equipment, stoves, cooking boilers, electric ovens, electric frying pans, electric fryers, boilers are installed. The procedure for arranging equipment depends on the types of machines and apparatus used, the fuel used, the area and shape of the kitchen room and the location of the dispenser. The stove is placed in the center of the hot shop to provide free access to it from all sides. It is more expedient to place the slab perpendicular to the wall with windows, facing the outer wall. The preparation of a wide range of soups, main courses, side dishes, sauces requires the provision of a hot shop with a variety of utensils and utensils. In the soup department, work is organized as follows. For the preparation of first courses, pre-measured types of containers are used, intended for various products and semi-finished products (potatoes, cabbage, carrots, etc.). on the desktop should be: a board, a knife and a slide, that is, a metal rack with several sticks on which dishes with spices and seasonings are placed. The range of slides depends mainly on the type of enterprises. Prepared pickles, onions sautéed with tomato, root vegetables, chopped greens, tomato, bay leaf, peas, salt, etc. are usually stored on the hill. the presence of a slide facilitates the work of the cook, speeds up the preparation and release of dishes, and also develops the chef's sense of responsibility for the quality of the dishes.


Second courses are very common and varied.

I was preparing chakhokhbili. This dish takes 160 minutes to prepare. Chakhokhbili is not only a tasty dish, but also quite satisfying, as it includes such products as: meat, vegetables, greens. I would like to note that the manufacture is simple and inexpensive. For this type of second course, a sauce was selected, with which the dish can be served, for high-quality assimilation and an increase in the taste effect of the dish.

Chakhokhbili is a dish popular in many neighboring countries, it is distinguished by its spicy taste and ease of preparation, and, importantly, the low cost of the dish, which contributes to its wide distribution. If you want to experiment and please your loved ones and guests, then, of course, you should cook chakhokhbili, decorate with herbs and taste it together. Your guests and loved ones will appreciate your culinary skills.


    V.V. Usov - Fundamentals of culinary skills. Moscow 2007

    L.G. Shatun - Cookery, 2006

    T.A. Kachurina - Cooking: a textbook. M.: 2007

    ON THE. Anfimova, L.L. Tatar - Cooking "Cook, pastry chef" Textbook, 2005

    V.V. Usov - Organization of production and service at public catering establishments, 2006

    2. V.V. Baronovich "Cook", Moscow "Academy", 2008.

    3. N.V. Shatun, “Cook, confectioner”, Moscow Academy, 2008

Chakhokhbili from chicken is one of the dishes that is the hallmark of the national Georgian cuisine. It literally translates as "cooked pheasant." It was this bird that was originally the main ingredient of the dish. But time goes by, the recipe has adapted to modern conditions of life and now its main component is chicken meat.

The chicken is cooked with vegetables and seasoned with herbs and spices. The dish belongs to the category of light and dietary. The dish has a specific spicy and spicy taste, but it is this combination that is considered a “highlight”, emphasizing its sophistication.

Based on the technology of cooking chakhokhbili from chicken, the dish can be called poultry meat stew. Despite the fact that today there are a lot of different recipes for preparing this dish, the traditional ingredients, in addition to the chicken itself, are:

  • tomatoes,
  • garlic,

The main value of the dish is that it can become a full-fledged complex lunch, as it contains both meat and vegetables. When preparing, water or other liquids are not used, in some cases, the only exception is dry wines. The juice of vegetables and meat is used directly as a liquid.

Traditional Georgian spices are added to chicken chakhokhbili:

  • hops-suneli,
  • cilantro,
  • saffron,
  • basil,
  • dill.

To add spice, put crushed chili peppers or ground red pepper. Add density, aroma and new flavors to the dish, walnuts. Some cooks use canned tomatoes in their own juice instead of fresh tomatoes, which gives it an interesting and unusual taste.

If you want to please your family, relatives and friends with a delicious dish of Georgian cuisine, take the time and effort to cook chakhokhbili with chicken according to this recipe.

How to cook chakhokhbili from chicken:

  1. Rinse the chicken thoroughly, pat dry with paper towels, cut into portions.
  2. Heat the butter in a frying pan, put the prepared meat, fry until golden brown. Transfer the chicken to a thick-walled cauldron.
  3. In a frying pan with butter, where the chicken meat was browned, fry the peeled and half-ringed onion until a pleasant golden hue. Transfer the onion to the meat.
  4. Rinse the tomatoes, cut at the base, put in a bowl, pour boiling water for two minutes. Rinse with cold water, peel, cut into small cubes. Add to chicken with onions.
  5. Put the cauldron with chicken chakhokhbili on medium heat, simmer the meat with vegetables for 20 minutes, until the tomatoes and onions begin to release juice.
  6. Add chopped garlic, finely chopped cilantro, salt and suneli hops to taste. Mix thoroughly, simmer over low heat for 30 minutes.

Before serving, meat with vegetables should be insisted in a closed cauldron for about 10 minutes. The finished dish is served in deep plates, filled with tomato sauce formed during cooking, garnished with fresh herbs and chopped walnuts, with pita bread or real Georgian Shoti bread if desired.

Chakhokhbili from chicken is an independent dish that does not require an additional side dish, but if desired, you can cook:

  • boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes,
  • buckwheat
  • pasta.

Bon appetit.

Bon appetit!