Grape day - what is this drink? Cooking delicious and healthy drinks. What conditions are considered optimal

14.04.2019 Fish dishes

Chacha strong alcoholic drink from grapes. It is distributed throughout the Caucasus, especially in Georgia and Abkhazia. The strength of the traditional Georgian chacha 65-70 degrees. The history of the appearance of chacha goes back to ancient times, its recipes were kept in strict secrecy, and the debate about where it appeared in Georgia or Abkhazia, has lasted until now. But in 2011, the production of chacha in Georgia was officially patented. Shop chacha, mainly in demand only from visiting tourists. Locals prepare a strong grape drink on their own and pass on their recipe from generation to generation. Cooking tea with your own hands at home is quite simple, although it is a long and laborious process.

For the preparation of chacha used wine grapes with high acidity. Which is better to take for chacha, difficult to answer, from white varieties get a lighter drink with some sourness, red grapes give a deeper flavor. Georgian chacha is made from white grape varieties Rkatsiteli, and in the mountainous Abkhazia they prefer dark varieties Akachich, Isabella. The aroma and taste of chacha will be more harmonious if you use a mixture of different grape varieties.

In central Russia and in the northern regions, chacha is made from Isabella grapes. This is the most common, unpretentious, frost-resistant variety, almost always with a high yield. Isabella is the main source of raw materials for home alcohol in the central zone. These grapes are used to make juice, jam, jam, make tasty wine and strong homemade alcohol. Below is a simple recipe for chacha.

Attention!    In some countries of Europe and America, alcoholic beverages produced from Isabella grapes are banned for sale for its high content of methyl, harmful to the human body. In one liter of fermented isabella juice there is 70-120 mg of methanol, which is not critical. Therefore, it is not recommended to abuse a strong distillate, even though chacha is considered to be no hangover.

Chacha Recipe

The basis of chacha is mash, it can be prepared from the grape cake of wine remaining from the production. In some cases, Braga is made from whole grapes. Classical Georgian grapevine is prepared from husks and water, yeast and sugar are not used. But due to the fact that the Isabella grape has a low sugar content, it will have to be raised by adding sugar, as well as adding water to reduce acidity.


  • water - 30 liters;
  • meal grapes - 10 liters;
  • sugar 5–7 kg.

How to make chacha:

  1. Training.   Cleaned grapes from leaves and rotten berries. By no means mine. On the surface of the berries is white bloom - wild yeast, which trigger the natural fermentation of mash. Crush the grapes with your hands or feet, you can press together with the ridges. To simplify the process, you can use the nozzle mixer for the drill. For chacha, only squeezes are needed, squeeze the juice into a separate container from which we will continue to make delicious aromatic homemade wine. The recipe indicates the amount of oilcake from freshly squeezed grapes. If you use the cake that fermented when sprinkling wine, then its amount should be doubled. Fresh distillate oil cake will turn out to be more aromatic, so it would be better if more grape juice is left in the oil cake.
  2. Fermentation.   The marc is placed in a container, add sugar and pour in water at a temperature of 20-25 ° C. How much sugar to take can be determined using a sugar meter; in its wort it should be 20-25%. If you want to speed up the process, then you can use wine yeast. These are special yeasts for making homemade wines, they practically do not spoil the taste of the drink, and fermentation lasts 2-3 weeks.
    Fermentation should take place in a warm place of 20-25 °, its time depends on raw materials, sugar content of the wort and temperature. Usually, in the wild yeast the home brew is ready in 1-2 months. During fermentation is necessary
    stir the wort and heat the raised cap of the pulp. The end of the process can be determined by stopping the emission of gases, as the mash becomes bitter, there is an alcohol smell in the mash.
  3. Braga filtration.   Braga for chacha squeeze from the pulp, if you plan to distill on its usual moonshine, this is done so that the solid particles are not burnt. If you are the owner of a steam-water boiler or distillation will be produced by steam, then you can distill with cake, it will give the final drink a more enriched flavor.
  4. Peregon. The finished grape mash is placed in a still cube and double distilled. For the first time, raw alcohol is obtained from the mash, it is distilled at maximum power to the water. The result is 12 liters of moonshine raw strength of 30-40 degrees. The second distillation is fractional. At the beginning, drop out the head fraction in the volume of 10% of absolute alcohol, which is 350-400 ml. Experienced distillers determine the end of the heads by smell, they contain ethers that partially convey the aroma of raw materials, but there are many harmful impurities that are very harmful to humans. Therefore, we use heads only for technical purposes. Then the heating power can be increased and the “body” - the drinking fraction - should be selected. According to the recipe, you should get about 4 liters of fragrant chacha with a strength of 85-90 degrees. Distillate yield depends on your machine and experience. Next come the "tails", "bitch", is also not the desired fraction. Everyone decides to select the tail fraction or stop the selection.
  5. Maturation and refinement.   The diluted chacha should be diluted with water up to 45-70 degrees, bottled and kept in the glass for a month. During this time, the taste of the drink will round out, become balanced and soft. They drink white tea the way it is, but you can insist on oak chips or stand it in an oak barrel. This drink will look like a good elite brandy, taste reminiscent of brandy.

How to make chacha at home video recipe

The benefits and harm of Chachi.   In the Caucasus, chacha is still used as a prophylactic against colds. Small, but regular use of chacha contributes to the better functioning of the digestive organs, the drink relieves stress and normalizes pressure. Grape brew is a good remedy against the development of malignant tumors. Another undoubted plus of chacha is the absence of a hangover from her, of course, if a limited amount is drunk. Contraindications in the first place is too excessive use of alcohol and idiosyncrasy. Do not drink chacha for people with severe heart disease, suffering from peptic ulcer. Categorically you can not eat pregnant and lactating women.

How to drink chacha and how much. Properly cooked chacha from grapes, despite the fact that there are many degrees in it, is drunk gently and easily. Drink the drink heated to room temperature at 30-50 ml, at this temperature the taste of grape distillate is maximally revealed. Use in pure form and as part of cocktails.

Cocktail is especially popular "Solar Georgia" . For its preparation take 50 ml of chacha and 150 ml of grape juice, lime and a sprig of mint. The recipe is simple. In a tall glass, pre-cooled, pour chacha from isabella and grape juice, squeeze lime juice and add mint, mix everything and decorate with a small bunch of grapes.

Hospitable feast is impossible to imagine without good drinks. Various grape drinks — juices, wines, and others — are widespread.

But if a truly high-quality wine is not available to everyone, it is easy to make an ordinary liqueur with your own hands.

For grape liqueurs, nutmeg varieties are commonly used - Lydia, Isabella, Russian Concord and others.

Only ripe or even over-ripe berries are picked, which are harvested in warm weather in the absence of rain. Berries can not wash, enough to clear from the branches, as well as get rid of rotten.

Classic recipe

The traditional drink is made only from natural ingredients - grapes, sugar and water. Its strength is from 11 to 14%.

For 2 kg of berries you need to take about 500-700 grams of sugar and 500 ml of water.


  1. First, prepare the sugar syrup - mix water and sugar, bring to a boil. When it boils, cook for 5 minutes at a temperature of 80-90 o C, removing the appearing white foam. Then we cool to 20-25 o C.
  2. The grapes are poured into a fermentation tank and poured syrup 2-3 cm above the berries. After that, we bandage the neck of the container with gauze and for 2-3 days we remove it in a warm place until the first signs of fermentation appear.
  3. When they appear, we remove the gauze, install the water lock and put it in a dark warm place for 30-45 days.
  4. When fermentation has stopped, we filter the liqueur and sort it for permanent storage.

How to make a delicious white grape liqueur is described in the video:

From Isabella with vodka

The distinguishing characteristics of this variety are low sugar content   and tart taste.   Therefore, when using it, they usually add vodka, it helps to hide its negative qualities.

reference! The strength of the resulting drink - 20-24%.

For 1.5 kg of berries need 500-600 grams of sugar, 250 ml of water and 0.5 liters of vodka.


  1. After falling asleep in the fermentation tank berries need to knead until the juice. Then add 400 grams of sugar, water, then shake well.
  2. Next, we bandage the neck of the container with gauze and ship for 3-4 days to a warm place. When fermentation begins, we put a water seal and remove it in a dark warm place for 30-35 days.
  3. The resulting intermediate product is filtered, add vodka to it and mix well.
  4. If the result is not too sweet, add sugar. After that, the drink should be kept for 3-5 days in a dark cool place, re-filtered and poured for permanent storage.

The technology of making delicious liqueur on vodka is described in the video:

Low alcohol version

Despite the fact that vodka is also used in this recipe, it is considered low alcohol because the strength of the drink does not exceed 5-7%.

For 2 kg of berries requires 1 kg of sugar, 1 liter of vodka and 10-15 ripe cherry berries.

Unlike other recipes, here the grapes do not fall asleep, but are laid out in layers laid with cherries and sugar. The result should be such a multi-layered "cake", the top layer of which will be sugar.

We add vodka to the “cake”, close it tightly and put it in a warm well-lit place (window-sill or open balcony) for 40-45 days. 1-2 times a week you need to shake the container, it will help the sugar to dissolve better. The drink is ready when the berries become white.

reference! The result must be tried for sweetness. If necessary, you can increase the dose of sugar and let it brew for another three days.

Then we filter the drink and pour it for storage.

Easy cooking

The fermentation rate can be increased by slightly changing the initial conditions for its launch. Then you can try the brandy in two weeks. Its fortress will be about 15%.

For 2 kg of berries need 500 g of sugar and 0.5 liters of vodka.


  1. The berries in the fermentation tank should be crushed, add sugar, vodka, then mix well.
  2. Then tightly clog and send to a dark place. Hydrolock can not apply.
  3. It is necessary to insist at standard room temperature (20-25 o C) and shake occasionally.
  4. The resulting product must be filtered and tasted. If necessary, you can increase the dose of vodka or add sugar syrup. Then the drink can be poured into bottles for storage.

Features cooking at home

Below we consider the features that must be observed to obtain a good product!

Preparation of fermentation tank

Any container of any size is suitable for fermentation, it is enough to correlate it with the planned volume of ingredients.

The material from which it is made, also does not play a role, although it is better to use transparent containers made of glass or plastic, this will allow to control the processes taking place.

Important! Before use, the container must be thoroughly washed and dried.

How to make a water seal yourself?

A water lock is a special valve whose task is to divert carbon dioxide, but not to pass oxygen. The price of finished products ranges from 100 to 300 rubles. On sale there are many different models, but it is easy to make yourself.

The simplest analogue of a water seal is an ordinary medical glove:

  • In any of the fingers, the gloves make one hole with a needle, from which the accumulated gas will come out.
  • The glove is worn on the container and securely attached to the neck with a rope or scotch tape so that it does not come off the pressure.

The usual version of the water seal - the discharge of gas through a tube in a jar of water. One end of the tube is inserted into the hole, specially made in the lid of the fermentation tank, and strengthened with clay. The second end just sinks into the water.

Also, water traps are made from other available materials, for example, from two disposable syringes and a small hose.

How to make a water trap for fermentation of wine and braga is described in the video:

We start fermentation

Typically, the fermentation process begins on its own, this is facilitated by the natural yeast contained in the skins of the berries. But if fermentation has not begun in the “harvesting”, you can add one or two handfuls of raisins.

You can determine the beginning of fermentation by the appearance of foam, a characteristic hiss, as well as a particular acidic odor.

How to determine that fermentation has stopped?

When fermentation ends, carbon dioxide is no longer emitted. Therefore, the medical glove begins to deflate, and the bubbling stops in the water seal.

If nothing happens for two or three days, you can prepare the drink for bottling.

What conditions are considered optimal?

The conditions in which the fermentation takes place largely determines the quality of the beverage produced. The higher the temperature, the faster it goes and less harmful products like corks are released, but at the same time the drink loses a bit in the fortress.

Filtering drink

To make the prepared drink pleasant to drink, before being poured into the storage bottle, it must be cleaned of suspended fine particles.

For cleaning, it is best to use multi-layer   filter gauze and cotton.

Terms and conditions of storage

The finished product should be stored at a temperature of 10-15 o C. A basement or a refrigerator is ideal.

The shelf life is determined by the strength of the drink:

  • low alcohol store no more than 2 years,
  • strength of 11-15% - 3 years,
  • for a stronger shelf life is usually not set.

Use precautions

Despite the significant benefits of grape drinks, we must not forget that the grape liqueurs are alcoholic beverages.

In this regard, when using them, you must follow a number of simple rules:

  • First of all, it is worth noting that such a drink should not be consumed by persons suffering from obesity, diabetes and purulent processes in the lungs. This may entail a negative development of their diseases.
  • Alcohol consumption usually leads to tragic consequences before performing complex and dangerous work, driving, as well as in cases where even a second loss of concentration can cause tragedy or great damage.

Also, do not forget that Russian legislation prohibits drinking alcoholic beverages with minors, drinking alcohol in public places, drinking and driving people on public transport, they can be imposed and other restrictions of legal and moral nature.

Under normal conditions, not related to health or the threat of restrictions, permissible daily dose for men of medium size and age   depending on the strength of the drink are:

  • up to 10% - up to 500 ml;
  • 10-30% - up to 250 m;
  • 30-40% - up to 50 ml.

For women   relevant indicators are:

  • up to 10% - up to 330 ml;
  • 10-30% - up to 150 m;
  • 30-40% - up to 30 ml.

Despite the fact that the calculations are given for each drink, they relate to the total dose consumed per day.

So, a man can drink either 50 ml of a strong drink, or 500 ml of low alcohol.

reference! When mixing drinks of different strengths, the allowable dose should be recalculated proportional to the volume of each.

Preparing grape liqueur at home is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. It is enough to choose a recipe that is suitable for you and strictly follow it. Drinking it is both pleasant and healthy. But only if you follow the precautionary rules.

Lemonade is a sweet, in most cases carbonated mixture based on lemon juice. The drink came to us from the XVII century and firmly entrenched to the present. After a certain period of time, lemonade began to be produced in large quantities, the recipe spread all over the world and found its consumer.

Classic lemonade

  • granulated sugar (preferably beet) - 250 gr.
  • lemon juice - 300 ml. (6 fruits)
  • highly carbonated water
  • filtered water
  1. Pour 250 ml into the enamel saucepan. purified and 1 liter of highly carbonated water. Pour the sugar, put it on the stove, turn on the low fire.
  2. Stir the composition with a wooden spatula, wait for the crystals to dissolve. As soon as this happens, bring the mass to a boil and immediately turn it off.
  3. Cover the container with a lid, leave to cool to room temperature. Then squeeze the juice of 6 lemons and pour it into the composition. If you want to get lemonade without the citrus pulp, strain the juice before adding.
  4. The base for lemonade is ready. Before starting to use, dilute the syrup with 50:50 carbonated water. You can change the proportions at your discretion depending on the desired concentration.

  If you belong to lovers of exotic cocktails, experiment with taste sensations. Add raspberries, strawberries or cherries, these berries are perfectly included in the classic recipe.

Currant Lemonade

  • cane sugar - 320 gr.
  • red currant - 1.5 kg.
  • black currant - 1.5 kg.
  • lemon - 3 pcs.
  • sparkling water
  1. To begin, wash the currants, place them in a colander and leave for 5 minutes to drain excess liquid. After that, send the berries in a thick-walled pot, pour 550 ml to it. clean water, cook for about 40 minutes.
  2. The time of heat treatment of currants may increase or decrease, the main thing is to bring the berries to a mild state, so that they give their juice. Important! During cooking, do not add sugar to the currants, it will make the skin of berries hard, tasteless.
  3. At the end of the period turn off the stove, strain the syrup through a colander or gauze, squeeze out the juice, you will not need berries.
  4. After the filtration process, pour sugar into the currants, put the composition on the stove and wait for the crystals to dissolve. Constantly stir the syrup so that it does not burn.
  5. Once the sugar has dissolved, bring lemonade to the first bubbles, turn off the burner. Cover, cool to room temperature, squeeze the juice of two lemons, bottled, clog.
  6. Send the composition in the refrigerator. Start to use at least one day, while the resulting syrup must be diluted with carbonated or filtered water in a 1: 1 ratio. Serve over ice (crushed or in cubes).

  • lemon - 7-8 pcs.
  • granulated sugar (cane) - 600 gr. (at the discretion of)
  • fresh mint leaves - 6 pcs.
  1. Sponge the lemons as they will be used with the peel. Cut the citrus in small cubes without removing the zest.
  2. Place the crushed fruit in a deep bowl, sprinkle with sugar on top. Crush mint in a mortar or in any convenient way, add to lemon and sugar.
  3. Leave the product to infuse for 30-40 minutes. After the expiration date, send the mixture to a blender or food processor, chop into porridge.
  4. Fill the composition with ice-cold carbonated or filtered water, mix, seal the container. It is worth remembering that sugar will dissolve for a long time, so do not rush to drink lemonade. Important! Do not pour boiling water over the composition, otherwise you will get unjustified bitterness, which will not be so easy to remove.
  5. Let the lemonade stand in the refrigerator for at least 1-2 days, after this period, strain the product through a gauze filter, serve to the table with ice cubes.

Tropical Lemonade

  • beet sugar - 110 g.
  • lime juice - 125 ml.
  • ginger ale - 550 ml.
  • apricot juice (natural) - 325 ml.
  • pineapple juice - 300 ml.
  • lemon juice - 175 ml.
  • fresh mint leaves
  1. Take a pot with a thick bottom, pour into it 650 ml. Purified water, put on the stove and bring to a boil.
  2. When the first bubbles appear, pour in the granulated sugar, stir it and wait until the granules completely dissolve.
  3. Remove the syrup from the stove, cover, cool. Next, pour in ginger ale, apricot, pineapple, lime and lemon juice, mix.
  4. Send lemonade in the fridge for 24 hours. After the expiration date, dilute it with water (at discretion), garnish with fresh mint leaves, add ice cubes, serve to the table.

  • green apples - 3 pcs.
  • cucumber - 2 pcs.
  • stalked celery - 2 stalks
  • orange - 2 pcs.
  • lemon - 2 pcs.
  • grapefruit - 1 pc. small size
  • fresh dill - 1 bunch
  • fresh parsley - 0.5 bunches
  • fresh mint (leaves) - 1 bunch
  1. Chop the apples with the peel into thin slices or in small cubes, removing the bones. Do the same with the two stalks of celery: chop it into squares.
  2. Cut the cucumber seeds, chop it into very thin slices. Optionally, the vegetable can not add, but it gives the drink a freshness.
  3. Squeeze out the lemon juice and place the zest in a blender and chop well. Chop the second lemon into rings, send to apples and vegetables.
  4. Squeeze the juice from the grapefruit and two oranges, pour it to the bulk. Chop the parsley and dill, tear the mint with your hands.
  5. Move all the ingredients into a pitcher to infuse, pour the composition with 2 liters of water (with or without gas, at your discretion).
  6. Send the composition in the refrigerator, start to use after 24 hours. Optionally, you can filter the mixture and add sugar. Serve lemonade with crushed ice.

Cherry lemonade

  • ground saffron - 1 pinch
  • lemon - 2 pcs.
  • fresh or frozen cherry (seedless) - 200 gr.
  • lime - 2 pcs.
  • fresh strawberries - 200 gr.
  • beet sugar - 200 gr.
  1. Wash the cherries and strawberries, put the ingredients in a blender and grind to the formation of porridge. Pour the sugar and saffron, turn the mixture into a homogeneous composition.
  2. Squeeze the juice from lemons and limes, and rub the zest on a fine grater. Mix all the ingredients together, taste it, add more sugar if desired.
  3. Dilute the resulting composition with carbonated or purified water to the desired consistency, add ice cubes before use.

  • cane sugar - 120 gr.
  • beet sugar - 180 gr.
  • lime - 4 pcs.
  • lemon - 4 pcs.
  • fresh mint - 1 bunch
  1. Pour the beet sugar in an enamel pan, fill it with 300 ml. Purified water, put on the stove and cook the syrup. When the crystals dissolve completely, turn off the burner.
  2. Cool and cool the syrup to the desired temperature. At this time, squeeze the juice from limes and lemons, and chop the peel in a blender.
  3. Pour juice into syrup, add chopped zest to the same place. Re-send the composition in the refrigerator for 40-60 minutes.
  4. Crush mint in a mortar or tear it with your hands, and then remember with a fork. Place on the bottom of the jug, sprinkle with cane sugar, remember with the help of a barmen's pestle.
  5. After the expiration date, remove the lemonade from the refrigerator and dilute it with water in a ratio of 2: 1, then pour it into a jar of mint. Optionally, you can add crushed ice.

If you add white rum to Mojito lemonade, you will get the traditional drink of the same name, which guests will enjoy.

Strawberry Lemonade with Kiwi

  • kiwi - 7 pcs.
  • frozen strawberries - 300 gr.
  • melt water (ice) - 650 ml.
  • granulated sugar - 120 gr.
  • vanillin - 1 sachet (about 12 gr.)
  • lemon - 2 pcs.
  • grapefruit - 1 pc.
  1. Pour granulated sugar 200 ml. filtered water and put on the stove. Stir with a wooden spatula until the granules are completely dissolved. Once the crystals have melted, pour the composition into a jug and cool to room temperature.
  2. Add melted water, frozen strawberries and vanillin to the syrup.
  3. Peel kiwi, wash and chop into slices, send in a container with the main ingredients. Place the jug in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  4. At this time proceed to the preparations. Cut the first lemon into slices, wash the second one and send it to the blender, preliminarily removing the seeds.
  5. Squeeze the juice from the grapefruit, throw away the zest, you will not need it anymore. Combine all the components in one mass, send in the refrigerator. If desired, you can add chopped fresh mint leaves.

  • seedless grapes - 3 medium sized clusters
  • lemon - 2 pcs.
  • sweet cherry - 250 gr.
  • plum - 100 gr.
  • sugar - 175 gr.
  • orange juice (freshly squeezed) - 300 ml.
  1. Mix in one composition orange juice and granulated sugar, wait until the granules are completely dissolved.
  2. Pull out the bones from the cherry tree, perform the same manipulations with the plum. Separate the grape beads from the common bunch. Put all the ingredients in a blender, chop into puree.
  3. Cut the lemons into thin slices, send it to the jug. Top with syrup of orange juice and sugar, add fruit gruel (grapes, plum, sweet cherry).
  4. Stir the mixture, taste it. Dilute with water if necessary. Send lemonade to the refrigerator for at least 10 hours, before use, you can filter and add ice.

Raspberry-based lemonade

  • raspberry - 350 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 120 gr.
  • lemon - 1.5 pcs.
  • water with gas - 600 ml.
  • purified water (cool boiling water) - 250 ml.
  1. Place the raspberries in a colander, rinse gently with running water to prevent mashing. After treatment with cold water, wait for about 10 minutes to drain all the liquid.
  2. Combine raspberries with sugar, pound the pestle or blender until mashed.
  3. Wipe the porridge through a sieve, put the cake in an enamelled container, and remove the juice to the side.
  4. Wash the lemon with hot water, sponge well. Take a special device for cleaning potatoes or a sharp knife, remove the upper part of the peel.
  5. Cut the lemon fruit into small pieces or slices, add granulated sugar and pour in 250 ml. boiling water. Stir, cover and let stand for 1.5 hours.
  6. After this period, mix the juice from the raspberry with the main mass, then combine all the components into a homogeneous syrup.
  7. Add carbonated water (can be replaced with thawed water), decorate the glasses with raspberry berries or a slice of lemon.

The best is the use of cold, not warm drink. It can be easily prepared at home using fruits, berries and, of course, lemons. Choose your favorite recipe, please yourself and guests in hot weather.

Video: How to make carbonated lemonade

Grapes - a very common plant in our country. Most of its varieties are unpretentious and easily tolerate the harsh winter climate. And how tasty and healthy its berries are!

How many recipes exist with them - and not to count. Grapes are eaten in their pure form, used as a filling for baking, boiled compotes, jam and, of course, make alcoholic beverages.

Everyone knows that most of the existing wines are made from its fruit. But not everyone knows that you can make wonderful tinctures, liqueurs and liqueurs from grapes. What is most remarkable, for the manufacture of alcohol using not only the fruit, but the bones!

Today we consider the most popular and proven over the years recipes for alcoholic drinks from grapes. Preparing them at home is not difficult, it will take only a little time and desire. Surprise your family and friends with original grape-based drinks, no one will remain indifferent!

This recipe is created for all connoisseurs of liqueurs. Drink of such fruits has a sweet and sour taste with an unsurpassed aroma. As the name implies, the liqueur should be prepared from Isabella grapes. This palatable drink tastes like aged fortified wines with a slight hint of astringency. It is not difficult to cook liqueur from grapes, it will take only a little time and effort. Such a noble drink can be used for the preparation of cocktails or desserts, add to tea and coffee, and also to use in the pure state.


  • isabella grapes - 1 kg;
  • vodka - 1 l;
  • purified water - 2 l;
  • granulated sugar - 800 g

First you need to process the grapes. Free the clusters from the leaves and separate the berries. Select only beautiful, intact fruits, so as not to spoil the taste of the drink. Wash the fruits thoroughly and fold to a colander to drain excess liquid.

In a large glass dish, place clean grapes and fill them with vodka. Fruits should be completely covered with alcohol. If you want to get a strong, tasty liqueur, buy high-quality vodka. Cheap drink can ruin the quality of any homemade liquor. Mix all ingredients with a wooden spatula or a stick and tightly cover the container. Send it to a dark, dry and cool place for 14 days.

Now you need to prepare the syrup: combine sugar and water in a convenient saucepan and send to medium heat. Bring to a boil and reduce heat to a minimum, then cook for another 3 minutes. During the cooking process, foam can form, it must be removed. Leave the ready syrup until cool.

Strain the distilled preparation for liqueur through gauze, folded in 4−5 layers. In the resulting grape liquid pour the cooled syrup. Pour the liquor into bottles, tightly screw on the lids and send to a dark, cool place for 3 weeks. Keep the finished drink in the fridge. Allow it to cool before use. This drink is suitable hard cheeses, fresh unsweetened fruit and red fish.

This tincture is created for connoisseurs of spirits. The most curious thing is that grapes fully retain their useful properties during any processing. On this basis, it becomes clear that a drink on alcohol can be drunk not only to raise the mood, but also for the purpose of prevention of various diseasesusing in small quantities.

If you want to pleasantly surprise guests, invite them to taste the grape liqueur on vodka. The recipe of making a drink is ridiculously simple and does not require any special expenses.


  • Grapes of any variety - 3 kg;
  • Vodka - 4 l;
  • Sugar - 6−8. l

Go through the grapes: free the berries from the twigs and leaves, selecting only whole fruits. Wash it thoroughly and allow it to drain, draining it in a colander.

Prepare a large volume glass container: wash it with soda, rinse and allow to dry. You can use several bottles or cans. Put grapes on the bottom of the tank, fill them with good vodka and add sugar. Mix well with a long fixture made of wood. Metal objects for these purposes are unsuitable, they spoil the quality of the drink.

Cap with ingredients close the lid. Make sure that there are no cracks - the tighter tighten the better.

Send the bottle in a dark, cool place to insist for two weeks. It is advisable to shake the contents every few days.

After a specified period, remove the bottle and strain its contents through gauze, folded in several layers. If you want to lower the degree of the drink, squeeze the juice from the softened berries. The taste of the grapes in the tincture will be more vivid, but the fortress will drop to 25-30 degrees.

Strain the drink bottled, tightly close the lids and store in a cool place. Shake the bottle before use. In glasses with tincture, you can add a few ice cubes and savor it with citrus or cheese. Having tasted vodka on grapes once, you no longer wish to drink it in its pure form. You will remember the divine taste of this nectar forever!

For the preparation of this delicious flavored drink only ripe berries are required. Grape liqueur of such quality in the store you will not find, so you should make a little effort and a little bit of time. The result will surpass all your expectations, and the guests will be delighted by tasting the magic drink!


  • Grapes (preferably dark varieties) - 3 kg;
  • Purified water - 1 l;
  • Granulated sugar - 1 kg.

To prepare the liqueur, separate the berries from the bunch, selecting only intact fruits. It is not worth washing them, since the yeast necessary for the fermentation of the drink lives on the skin of the grape.

Cook the syrup. Combine water and sugar in a convenient saucepan and bring the mixture to a boil. Be sure to remove the formed foam. After boiling, reduce the heat to low and cook for another 5 minutes. Remove the pan from the stove and leave to cool.

Pour the grapes in a glass bottle and cover with the prepared syrup. Fruits must be covered with liquid at least a few centimeters.

Put a gauze folded in 3 layers on the neck of the jar and tie it up with string. Send the container with future casting in a dark, warm place for 3-4 days.

When the first signs of fermentation appear (hissing, sour smell and foam), remove the gauze. In one of the fingers of a rubber, medical glove, make a small hole, put it on the neck of the bottle and return the container to a warm place for a month and a half.

During this time, the fermentation process must end. This can be understood by the deflation of the glove and the absence of bubbles.

As soon as it became clear that fermented fermentation, strain it. For this fit gauze, folded in 5−6 layers.

Strain the grapes in a home-made grape bottle into glass bottles, cover well and store in a cool place.

The strength of such a liqueur is not more than 15 degrees. If you prefer stronger drinks, after straining add alcohol or vodka to the grape liquid in the required amount.

Grape seed tincture

This tincture is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. She has a truly miraculous properties. Normalizes sleep, strengthens the immune system, restores blood vessels, cleanses the body and reduces cholesterol. Take this healing tincture should be one drop per day for five days. Then you need to pause for the same period. The average course of treatment is three months.


  • Bones of grapes of red varieties - 1 tbsp .;
  • Vodka - 1 tbsp.

Grape seeds should be thoroughly washed and completely dried.

Pour the prepared bones into a clean, dry 0.5 liter can and fill it with good quality vodka. Close the container tightly and send to a dry dark place for a month. Every 3-4 days the contents of the jar should be shaken.

Strain the tincture in order to remove the bones. Store this medicine must be in a dark place at room temperature.

Novice winemakers note

If you are new to the production of homemade alcohol, you will need some useful tips:

Attention, only TODAY!

The long-awaited summer has come, it has become hot on the street, and increasingly I feel like drinking. All kinds of drinks that are sold at every corner contain a whole range of dyes and other substances harmful to the body. They thirst and quench badly, and do not bring any benefit. I want to offer a few recipes for drinks that are easy to prepare at home.

Lemon juice


  • 3 liters of boiled water
  • 1 lemon
  • 0.5 cup sugar
  • 1 tsp citric acid

Cooking method:

1. Grate lemon, mix with sugar and grind carefully.
  2. Pour the resulting mass into boiled water, add citric acid and mix.
  3. After 10-15 minutes, strain.

Delicious and healthy drink is ready! Consume preferably chilled.



  • 1 glass of milk
  • 0.5 cups of any jam
  • 0.5 glass of cream or ice cream
  • 50 g chocolate
  • Strawberries (optional)

Cooking method:

1. Bring milk to a boil and cool.
  2. Beat the milk, jam and cream (ice cream) until foaming.
  3. On the glass to make a bezel of sugar: moisten the edges of the glass with water and lower it for a while in sugar.
  4. Cocktail gently, without damaging the sugar rim, pour into glasses, and sprinkle with chocolate on top.
  5. Decorate the cocktail with strawberries or other berries.



  • 1 l of grape juice
  • 50 g honey

Cooking method:

1. Dissolve honey in a small amount of grape juice.
  2. Pour the remaining juice and mix well.
  3. Before serving, cool.

Black Chokeberry Drink


  • 100 g black chokeberry
  • 100 g plums
  • 2 apples
  • 2 leaves of black currant
  • 2 cherry leaves
  • 1 cup of sugar

Cooking method:

1. Chop rowanberries, apples and plums cut and pour 4 cups of water.
  2. Add currant and cherry leaves.
  3. All together boil for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Strain the drink, add 1 cup of sugar and boil again.
  5. Cool.

Grape drink


  • 1 glass of grape juice
  • 1 lemon
  • 3 tbsp. l orange juice
  • 0.5 cup sugar
  • 1 glass of water
  • 2 glasses of mineral water
  • 1 small bunch of grapes

Cooking method:

1. Boil syrup from sugar and water.
  2. In the ready syrup pour grape juice, squeeze the juice from the lemon, add orange juice and leave for 2-3 hours.
  3. Before serving, pour in mineral water.
  4. In each glass, put the grapes and pour a chilled drink.

Homemade cranberry lemonade


  • 0.75 cups of cranberries
  • 0.5 cup sugar
  • 1 liter soda water
  • Lemon peel 0.5

Cooking method:

1. Mash cranberries with a wooden spoon.
  2. Juice strain or squeeze juicer.
  3. Add soda and lemon zest pieces.

Serve chilled.

Vitamin Compote


  • 0.5 cup lingonberry
  • 1 cup blueberries
  • 2 lemon slices
  • 3 tbsp. l honey
  • 5 tbsp. l Sahara
  • 3 liters of water
  • 1 tsp cinnamon

Cooking method:

1. Pour water into a saucepan, add berries, sugar, honey, cinnamon and chopped lemon.
  2. Cook on medium heat for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Noise picker berries.

Compote ready.

Drink "Cheerfulness"


  • 1-2 lemons
  • 50 g sugar
  • 1 l of water
  • 1 glass of apple juice

Cooking method:

1. Peel, removed from lemon, finely chop, pour hot water, bring to a boil.
  2. Insist on for 3-4 hours.
  3. Strain and add sugar, squeezed lemon juice and cool.
  4. Add apple juice to the cooled broth.

Kvass "in haste"


  • 2 cups sugar
  • 30 g yeast
  • 20 g of citric acid
  • 10 l. water.

Cooking method:

1. Melt 1 cup of sugar in a pan until brown.
  2. In 10 liters of water add all the sugar and mix thoroughly.
  3. Add citric acid, yeast and mix.
  4. Pour into plastic bottles and refrigerate.

A day later, kvass is ready.

Enjoy your meal!