Sweet cherry compote recipe with apple cider vinegar. Sweet cherry compote in a pan

26.04.2019 Meat dishes


Hello my dear readers! We have matured late cherry - fragrant, bleeding juice, so beautiful that it is a pity to tear it and eat! But the endless rains and flying gangs of field thrushes make you quickly dispose of the harvest. Stretch the pleasure to eat it at least a week - will not work. Either it is bursting with moisture, or there will be only bones left on it on the stalks after the raid of birds. Therefore, an urgent need to roll up cherry compote for the winter.

Early sweet cherry is also suitable for making compote. Most often it is mixed with strawberries - this is how it tastes better. Late is good as a solo ingredient. She is absolutely self-sufficient and does not require any backing vocals. Although it is quite possible to combine it with apricots, peaches, some varieties of early apples, cherries.

Compote is twisted from the cherry of any color - red, yellow, white, "red-sided". The main requirement for raw materials - sweet cherry must be elastic, intact, not wormy. And if unwelcome guests start, then before cooking you should soak the berries in saline solution. The animal will float to the surface in horror and should be removed with a skimmer.

Compote is prepared with different content of sweet cherries. Someone prepares it because of the fragrant liquid, and someone more important is the cherry. In the first case, you should put a third of the can of berries and fill the rest of the volume with syrup, and in the second case, put the cherry in a container. It needs very little syrup.

Getting Started. First of all, I give you a recipe brought from the Donbass about thirty years ago by my girlfriend. In this way, the compote is harvested not only from cherries, but from any berries and even from large tassels of elastic grapes.

Sweet cherry compote with stones for the winter - a simple recipe without sterilization

Ingredients for making sugar syrup

  • Two liters of water.
  • 320-420 g of sugar (about two glasses).
  • 2-4 g of citric acid.

How to cook

  1. Prepare the container - clean it using ordinary soda or mustard powder, rinse thoroughly, sterilize it in any way you are used to.
  2. Cherry to sort out, select for rolling compote only a whole, not wrinkled, without damage and signs of spoilage of the berry. Free from fruit stems, if they remain, thoroughly wash.
  3. Fill the banks for a third.
  4. Prepare syrup, boil it.
  5. Pour into banks through the top, immediately roll up the boiled lids, put upside down.
  6. Cover the cans with warm clothes. And above the pile - use the old coat, blankets.
  7. Leave it until it gets cold.

My comments

  • This method allows you to keep the taste of fresh berries.
  • Justifiably prepare for the winter compote of fresh sweet cherry without sterilization in containers of at least 3 liters.
  • Almost the same way they roll assorted cherries with strawberries. Fruits take in any ratio.

Sweet cherry compote with sterilization

If you make a compote with a predominant content of berries, then the syrup in it will not be too much. Such a product must be sterilized to avoid spoilage during storage. This drink is made from berries with stones and without stones. In the first case, a syrup of 35% concentration should be prepared (for 350 g of water, 350 g of sugar). In the second case, we prepare sugar syrup of 50% concentration (for 500 g of water, 500 g of sugar). On a jar with a volume of 1 l approximately 300-350 ml of syrup is required. For every liter of syrup, add 1 g of citric acid.

How to roll up

  1. Raw materials to sort, select for processing only the highest quality berries. Rinse in several waters, tear off the stalk and select the bones (if you cook without them).
  2. In sterilized jars pour cherries almost to the top.
  3. Make the syrup of the desired concentration. Hot syrup (60 ° C) pour cherry. Throw sterilized lids on the jars.
  4. Install in a container with water heated to 70 ° C for sterilization. At the bottom of the pan can be placed a wooden plate or folded several times clean cloth.
  5. Sterilize at 100 ° С containers with a volume of 1 l - 30 minutes (with stones) or 20 minutes (without stones).
  6. Hermetically tighten, put upside down and cool as quickly as possible, but not in a draft.

My comments

Compote on technology of double filling without sterilization

Ingredients for a three-liter jar

  • 1.8-2 kg sweet cherries (approximately).
  • 1-1.2 liters of water.
  • 1 cup of sugar.
  • 2 g of citric acid.

How to cook

  1. Prepared cherries in the above way, pour into jars almost to the neck.
  2. Boil water, pour it into jars to the top of the neck, put sterile lids on. Let them stand like this for 10-12 minutes.
  3. Pour the water into the pot. The most convenient way to do this is through gauze, attached to a can of rubber or a perforated cover.
  4. Put sugar and citric acid in water, heat the syrup to 100 ° C, boil for 1 minute.
  5. Pour so that the syrup overflows through the neck of the container.
  6. Roll up the same hour, turn it upside down, wrap it with something warm and leave it until the compote is completely cool.

The recipe for compote from pitted cherries for a child

If you decide to make a compote of fresh or frozen sweet cherries for the child, then it should be cooked without pits. After all, the baby can choke on them. Homemade drink is much more useful than store juices and carbonated drinks, stuffed with "chemistry" and sugar substitutes. He has only one drawback - a high sugar content, which is certainly harmful. Therefore, we will cheat and will prepare compote in a saucepan to drink now, without sugar at all. When the fruit has cooled, we sweeten it with liquid honey (if the child does not have allergies) or we put a small amount of sugar, like in tea.

How to cook

  1. We sort and select high-quality berries for compote, free them from the stalks, conscientiously wash them in water, remove the bones.
  2. Boil clean water, send the fruit into it, bring it to a boil again, remove from heat and leave the beverage to stand in a saucepan.
  3. Pour into cups or glasses and add sugar or honey to taste.

We got slowly to the end of our meeting today. Of course, you can cook fresh sweet cherry compote in a saucepan to drink immediately, throughout the whole season of this delicious berry. But in the summer it is better to just eat any fruit fresh, and prepare compotes for the winter.

At our home it is customary on New Year to open the first jar of some compote with a high content of fruits. Most often it is cherry, pear or. For me, such a “hello from the warm summer” tastes better than any cake. Yes, and kids love to "peck" delicious berries.

Today I have exhausted the program. I would be very grateful if you share the recipe on social networks. I look forward to your comments - they support in me the hope and confidence that my writing is still necessary to someone.
  Always your Irina.

I give you today a bright charming melody.

Jehro - Continuando


To prepare the sweet cherry compote for the winter without sterilization (for 2 three-liter jars) you will need:
water - 5 liters;
sugar - 3 cups;
citric acid - 1 tsp. (0.5 tsp. per jar);
sweet cherry with a stone - 400-500 g (per jar).

Cooking stages

Rinse the cherry under running water, clean the garbage from the berries, remove the damaged ones. Be sure to remove the green twigs from the berries.

Put the berries in a colander, let drain water.

Prepare the jars for seaming, for this, wash them and sterilize them in a convenient way for you. I use a special circle, it can be put on the pan or ladle. We put water in the pot, put a circle on top, as soon as the water boils, put the jar (the jar should not touch boiling water) and sterilize it over the steam at a slow fire for 3-5 minutes.

Separately in boiling water, put caps for seaming, check that they have a gum. Boil for 2-3 minutes. Cover the sterilized jar with a boiled lid.

In a large pot, pour about 5 liters of water (into 2 three-liter jars), as soon as the water boils, add sugar. Mix well and boil the syrup until the sugar has melted. After re-boiling, you can pour the syrup prepared jars of sweet cherry with stones. But beforehand, add 1/2 tsp of citric acid to each jar to preserve bright color, besides, the cherry flavor is neutral, so a slight sour taste will not hurt this compote.

Place the jar on a towel and pour the hot syrup to the very top, cover the jar with a lid and roll it up.

Turn the ready sweet cherry compote with stones, immediately wrap up with a warm blanket or a blanket and leave to cool completely (for a day), then put into the cellar. In winter, you can enjoy a delicious cherry compote.

Tasty and enjoyable moments!

Winter ... A blizzard is blowing outside the window, and real summer in the kitchen! On the table - a jar with cherry compote. You open it, and from there - the aroma of this summer berry, instantly spreading around the apartment. Matchless taste. The sweetest gentle shade. Variety of flavor accents. All this is about her - about one of the earliest berries, opening the pore of fruits containing carotene, nicotinic acid, vitamin C and a sea of ​​other utilities, including, by the way, and iodine. This fruit, which is inscribed even in the cohort of aphrodisiacs, beautifies any meal. As soon as the cherry-tree season begins, the hostesses take up the harvesting of this stone fruit, whose flesh is dense, resilient and does not soften even after cooking. It is easy to guess that for this reason recipes of sweet cherry compote for the winter are in demand - with and without stones, with citric acid and strawberries, which gives the drink more vivid flavor accents. All this, plus recipes without sterilization - this is already a tradition in homes where people think about how tasty and useful each winter meal will be seasoned. Any simple recipe with a photo of this sophisticated drink will delight those who care about the health of their home.
  There are some nuances of this process that everyone needs to know. For example, how many cherries in a jar to put? It defines all the taste, that is, how you will drink this delicacy - either immediately, without diluting, or pouring water or soda into a concentrated drink. With or without bone? You choose. The same situation with sugar, and with the method of preparation - whether to sterilize, to pasteurize, whether. Since there are a lot of recipes for making compote from cherries, it is necessary to dwell on a more appropriate one. So, it is much easier to pour berries in boiled water in prepared jars, boil syrup from the water drained after a few minutes, pour the cherries over them and roll them up. But with pasteurization and sterilization is somewhat more difficult, but safer in terms of preservation. But what can't you do for your loved ones! And therefore take up the work.

Sweet Cherry Compote: A Simple Recipe # 1 with Photos

Compote for the winter of this white berries, whether pink or red - canned and without stones. True, the majority of hostesses, knowing that the drink will be brighter and retain all the best, are more willing to take the whole fruit. What are the secrets of a simple recipe for cherry compote and with pits for winter? Let's get acquainted!

  • sugar - 1 kilogram 200 grams

Step-by-step instruction of the preparation of the drink with stones

  1. Each has its own way of sterilizing the cans, so prepare them for preservation - you can wash it with soda, sterilize it in a couple or in the oven, and so on.
  2. Cherry berries need to be prepared - to sort out, discarding rotten specimens, etc. Wash well and let dry.
  3. Remove the stem and fill the cherry bottle or jar. Zasyplem in each 200 gr. Sahara. Attention: since our heroine - sweet cherry - is famous for its sweet taste, preparing it as a compote, it is important not to overdo it with sugar, otherwise the compote will be spoiled. True, a few drops of lemon can correct the situation.
  4. Then it is important to quickly fill the entire contents with boiling water and roll up the sterilized caps.
  5. While everything is hot, you need to immediately send the bottles to the floor - cool. It would be nice to cover everything with something warm. This is how this gorgeous sweet cherry compote with stones in winter will look like.

Cherry Compote with Bones: A Simple Recipe # 2 with Photos

Ingredients for Bone Drink

  • sweet cherry - 2 kilograms
  • sugar - 400-500 grams

Step-by-step instruction of preparation of the drink with stones for winter

  1. Selecting a sweet cherry, cutting off the stalk and rinsing the berries without taking out the bones.
  2. Putting them in a colander, let dry.
  3. Prepare the container for conservation (washing the jars, sterilize and let dry).
  4. Having poured the berry into the jar, pour boiling water into it.
  5. Cover the neck, let stand for a quarter of an hour.
  6. Replacing this cover with a plastic one (with holes), pour out water and boil it.
  7. Gradually adding sugar (to taste), let's dissolve all the crystals.
  8. Bring the syrup to a boil, fill them with the cherries and twist them with the key.
  9. Turning the container lids down and covered with a blanket, let it stand for two days.
  10. We will send a preservation to a cold place.

How beautiful this sweet cherry compote will look like - a recipe from a photo of which you will certainly like!

Cherry Cone Sugar Compote: A Spice Recipe

This wonderful compote needs cold because there is no key preservative in it - sugar. But it does not matter - when you pour a glass in the winter, do not forget to add a little honey in the cup - oh and tasty, oh and useful!

Ingredients for a Sugar-Free Drink

  • sweet cherry - how much will go
  • carnation - 2-3 buds
  • allspice - 1-2 peas
  • vanilla - to taste

Step-by-step instruction on the preparation of a sweet cherry drink without sugar

  1. As usual, we will prepare both the dishes and the raw materials.
  2. Then put the berries in jars, filling them two thirds. Attention: do not forget to constantly shake the jars slightly, tamping up the contents.
  3. All cooked spices put in boiling water.
  4. Pour this boiling water with berries in jars.
  5. It remains to sterilize the dishes (half a liter - within 10 minutes, a liter - 15, and do not feel sorry for the three-liter half an hour).
  6. After closing the key, we will send the banks to the cellar.

Delicious sweet cherry compote with citric acid: a recipe for winter

A sweet cherry drink prepared by similar methods can be seasoned with, say, citric acid — a few crystals, and the taste, thanks to the recipe for the winter of sweet cherry compote with citric acid, turns out to be sour-sweet. And if during a boil in water to throw a couple of leaves, for example, mint, the aroma of the drink will be special!

Ingredients for the recipe of the compote of sweet cherry compote with citric acid

  • Sweet Cherry - 3 kilograms
  • Strawberries - 600 grams
  • Sugar - 4 glasses
  • Citric acid - 3-4 tablespoons
  • Mint - 15 leaves

Step-by-step recipe of cherry compote with citric acid for winter

  1. We wash under a tap and mint, and all the other participants of this action.
  2. We clean them from too much.
  3. Sterilize parallel dishes and covers. Attention: out of this amount of raw material, either 6 liters, or 2 three-liter, or one can of 3 liters (they must be filled in half, and even a little more) will come out.
  4. A couple of leaves put in a jar and fill them with boiling water.
  5. After a quarter of an hour, remove the leaves, and put in water sugar (a glass or a liter of water), citric acid (3 tsp). Attention: it is necessary to add acid in small doses, taste to the taste!
  6. Spoon everything with a spoon, boil it.
  7. Immediately send the sweet and sour mixture in jars of berries.
  8. Quickly twist the caps.
  9. Covering something warm, leave the bottom turned down the bottom of the banks to cool.
  10. Keep in cool.
Attention: a drink from a sweet cherry with a stone needs to be stored no more than 2 years. Then it will become unhealthy.

How to cook compote from pitted cherries for the winter - a recipe with pasteurization # 1

Do not think that this type of preservation will be more like something between a sweet cherry in its own juice and jam. It all depends on the time, on which container you will close this or other sweet cherry fruit compote, the recipe of which you will like, and on other factors.

Recipe 1

Ingredients for harvesting seedless per liter jar:

  • peeled sweet cherry - 2-4 glasses
  • sugar - 100 grams

Step-by-step recipe for harvesting pitted cherries for winter

  1. We will sort out the raw materials, removing all unnecessary.
  2. Let's wash and clean the bones in a convenient way. Attention: it is better not to do this with your hands, since a lot of juice will flow out and the pulp will be broken; There are special devices or, in extreme cases, an ordinary pin.
  3. The liberated berries of a sweet cherry are laid in sterilized dishes.
  4. Put on the gas pan for a water bath.
  5. We sprinkle sugar on the cherries, and pour boiling water into the jar.
  6. Covering the lids of the jars, put them in water heated to 85 degrees and pasteurized (half-liter jars - 10-12 minutes, liter and three-liter - 20).
  7. Screw the lid on the key and send it to cool.

How to cook cherry compote seedless for the winter - a recipe with pasteurization # 2

We will need:

  • Cherries
  • Sugar

Step-by-step recipe:

  1. After going through the berries, rinse them under running water and clean the stones.
  2. Sterilize dishes and lids for preservation in a convenient way.
  3. Let's place a sweet cherry in cans (on a three-liter bottle - 300-350 grams).
  4. Let them stand after they are filled with boiling water for 10 minutes. Attention: then in a pot of water poured into a pot, add a glass of water to boil.
  5. In a bottle we pour on 150-200 grams of granulated sugar (at will).
  6. Bringing to a boil, boil a delicious compote of sweet cherries for about three minutes.
  7. After the berries are filled with boiling syrup, the bottles need to be rolled up.
  8. Cool the cherry compotius in the usual way, but it is preferable to put the cans upside down closed with something warm.

Hurry up, if you have time to enjoy these juicy fruits. After all, the pleasure can be continued in the winter - in the form of compotes, which will be waiting for you in the storeroom or on the mezzanines from the summer. You will soon realize that the actual harvest in the form of compote from sweet cherry without stones and sterilization will always be.

A simple recipe for sweet cherry and strawberry compote for the winter without cooking

By the way, it is not necessary to cook only mono-compotes. Why not add something that would make the taste of the drink even more original? Say, assorted - compote of cherries and strawberries for the winter. Tasty and healthy is not the right word!

Required products (proportions per 1 liter of water):

  • strawberry - 1 kilogram
  • sugar - 300 grams
  • sweet cherry - 1 kilogram

Step-by-step recipe:

  1. We will free this whole mix from tails and so on. (this compote is boiled both with bone and without).
  2. Carefully wash them. Attention: it is better that the strawberries are small, and then the recipe with a photo of sweet cherry compote will even look nicer - the berries will be one to one.
  3. We arrange the sterilization of dishes and lids.
  4. In the prepared jars (at the bottom) we put this set of berries.
  5. Covering them with sugar, a portion of boiling water (to fill 2/3 tare).
  6. In any way it is necessary to achieve the complete dissolution of all sugar crystals.
  7. Then pour steep boiling water over the hanger and roll up the cooked lids.
  8. Turn over and wrap in duvet.

A simple recipe for cherry-strawberry compote for the winter with cooking

We need to cook:

  • sweet Cherries - 150 grams
  • strawberries - 150 grams
  • sugar - 1 incomplete glass

Step-by-step recipe:

  1. We will observe everything that usually precedes conservation - we will prepare both berries and dishes.
  2. Let boil 3 liters of water and pour sugar into the pan (it is important to dissolve it completely).
  3. Boil 7 minutes sweet cherry.
  4. After we put a strawberry to it, cook for 5 minutes.
  5. It remains to pour all this into the banks and roll up.
  6. Let them cool down, covered with something warm and set upside down - this is a guarantee of good sterilization.

A simple recipe for sweet cherries and apricots for winter

Ingredients per jar in 3 liters:

  • sweet cherry - 500 grams
  • apricot - 500 grams
  • syrup - 2 liters

Step-by-step recipe:

  1. The syrup is brewed considering how sour the apricot will be. Warning: the more it is sour, the more sugar is required.
  2. It would be nice to lay cherries with apricots in layers - it will look more beautiful in a jar.
  3. The contents poured in boiling syrup need pasteurisation under the caps (spend half an hour on it, starting at 80 ° C).
  4. Rolled up the jars, send them to cool, and only then - on the shelves.

This taste - a specific, sour-sweet taste of sweet cherry compote with strawberries or apricots touches you on these cold winter days, recalling the coming summer. By the way, this is exactly how you can put apples, plums and other berries (preferably sour!) In the cherry compote. Use the season and all the possibilities of these wonderful berries, and make preparations for the winter!

Sweet cherry compote for the winter: video recipe

The color of the cherry, of course, determines the taste of the future preparation. The author of the video we offer is cooking a white berry drink. Your attention is provided not only the recipe itself, but also tips on collecting sweet cherries and so on. Up to get rid of worms, which is enough in the boxes, collected after the rain.

A delicious compote of sweet cherries, which you will discover in the winter, will certainly bring many benefits - in terms of both quenching thirst, and saturating with usefulness, and aesthetics. But most of all, he will remind every time that summer is coming. So, it will be necessary to make the most of every day, as soon as a tasty berry appears on the trees or on the shelves of the markets. Whichever cherry variety or color you choose, the recipe for making a drink you will rejoice in everything - and compote from pitted cherries with pits, compotes with strawberries or other berries and fruits, with citric acid, with or without sterilization. Having remembered or having written down this or that simple recipe with a photo, you will prepare in the next season spins, which will be a good help in all respects!

The cherry and cherry season is in full swing. When the whole family ate juicy, fragrant berries, it's time to think about harvesting cherries and cherries for the winter. If your family loves compotes, while you have a storage room, reliable mezzanines, or, best of all, a spacious cellar, in which you can store compote jars without any special problems, now comes the hottest time. It doesn’t matter if you harvest from your plot or buy berries on the market, sweet cherry compote will always come in handy in winter.

Sweet cherry is one of the earliest berries. It was she who opens the fruit season. Cherry berries contain carotene, nicotinic acid, vitamin C and other beneficial substances, including iodine. Sweet cherry attributed properties of aphrodisiacs. By the way, sweet cherry compotes are considered the best of the stone fruits, since the pulp of these berries is dense, elastic and does not soften after heat treatment.

Cherry does not lag behind cherries in the content of nutrients. Brightly colored cherries give a rich color in compote, which allows it to be used in the preparation of colorful assorted compotes. It is better to collect cherries together with the stalks, since when they are separated, the juice begins to stand out from the berries. It is better to remove the stems just before cooking.

You can prepare mono-compotes of cherries or cherries, mix these types of berries or make a compote with them, adding any berries or fruits - it will still be tasty and healthy. And it is beautiful - after all, sweet cherry is not only red, but also yellow and pink.

To make a compote from a cherry or a cherry, the berries must be picked, washed, and removed. It is not necessary to remove the stones, but remember that stone fruit compotes cannot be stored for more than 2 years.

Cook compote in different ways. The easiest way is to pour the berries into prepared banks, pour boiling water on it, let it stand, then drain the water and boil the syrup on it, then pour the berries in the jar again with boiling syrup and roll it up. This method is good for a large number of berries and housewives who do not like long fuss with banks. The most difficult is with pasteurization or sterilization, when the berries are poured with pre-cooked syrup of the desired concentration, the banks are placed in deep dishes, filled with hot water and heated at a temperature of 80-100 ° C. Yes, this method is time-consuming, but the most reliable.

The number of berries of cherry or cherry per one can is determined empirically and depends on tastes. Someone likes to open a can of compote and drink immediately, without diluting, but it is more convenient for someone to cook a concentrated compote that can be diluted with sparkling or boiled water - tips are irrelevant here. Cherry or cherry compote recipes contain recommendations on the number of berries and sugar, but they are not strict, you can change them as you wish. The only thing that cannot be changed is the cooking method. If you ignore the recommendations to sterilize or pasteurize the compote, you risk losing your blanks. Therefore, be careful and choose recipes that suit you best.

  4-5 stack sweet cherries
  1.5 stacks Sahara,
  vanilla - to taste.

  Berries sort out and rinse. Boil water at a rate of about 2.5-2.7 liters per can. Sterilize the jars, fill them with berries and fill with boiling water. Cover and leave for 10-15 minutes. Drain the jars in a saucepan, add sugar, boil and add vanilla. Pour syrup berries in the banks and immediately roll up. Turn the jars upside down and wrap.

Compote of sweet cherries and apples


  3 kg of sweet cherries
  1 kg of apples
  400 g of sugar
  1.5 liters of water
  3 g of citric acid.

  Sort out the sweet cherry and rinse. Peel apples and cut into slices. Boil syrup from water, citric acid and sugar. Fill the prepared jars by ⅓ with a mixture of cherries and apples, cover with boiling syrup and put in sterilization. 3-liter jars must be sterilized in boiling water for 30 minutes. Roll up and flip.

Red and Yellow Sweet Cherry Compote

  5 pieces. 0.8-liter jars of red and yellow sweet cherry,
  1 l of water
  650-700 grams of sugar.

Take the berries and rinse, spread on clean banks. Cook the syrup from sugar and water, pour hot on the banks and put on sterilization. Sterilization time: 20 minutes from the moment of boiling. Roll up, turn and cool.

Compote from pitted cherries

  1-2 stack sweet cherries
  50 grams of sugar.

  Sort out the sweet cherry, wash and remove the bones. Put in clean jars, pour sugar and pour boiling water. Cover and sterilize for 20 minutes after boiling. Roll up.

Black currant compote

  1 kg of sweet cherry
  100 g of black currant,
  1 l of water
  300 grams of sugar.

  Sort and rinse the berries, place in clean jars and cover with boiling syrup. Put sterilized for 25-30 minutes. Roll up, flip.

Sweet cherry and strawberry compote

Ingredients per 3 liter jar:
  1.5 kg sweet cherries,
  1.5 kg of strawberries
  1.5 liters of water
  700 grams of sugar.

  Boil syrup out of water and sugar and cool. Prepared berries lay in jars in layers, cover with syrup, cover with lids and pasteurize at a temperature of 80 ° C for 25 minutes. Roll up.

Compote of cherries and strawberries

  3 kg of sweet cherries
  500 g strawberries
  4 stack Sahara,
  2.5 tsp citric acid
  1 sprig of mint.

  Rinse the cherry. Wash strawberries, but do not remove the sepals. Put in a clean jar first cherry, then strawberries, put mint leaves on top of them. Fill with boiling water and let stand for 15-20 minutes. Then drain the water, add sugar at the rate of 1 liter of water 1 stack. sugar, boil the syrup and add citric acid. Pour the jars of berries with boiling syrup and roll them up. Turn over, wrap.

Cherry compote with lemon. At the bottom of each liter cans lay a circle of lemon without stones. Fill the jars with the washed berries, shaking them so that the berries are as tight as possible. Pour sugar into each jar to taste. Fill with boiling water and sterilize under the covers: 0.5-liter jars - 7-10 minutes, 1-liter - 12-15 minutes, 3-liter - 20 minutes. Roll up, flip. Instead of lemon, you can use an orange.

Compote of assorted cherries, cherries and apricots

Ingredients per 1-liter jar:
  200 grams of sweet cherries
  200 grams of sweet cherries
  200 g apricots,
  400 g of 30% sugar syrup.

Cook the syrup at the rate of 200-350 g of sugar per 1 liter of water. Rinse the sweet cherries, cherries and apricots, remove the stalks and bones (optional). Put layers in jars, pour boiling water and leave for 10 minutes under the lids. Then drain the water and fill with boiling syrup. Roll up. Turn and wrap. The water drained from the cans, use to prepare the syrup for the next batches of compote.

Simple cherry compote

Ingredients per 3 liter jar:
  1-2 kg of cherries
  300 grams of sugar.

  Pour the prepared berries into sterilized jars, cover with boiling water. Cover with a lid and leave for 10-15 minutes. Drain in an enamel pan, add sugar and bring to a boil. Pour boiling syrup over the cherries in the jars and roll them up immediately. Turn and wrap.

Compote from cherries and apricots

Ingredients per 3 liter jar:
  500 g cherries
  500 g apricots,
  1.5-2 liters of syrup (20-60%).

  Cook the syrup, based on the sweetness of cherries and apricots. The more sour berries, the more sugar you need to put with the syrup. Place the prepared berries in jars in layers, cover with boiling syrup and pasteurize under covers for 25-30 minutes at 80 ° C. Roll up.

Compote from cherries and mulberries

  Ingredients per 3 liter jar:

  1 stack cherries
  ½ stack mulberry,
  1 stack Sahara,
  ½ tsp citric acid.

  Pour the prepared berries into the jar, add sugar and citric acid. Fill with boiling water and immediately roll up sterilized lids. Turn over. Wrap and allow to cool completely.

Cherry compote with sugar free spices


  cherry - how much will leave,
  2-3 buds of cloves
  1-2 peas allspice,

  Fill the sterilized jars with ⅔ prepared berries with stones, constantly shaking the jars. Boil the water, put the spices and fill the jars. Put to be sterilized: 0.5-liter - 10-12 minutes, 1-liter - 13-15 minutes, 3-liter - 30 minutes. Roll up.

Cherry and blueberry compote

Ingredients for a 0.5-liter jar:
  200 g cherries
  400 g blueberries,
  400 ml of 50% sugar syrup.

  Cook sugar syrup at the rate of 1 kg of sugar per 1 liter of water. Rinse the berries, drain and place on a towel to dry. Prepared berries fill the banks to the shoulders, laying them in layers. Fill with hot syrup and sterilize for 8 minutes. Roll up.

Compote-assorted cherries and chokeberry

  Ingredients for a 0.5-liter jar:

  250 g cherries
  300 g black chokeberry,
  450 ml of 60% sugar syrup.

Boil the syrup at the rate of 600 g of sugar per 400 ml of water. Rinse and dry the berries. Do not remove stones from cherries. Fill sterilized jars with berries, placing them in rows, pour boiling syrup and sterilize, cover with lids, at a temperature of 80 ° C for 20 minutes. Roll up, flip.

Cherry compote in own juice

Squeeze the juice from a piece of cherries and heat it with sugar at the rate of 200-300 g of sugar per 1 liter of juice. Rinse the cherries, put them in jars, cover with juice and pasteurize at a temperature of 85 ° C: 0.5-liter jars - 10 minutes, 1-liter - 15 minutes. Roll up.

Good luck!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Cherries are a favorite berry, in season both children and adults eagerly eat it.

But here in the winter it is harvested relatively rarely.

The reason, probably, is that the conservation of sweet cherries requires some conditions, the subtleties of its preparation are not known to everyone.

General principles of sweet cherry canning for the winter

To cook really great canned sweet cherry, you need to choose good fruit. They should not be small and crooked: if the berries are tasteless, how can they make a delicious harvest?

Sweet cherry is often wormy. Check for wormholes. If found, do not take the berries from this tray: probably the whole sweet cherry is infected here, it's just not noticeable yet.

Cherry twigs are not removed before sale. If not, they were probably in a very bad condition. Take this berry is not worth it, like the one in which the twigs dried or rotted. Tasty canned sweet cherries from such raw materials can not cook.

To the touch berries of sweet cherry should be dense and smooth. They will be tasty and juicy. Fruits watery or rough are not suitable for the conservation of sweet cherries.

Sweet cherry contains very little acid. To correct this, it is customary to add citric acid or natural citrus fruits to canned sweet cherry.

Cherry jam must be cooked in several stages: only in this case the berries will remain dense, filled with sweet juice. However, sometimes these fruits do not boil at all, but only poured boiling syrup several times: this way canned sweet cherries will taste better.

When preserving cherries often use different spices. This is usually vanilla, but cinnamon, star anise, cardamom are also often added. This gives the finished dish an indescribable flavor and delicate taste.

Recipe 1. Preservation of sweet cherries in their own juice


Sweet cherry - 2 kg

Citric acid - 6 g

Cooking method

For this method of preservation, it is necessary to select dense and very ripe berries, without signs of spoilage and not crumpled.

They should be thoroughly rinsed: first put in a bowl with slightly acidified water, and then rinsed, poured into a colander, under the faucet.

Using a special device to free the berries from the bones.

It is very tight to put the prepared sweet cherries in the liter jars, trying to ensure that there are no voids. Now and then you need to lightly sprinkle the berries with citric acid.

At the bottom of a large pot lay a towel and pour cold water. Put there the banks of cherries (open, of course), so that they were in the water "on the shoulders." Pasteurize in boiling water for about 20 minutes, then roll up.

Recipe 2. Canned sweet cherry: compote


Granulated sugar - 400 g

Water - 800 ml

Vanilla sugar - tablespoon

Citric acid - a teaspoon

Sweet and dark cherries - about one and a half kg; this is approximate, in fact, as much as will fit into the banks

Cooking method

In an enamel pan, heat the water and pour sugar and vanilla sugar into it. Stir. Warm up to a boil.

Wash the cherries very thoroughly and spread them into sterilized jars.

Pour boiling syrup over the cherries and cover with sterilized lids (do not roll up!).

Let stand for 5 minutes, then pour the syrup back into the pan and bring to the boil again. Banks, just drain the syrup, immediately cover with lids, so that the cherry is not very cold.

Pour citric acid into the boiling syrup, immediately stir it and, without delay, re-pour it into the jars with the top. Roll up immediately (the syrup squeezed out by the cap should come out from under the lid), wipe with a damp cloth, turn it upside down. Banks to cover with a towel or something like that and leave it until cool.

Recipe 3. Preservation of sweet cherries with assorted garden berries


Sweet cherry - 1 kg

A mixture of berries (strawberries, apricots, red currants, etc.) - 1 kg

Granulated sugar - 2 kg

Water - approximately 2 glasses

Peel of orange halves

Cooking method

All berries very carefully rinse first in a bowl, and then running water. To clear from stones, leaflets, twigs.

In an enamel saucepan, heat the water, into which then pour the sugar and chopped orange zest. Heat until boiling, constantly stirring the syrup so that it does not burn.

Berries placed in a bowl for cooking. Pour them with boiling syrup, put on medium heat and bring to a boil, but do not boil.

Let stand for at least 6 hours, then put on the fire again and bring the jam to a boil. Boil for 5 minutes and leave for another 6 hours, then repeat the procedure.

Spread even hot jam in sterilized jars and close the lids. Keep the workpiece better in the refrigerator.

Recipe 4. Canned sweet cherry “Jam with a surprise”


Lemon - 1 pc

Dark large sweet cherry - 1 kg

Sugar - 1 kg

Almond nuts - about half a cup

Water - one and a half cups

Cinnamon - a teaspoon

Cooking method

Scald almonds and peel. Divide each nut into several pieces the size of a cherry stone.

Rinse berries well and get rid of twigs and seeds. It is better to use a special device for this purpose, but you can also slightly cut the cherries with the tip of a knife. Inside each berry to put a piece of nut.

In an enamel saucepan, make a syrup from sugar and water, add cinnamon to it.

Pour berries with boiling syrup and let stand for a couple of hours.

Again put the jam on the fire and warm up, not allowing it to boil for about half an hour.

Cut the lemon into thin slices. Gently dip the lemon slices into the jam and cook it in the same heat for another five minutes.

Cool, spread on sterilized jars and put in storage in a cool place.

Recipe 5. Cherry preservation: pickling


Sweet cherry - about one and a half kilograms (as long as it takes to fill the jars)

Sugar - 800g

Allspice - 2-3 peas

Carnation - 2-3 buds

Badian - 1 star

Cinnamon - a centimeter piece of sticks

Acetic acid (80%) - a half tablespoon

Water - 1 liter and 1 glass

Cooking method

Berries carefully to sort and wash, clean from the tails.

Grind all the spices with your hands or a rolling pin and put them in jars.

Spread the cherries in the banks.

In a saucepan (it is better to use enameled) boil water and pour sugar there. It is better to strain the syrup, then pour the acetic acid into it and stir.

Immediately pour the hot marinade into the jars, immediately place them in a large saucepan, the bottom of which is pre-covered with a napkin, pour hot water so that it reaches the banks "by the hangers" and pasteurize the banks covered with roofs, but not rolled up, about 10 (for floors - liter) or 15 (for liter) minutes at the weakest boil (so that the water only slightly tremble).

Roll up the jars, turn them upside down and cover with a terry towel or plaedik. Leave it until cool.

Recipe 6. Canned sweet cherry in the form of marmalade


Sweet cherry (it is better to choose red or black varieties to make the color more beautiful) - 2 kg

Granulated sugar - 1 kg

Medium size lemon - 1 piece

Cooking method

Lemon should be thoroughly washed with a special brush.

Cherry to sort out with attention, then thoroughly washed and dried.

Free the berries from the twigs and bones (you can use a special device to extract the bones, or you can simply cut each berry and shake out the bone with the edge of the knife).

Fill the berries with a glass of water, mix and let stand for the berries to give the juice.

Pour just a couple of tablespoons of water into the cooking pot, pour out the sweet cherry and start cooking on the smallest fire, shaking the bowl every now and then or stirring its contents with a wooden spoon or spatula.

After about five minutes, puree the contents of the basin using a blender and pour another glass of granulated sugar. To boil again, gradually dosypaya remaining sugar.

Separately, grind the lemon with the blender with the peel, but preferably without stones. Put gruel in marmalade and boil for some time until marmalade becomes quite thick.

Spread the marmalade on pre-sterilized jars and cover with sterilized lids.

Keep this billet in a cool place.

Recipe 7. Cherry preservation: syrup


Sweet cherry (strictly dark: dark red or black) - about 3 kg

Sugar - about 1 kg

Citric acid - 10 g

Cooking method

First you need to rinse and sort out the sweet cherry, ruthlessly removing the crumpled and the more spoiled berries. Also remove the tails and leaves, and then the bones, and then squeeze the juice from the cherries using a juicer, since it should be without pulp.

"Cake" can be boiled separately with sugar and a small amount of water - you get a great gravy for the curd or fritters. And you can cook jelly, but this is an amateur: it tastes a bit too neutral.

Pour the prepared juice into an enamel pan and heat, pour the sugar into the hot juice and stir until it is completely dissolved.

Cook for about five minutes. Light foam on the surface should not be removed, it is enough just to stir it, but the one that will appear later - thick and dense - must be removed. Syrup by this point should also be thick.

Cover with citric acid and cook for another five minutes, then turn off, cover and cool. Pour into sterilized bottles, carefully filtering. Close and store in a cool place.

Recipe 8. Canned sweet cherries with spices


Water - 1 l

Sweet Cherry - 1 kg (different varieties are possible, but be sure to select large berries)

Citric acid - a teaspoon

Sugar - 2/3 cup (lovers of very sweet can be more)

Vanilla - the fifth part of a small pod

Cinnamon - a piece of about 3 cm

Carnation - a pair of buds

Badian - 1 star

Cooking method

Rinse and dry the sweet cherry, free it from twigs and stones (you can just cut and shake the bone).

Arrange the berries on the banks, filling them almost to the top.

Dissolve sugar in water, add spices and boil for 2 - 3 minutes. Add citric acid.

Bring syrup to boil again. Pour berries with boiling syrup, cover (but not close!) With lids, put into a large saucepan with a napkin at the bottom and pasteurize 10 (half-liter) or 15 (liter) minutes.

Roll up, put upside down and cover with a thick towel.

  • Berries of light varieties do not look very nice. If you decide to take a yellow or pink cherry for preservation, add a little red or black. However, you can use any other berries of bright color: strawberries, black currants ... Cherries are just not very good: it looks like cherries, but smaller, so it will look unpresentable.
  • In order for the cherry in the jam to appear as if it were transparent, the berries should be pinned in several places with a pin (this is only suitable for dark berries: ugly dots are visible on the light) and cook at a temperature slightly below the boiling point, and in two or three doses, cooling the jam between cooking.